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WWCRD: scam

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Do you have to be severely abused as an excuse for stupidity and fuckery? I'm not saying her gullibility and lack of self esteem may've not resulted from some sort of abuse, physical or otherwise, but I almost feel like you're slyly pointing the finger at the guy. Perhaps, I'm misunderstanding.


Either way, zero excuse for what this woman is doing if this is all true. If you're in an unhappy relationship, get the fuck out. Don't start abusing your spouse in various ways, as well. Be an adult.


Couldn't agree with this more. If your not happy in the relationship, dont stay with the person just because your either too scared to tell them, or dont want to ruin everything they do for you, but its not fair at all to the guy. This woman seems absolutely ridiculous and this guy needs to get away from her as quick as possible.


Its 5k, 10k, etc now but what happens if this lady sends him 50k? I mean shes already sent 30-40 and to different bank accounts in different denominations.... (What does this guy in Malaysia think thats gonna cover his trail? Doesn't matter cause shes voluntairly doing it.)

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Do you have to be severely abused as an excuse for stupidity and fuckery? I'm not saying her gullibility and lack of self esteem may've not resulted from some sort of abuse, physical or otherwise, but I almost feel like you're slyly pointing the finger at the guy. Perhaps, I'm misunderstanding.


Either way, zero excuse for what this woman is doing if this is all true. If you're in an unhappy relationship, get the fuck out. Don't start abusing your spouse in various ways, as well. Be an adult.





after having just successfully parted ways with a lying, cheating, poor excuse for a wife/mother, i couldn't agree more with this statement.


man the fuck up, grow a pair, get this guy on the phone, and save him from another second of supporting a stupid bitch who is essentially, robbing him. facebook has served as the accelerant to the demise of countless doomed marriages. this guy is drowning in the middle of the ocean, and you're spraying him with a fucking firehose.


my only regret is giving my ex a second chance and trying as hard as i did for the children. in the end, i have to pay her quite a bit in child support each month. its enough to make most people cringe. however,


i still have 50% custody of my kids, my dignity, my sweet-ass massive house, all my cars, a hotter, younger girlfriend, and plenty of money to spend on whatever the fuck i want. divorce is not as bad as i feared. my crazy ex used to spend $200 a month at starbucks---true story

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i still have 50% custody of my kids, my dignity, my sweet-ass massive house, all my cars, a hotter, younger girlfriend, and plenty of money to spend on whatever the fuck i want. divorce is not as bad as i feared. my crazy ex used to spend $200 a month at starbucks---true story


Fuck you of the year? Loved it, good for you dude. Seriously.

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Fuck you of the year? Loved it, good for you dude. Seriously.


that's not even half of it. during the time prior to the divorce i put up with her spending money on her boyfriend (i didn't know it at the time)---steaks, tons of starbucks!!, etc etc. while we were going through the divorce, we had the kids in the house at all times---each of us had separate apartments where we stayed when we didn't have the kids---this dude was living at her apartment. all kinds of crazy shit, i could literally write a book. it was a miracle i didn't end up shooting this asshole.


in the end, i realized (correctly) that this guy wasn't the problem. it was her. 3 years ago it was a different guy, and 3 years from now it would have been a different guy.


i have an insanely busy job, and admittedly, wasn't the father i wanted to be 2 years ago---because i was stuck on earning money so the family could have whatever they wanted.



now i have the kids 50% of the time. i have a physician assistant, and still do 90% of the work i did previously, and am completely fine financially. i take my kids to school every day, and pick them up from school 3/5 days. take them to activities, and am with them 100% of the weekends when i have them. its awesome. the weeks when i don't have the kids i can and will do whatever the fuck i want. i can travel, hunt, etc. its like being in college again, just with an unlimited bankroll.


my ex has now had to go back to work---:fuckyeah: she calls me every other week bawling--i have no idea why, i usually just say "wow, that sucks" and hang up :fuckyeah: i had to buy the ex her house--its half the size of mine. her boyfriend is a security guard--not that there's a damn thing wrong with that, but its a far cry from the lifestyle she gave up. her family was crushed. her dad still texts me--lol. and everyone that was a friend of hers has come up to me apologizing for what i'm going through. all say the same thing---i haven't talked to her in 6 months.


i'm upset that my kids are not going to have an 'unbroken' household. i have the pride to know i literally tried everything to make it work. the divorce was an all-out war. in the end, i feel like i did well. how many men who were not there as much to raise the kids before the divorce can honestly say they kicked their ex out of the house, kept the house, got 50% custody, avoided ANY alimony, kept all of their toys, kept all of the mutual friends and stole many of the spouse's friends?

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so many of you ripping the op. its not his fault or job to say a damn thing. its not his shit to step in. lay off him a lil bit.


i agree on feeling for the husband and such, but also in the end who the hell doesnt notice 30k out of even a joint account?

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so many of you ripping the op. its not his fault or job to say a damn thing. its not his shit to step in. lay off him a lil bit.


i agree on feeling for the husband and such, but also in the end who the hell doesnt notice 30k out of even a joint account?


He's asking for advice, we're giving it. Sometimes people don't like hearing it, but the clear thing to do is notify the husband---it's a no-brainer.


As far as not noticing $30k, I don't know what to tell you. Once things started going south in my marriage, I really paid attention to the money, and where it was going. It was an eye opener for me. Not a $30k eye opener, but she was spending stupid amounts of money on clothes/interior design/makeup/shoes/dog day care. Obviously, that is no more. It's easier than you think to assume the person you'd trust with your life is not fucking you over.

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No one said it was a joint account. It could honestly be one of a dozen accounts, pension, 401k,separate account, credit card, the list goes on and on. Yes he needs to say something but he knows that and since he texted the guy to give him the heads up a few pages ago I'd say he did his part.
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I can't believe it took this long. :lol:
its like cr is growing up or something



This is the angle I'm sdoping her. Hopefully it'll scare her enough until the scammer show his true face.


And also I did text the husband. Let's hope and pray they can work things out.


Heard anything yet?

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This isn't a criminal case


It's still participation in money laundering, terrorist funding, funnel accounting, shell corps, dodging the 10k report, probably the gamut of trade violations. It'll get looked at if you send it to FBI Cybercrimes and Financial crimes divs.

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That's alot of assumptions.


Btw what's wtong with shell corps or smaller monies to avoid the 10k rule :megusta:


I actually got flagged by the IRS on this once. Key Bank had to lock my account and everything. It was a serious PITA.


I withdrew $9900 one day and $9900 the next. :masturboy:

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I actually got flagged by the IRS on this once. Key Bank had to lock my account and everything. It was a serious PITA.


I withdrew $9900 one day and $9900 the next. :masturboy:


Same thing has happened to me. Gotta love it, can't even spend your own money without letting someone know

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