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Miniature Pinscher's...anyone have/had?


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fk min pins.


On a serious note, they can be fine WHEN PROPERLY TRAINED. But most I see are owned by your typical, lazy retard dog owner that lets the thing become an ankle biting yapper for whom they make up excuses as to why its justifiable that the dog bites people.

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They are generally a very active, highly energy, intelligent breed. Because of this, they need proper rearing and training. Dogs with these traits have a tendency to become more ill-mannered than your less-active breeds without proper care and energy management.


As with any dog, proper care and training pays off with a happier dog and owner.


Later, you can purchase a life-size Doberman pinscher and tell people you shrunk the other one in the dryer or some shit. I would teach the MinPin to ride the Doberman.

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Putty. From what I saw on your facebook post you were at Petland. I do not recommend buying dogs from there. Puppy Mills galore. Adopting is the way to go. Looks like Pet Promise just saved a number of boxers http://petpromise.org/dogs. If you want a good dog get your daughter a Boxer. You will also feel much better helping a dog find a home instead of dropping thousands on a "purebred".
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Putty. From what I saw on your facebook post you were at Petland. I do not recommend buying dogs from there. Puppy Mills galore. Adopting is the way to go. Looks like Pet Promise just saved a number of boxers http://petpromise.org/dogs. If you want a good dog get your daughter a Boxer. You will also feel much better helping a dog find a home instead of dropping thousands on a "purebred".


Thank you for posting this.


I just photographed the 9 puppies that were rescued sunday for petpromise.

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I hate those dogs. Get a german shepherd or a labrador retriever. They are great with children. I had a german shepherd labrador mix and it was the best dog I've ever owned. It was very intelligent and loyal. After a little training it only made a noise if someone knocked on the door. If you didn't knock and I let you in the house it loved you. She always wanted to lick everyone's face. I never had to keep her on a leash on a walk or if she was in the backyard.


She came from the humane society when she was a year old. Best $50 I ever spent. We had to put her down because of her arthritis got so bad she couldn't walk. That seems to be common with that breed. I miss her. Now I feel all sad :(

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Putty. From what I saw on your facebook post you were at Petland. I do not recommend buying dogs from there. Puppy Mills galore. Adopting is the way to go. Looks like Pet Promise just saved a number of boxers http://petpromise.org/dogs. If you want a good dog get your daughter a Boxer. You will also feel much better helping a dog find a home instead of dropping thousands on a "purebred".


I took her there to see the breed and play with one. I'm not buying there as I have also heard bad things about it. Also, it's literally four times breeder cost.

She has a Boxer at her mother's house. Fish are the only pets I've had in years. I keep a very clean place and I don't want big dog smell in here. I want to get her a small dog, but I don't want a Yorkie type lap dog.


This is the one I'm 84% sure I am getting...


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I took her there to see the breed and play with one. I'm not buying there as I have also heard bad things about it. Also, it's literally four times breeder cost.

She has a Boxer at her mother's house. Fish are the only pets I've had in years. I keep a very clean place and I don't want big dog smell in here. I want to get her a small dog, but I don't want a Yorkie type lap dog.


This is the one I'm 84% sure I am getting...


They all look cute when they are young. Go for a mid sized dog. Or even a lab. Labs are great with kids and easy to train.

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My parents just got a Rottweiler pup. Her name is Serena




we have a Rott/German Shepherd mix too... He lost his tail in the big Haitian earthquake from 2010. it had to be docked when some broken off concrete fell on his tail.

His name is Poco



Rotts are huge softies with those they love, and quite protective



I supposed labradors are the easy button though. Labradors are the Camry of the Dog World....appliances that fit almost everybody (no disrespect meant)

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I took her there to see the breed and play with one. I'm not buying there as I have also heard bad things about it. Also, it's literally four times breeder cost.

She has a Boxer at her mother's house. Fish are the only pets I've had in years. I keep a very clean place and I don't want big dog smell in here. I want to get her a small dog, but I don't want a Yorkie type lap dog.


Size of dog does not equate the size of smell.


Small dogs piss and shit just as much as big dogs and the smell is the same.


Good Grooming practices and good house keeping (which based on what you have said will not be an issue) maintain things like that.


Im going to go at you with a different angle. Get a dog that YOU want. Not what your child wants- Your child has no clue what breeds are like/do. She has no clue what it takes to go through all the training. All she knows is "cute/fun/puppy" Thats it.

I could hand your daughter 15 different puppies tomorrow and she would pick one based SOLEY on the looks of hte puppy and want every single one of them.


If you want a MinPin, fine get a minpin. But dont let your daughter do the deciding factor of what breed. She has no way of knowing anything about the type of dog she is getting. She wont know untill she's in her 20's when she faced with picking her own breed of dog. She will either look back on the dog she grew up with distaste or extreme joy. She will not say remember when i was 8 and i researched what breed dog i wnated??


What do YOU want out of a dog.

Do you want low grooming? Do you want to deal with fur or hair (brushing vs going to the groomers) double coats?

Do you want a dog who will be easy to train and listen to you when you talk?

Do you want a dog who will challenge you with its cleverness?

Do you want a dog who will be yoru childs best friend?

Do you want a dog who will be mildly, strongly or overtly protective, of house and family?

Do you want a dog that needs an hour of activity a day or will hike 5 miles and still want to wrestle when you get home?



I need to elaborate on a dogs willingess to train vs being smart dog.


Some dogs are just easy to train (this is why Labs are a great go to dog- THey are smart, but not too smart, they want to please you so they will learn quickly) Border Collies/Aussies tend to be Too smart and can be quickly trained but its never enough for how much thier minds work and are easily bored, and can turn destructive.

Both are smart breeds- but its the difference in thier smarts that can be an issue.


(these are just two examples, many dog breeds are like this)


This is a 14 year decision.

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have one mixed with a chihuahua, most annoying piece of turd ever but i love the little guy. Picked up a shiba inu last feb and one of the most loveable dog ever. shreds twice a year, learned how to play catch all by herself.


like what damreds said, its a decision for years to come. So make sure you choose right and which breed works well with the family

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