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Scoreboard, Samsonite...in the game of life, let's check the scoreboard. Just providing food for thought to your starving-Ethopian mind.




Swing and miss.


Aldi doesn't sell cheap Chinese goods.

They are a German based company that sells good food cheap!


Basically, the VW of food stores, not Harbor Freight. :gabe:

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Aldi is my favorite. The produce is never impressive, but I love shopping there for just about everything else!


That was one or our problems. We don't really buy any box goods. We get a huge amounts of various beef and deer cuts for free and other than that, buy mostly fresh produce and some pork and chicken.

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The week of Christmas was the first time I have ever been in one. That was because my Mom was in town and she went, I was with her. For some reason I can't seem of buy off brand shit. Some say there's no difference, but I think I can tell. What's paying to use a cart all about?
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It's not paying to use a cart per se. It's an incentive deposit to return cart to its holding area. That way Aldi doesn't have to pay workers to collect the carts. It also reduces cost incurred by damage caused by a stray cart.
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Keeps costs down. Why pay some fatbody $15/hr to bag groceries you can do yourself?


Instead they pay their cashiers $15 an hour lol. When I was a single guy, I shopped at Aldi religiously, the only thing I was skeptical on was their meat so I would elsewhere for that. We now shop at Carnival in Heath and can't complain about the prices. I may try shoppin at Aldi once again though after reading this thread.

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Haha, idk what it is, I just don't trust their meat. I guess it's the same as people who won't eat the off brand stuff.


I don't blame ya.


To be fair, I don't trust meat that comes wrapped in plastic of which I don't know it's origins. Sometimes I have to settle for it, but I'm working on that. :)

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Instead they pay their cashiers $15 an hour lol.


I really like that they and TJs pay their employees decently. It's not like they are getting rich, that's only $31k/year. I don't shop at Aldis but I do at TJs. Between the (sort of?) liveble wages and maybe treating their employes like humans it seems like they generally get employees who give a shit about their jobs and the customers.


And from the quick bit of searching I just did the average pay at Aldis for a cashier is more like $12/hr

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I'm not saying there is anything wrong with it, just saying they pay their cashiers much better than competitors. I know they used to make $15 when they had to memorize the price of every item in the store. Our local Aldi's didn't get price scanners until probably 10 years 6-8 years ago. The cashiers would enter everything in solely on memory alone, it was quite impressive. Walmart doesn't have baggers, in fact the only place I know that still does is Krogers and usually it's 2-3 on a busy saturday afternoon. I was a bagger at Meijers in highschool, I think I got paid $7 an hour to bag and push carts.
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