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Land whales should have to pay a visual pollution tax


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Saw this on another forum. Great idea.




Ted Nugent inspired the creation of this petition. Please sign:




Text of petition:


"The specter of obesity looms threateningly over our great nation. Unfortunately, it has been overshadowed in the public eye by issues like global warming. Yet, the effects of obesity are just as far reaching-- if not more so.


It is well-established that the obese generate more body heat, contributing to global warming. Moreover, the visual pollution they produce is literally immeasurable. Recent studies have also shown that prolonged exposure to unaesthetic visual stimuli can result in damage to the eyes, visual cortex, and overall mental health.


We therefore propose the imposition of a heavy (no pun intended) tax on the obese.


A possible name for this proposed legislation: The Weight-loss, Health, and Logic Enforcement (WHALE) Act.


We ask our leaders to please do the right thing."

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Are people really that shallow that they do not want to even see an obese person?


Yes people are that shallow...




but also hypocritical as they watch obese men on Saturdays & Sundays in the fall.


Or just about any movie or t.v. show.

Edited by o0n8
well played Orion
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umm nope, and i am 6 for 185 pounds for the record. for the same reason i would be against the law in chicago against saggy pants. i hate em but screw the government telling someone how to wear their clothes or how to look. although i wouldn't be surprised to see a heavier tax on certain foods and drink that are big contributors to our obesity problem here in the states. they did it with cigarettes so whats the difference? hell added more recently here in ohio.
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I know it's tongue in cheek, and obesity is a serious issue in our society, but conservatives ... for taxes on freedom? I don't even like joking about it.


Also I hate fat people.


Yes, you. I have to wait for you, and your obesity train of relatives, in sweat/food stained moo-moos, to move your disability carts out of my way in the grocery store.

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I know it's tongue in cheek, and obesity is a serious issue in our society, but conservatives ... for taxes on freedom? I don't even like joking about it.


Also I hate fat people.


Yes, you. I have to wait for you, and your obesity train of relatives, in sweat/food stained moo-moos, to move your disability carts out of my way in the grocery store.


It's time to take back the carts!

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That poll isn't getting a lot of signatures. Start a petition for free doughnuts on Tuesdays and whitehouse.gov will fucking crash in 2 minutes.



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What if you're like 6'1 250 with 9% BF?


I think obese people suffer enough from other aspects in their life enough. If a person wants to be fat and unhealthy, let them do so. The changes need to come in education. Health and PE classes are being dropped from a lot of school programs because of budget cuts, and even before that, they were a joke in most schools. Educate the youth and results will come.

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What if you're like 6'1 250 with 9% BF?


I think obese people suffer enough from other aspects in their life enough. If a person wants to be fat and unhealthy, let them do so. The changes need to come in education. Health and PE classes are being dropped from a lot of school programs because of budget cuts, and even before that, they were a joke in most schools. Educate the youth and results will come.


That would be fine at that height weight and bf %. The gov would only check people's body fat not BMI.

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