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Truck Broken Into


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Went to dinner at BJs brewhouse on Polaris tonight. My sub and amp were stolen out of it. I ask that CR keep an eye out for the Sub and Amp. The Amp is a run of the mill Kicker kx1000.1. However the sub is a one off 15" sub that was custom built for me and is easily identifiable by the huge magnet and the smooth "RE" dust cap.

The box was just a cheap fiber board box.





Pics of damage. They broke in by popping out the driver side lock, and of course fucked up my door in the process.




The even managed to fuck up the headliner and push out my roof along with cracking the paint there.


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Sorry to hear boss. :-(


Always a sinking feeling to walk out to your ride and realize it's been broken into. Oddly enough, it was at Kroger in Polaris as well that my truck was broken into once and stereo stolen but that was years ago.

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Damn.....on Polaris too....did you ask BJ's if they have security cameras out in the Parking Lot?


Were the speakers visible?


Not only on Polaris but it happened during peak dinner hours (6-8)


Yep, cameras only cover out to the first row of parking :dumb:

Asked both Mimi's Cafe and Mitchell's who had nothing. Sound like Jareds across polaris has cameras that can see that far, just have to go through corporate to get access.


Sub box is barely visible, the truck is heavily tinted and everything stolen was black.

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Not only on Polaris but it happened during peak dinner hours (6-8)


Yep, cameras only cover out to the first row of parking :dumb:

Asked both Mimi's Cafe and Mitchell's who had nothing. Sound like Jareds across polaris has cameras that can see that far, just have to go through corporate to get access.


Sub box is barely visible, the truck is heavily tinted and everything stolen was black.


Sounds fishy to me....Did you see evidence of anyone else's car broken into or just yours?


Also, do you usually 'bump' coming into the lot? When I used to have subs, I would always turn down before I entered a lot so I wouldn't 'advertise' what I had....just a thought if you don't already do that.

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Believe it or not Polaris had a pretty bad problem with catalytic converter thefts a while back. When I was working for PSI at the mall security asked us to keep an eye out for vans full of people trolling the lots. They'd pull up to a larger SUV (easier to get under), scoot under with a sawzall and have that fucker out in minutes. We eventually caught those fuckers but it doesn't surprise me that more thefts happen; people just troll through the lots looking for target cars (dark tint, performance cars, etc) and hit as quickly and quietly as possible.
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Believe it or not Polaris had a pretty bad problem with catalytic converter thefts a while back. When I was working for PSI at the mall security asked us to keep an eye out for vans full of people trolling the lots. They'd pull up to a larger SUV (easier to get under), scoot under with a sawzall and have that fucker out in minutes. We eventually caught those fuckers but it doesn't surprise me that more thefts happen; people just troll through the lots looking for target cars (dark tint, performance cars, etc) and hit as quickly and quietly as possible.


Yup, that happened to my friends who were having a baby at St. Annes. They were in there for a few days during the delivery/etc and he came out to start his 4Runner to go pick up his wife and newborn daughter at the door and you know the rest of the story....instant straight pipes....:fuuuu:

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