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Windows help....


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I have a media PC that consistently pulls torrents and runs a few processes that ends with me having 100s of movies/tV shows. I RDC into this box from a laptop due to the media server just running in the basement. It started to run very slow over RDC and the stream was acting odd. I started messing around and found I have 800,000 temp files in c:\users\admin\appdata\local\temp. This equal roughly 40gb. I cannot delete them. I can't even select all of them. I've booted to safe mode, can't delete. DOS del *.*...nothing. How the hell can I clear this folder?
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wtf is RDC? Im assuming youre talking about RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol)


You could try booting up the Hirens boot CD and using mini windows xp. Its an emulated Windows XP that runs through RAM and would allow you to delete the files even if they are protected.



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Sorry...using the Mac Remote Desktop Client (RDC) to get to the Windows box. It's running Win 7.


AH. I see.


Windows 7 or not, i still suggest the Hirens boot cd. Download the ISO, Burn the ISO to a disk/flash drive, boot up the disk on the media center (youll have to sit at the machine to do this) and select mini windows XP. Its a live operating system so you wont actually have to install anything. It has a bunch of utilities including a file manager that will allow you to delete the files you are trying to delete. As brian mentioned, don't do them all at once. It will lock up and could corrupt some shit.


Perhas someone has a simplier idea.

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I'll give it a shot. I'm puzzled as to how this happened...the extent of it that is.


Windows boxes running for long periods of time will accumulate this sort of crap. It's also possible that the size of the problem is related to your torrent client not cleaning up after itself after a download is complete.

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