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Terrorist attack in Paris


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Stop, I can name almost a dozen off the top of my head, Brian.


The LRA in Congo (No Religious affiliation), Kahane Chai, in Israel (Jewish), Aum Shinrikyo in Japan (Crazy hodgepodge of Religious affiliations), IRA in Ireland (Formerly Catholic, now not so religious), UDA in Ireland (SUPER MEGA Protestant. Interestingly, very much in opposition to the IRA), Shining Path in Peru (Stated Aethieists), ETA in Spain/France (Catholic), FARC in Columbia (No Stated Religious affiliation, most member probably Catholic)...


You are too smart to be saying shit like that.


I've heard of 3 of those so what does that tell you about how things are covered.


Maybe a less broad brush should be used, but you don't see any Catholics hunting down and trying to kill the people from Family Guy for their funny Jesus bits do you?

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I've heard of 3 of those so what does that tell you about how things are covered.


Maybe a less broad brush should be used, but you don't see any Catholics hunting down and trying to kill the people from Family Guy for their funny Jesus bits do you?


Well, what it tells me, unfortunately, is that the media doesn't give a fuck about people killing each other unless it's white people getting killed by people who are not white. Which is precisely why we should all be reading about shit that happens in other parts of the world. Muhfuggahs wanna act like terrorism is a "new" thing, a thing of the new millennium, but this shit has been happening in the world forever, bro's, and it isn't going to stop. Hell, the shit that goes on in Mexico, like a 2 hour drive from me, is worse than about 80% of what you will hear on the news today. And I'll be damned if I ever met or even heard of a Mexican Muslim.

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LMAO @ whoever thinks "you never see people of other religions doing this." "Christians" have been slaughtering people throughout history and continue to do so. America is/was considered a "Christian" nation...no? And we bomb the fk out of anybody that we want. How many innocent people have died at the hands of good ole murica?


The Hebrews (jews) slaughtered men, women, children, livestock on God's command.


People of ALL religions kill "innocent" people.

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Well, what it tells me, unfortunately, is that the media doesn't give a fuck about people killing each other unless it's white people getting killed by people who are not white. Which is precisely why we should all be reading about shit that happens in other parts of the world. Muhfuggahs wanna act like terrorism is a "new" thing, a thing of the new millennium, but this shit has been happening in the world forever, bro's, and it isn't going to stop. Hell, the shit that goes on in Mexico, like a 2 hour drive from me, is worse than about 80% of what you will hear on the news today. And I'll be damned if I ever met or even heard of a Mexican Muslim.


You are 100% correct, the media gives no fucks unless it can help get ratings and those who are in power.


Mexico is a great example, that place is a total mess but you don't hear anything unless its totally crazy.


LMAO @ whoever thinks "you never see people of other religions doing this." "Christians" have been slaughtering people throughout history and continue to do so. America is/was considered a "Christian" nation...no? And we bomb the fk out of anybody that we want. How many innocent people have died at the hands of good ole murica?


The Hebrews (jews) slaughtered men, women, children, livestock on God's command.


People of ALL religions kill "innocent" people.


Modern civilized religions don't kill people on a mass scale and encourage their followers to do it, do they? We kill "innocent" people here for other reasons than God, its usually "national security".


Clay hit the nail on the head, there is no easy solution to the problem unless you find a way to get people to suck less. Humans will kill in the name of god, money, oil, or dozen other things.

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You don't see many other religions doing this...




I don't wanna say that we are to blame. But if someone killed your innocent little brother at the age of 6 I am sure you'd be pretty fucking pissed and want to go full jihad and get some revenge if you lived in a shithole like most of these people do. It is appealing to them and most don't have a formal education and are unable to make rational decisions.


These are the same people who fuck goats...what can we expect?

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LMAO @ whoever thinks "you never see people of other religions doing this." "Christians" have been slaughtering people throughout history and continue to do so. America is/was considered a "Christian" nation...no? And we bomb the fk out of anybody that we want. How many innocent people have died at the hands of good ole murica?


The Hebrews (jews) slaughtered men, women, children, livestock on God's command.


People of ALL religions kill "innocent" people.



Religion stops progress in so many ways. I don't get the allure...

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most don't have a formal education and are unable to make rational decisions.


Third world poverty, bloodlust, and religion never make for a good combination.


For a lot of countries joining a terrorist organization is the equivalent of joining the military combined with your heritage/religion. Young unemployed men and women join partly because of the money as well. ISIS/ISIL fighters get paid $1000 per month roughly, which is an incredible rate for that part of the world.

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pray for the innocent family members of these nut-job terrorists,.


F that-you think their "innocent" cons will grow up to love America?


I pray they all get taken out-every single one of them. Mom, grandma, baby, lay waste to them all. Do them the favor, get them to Ala and their promised virgins already.


I'd pay double of the already outrageous taxes I pay to fund an ICBM with their name on it.

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It is appealing to them and most don't have a formal education and are unable to make rational decisions.


So one has to have a western idea of "formal" education to make rational decisions? "Rational" can mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people and "formal" education has nothing to do with that. I know more people than I can count without, or not much of what today's society would consider a "formal" education who are perfectly capable of exercising rational decision making on daily basis.


Religion stops progress in so many ways. I don't get the allure...


That would depend on one's definition of "progress."

Edited by RC K9
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So one has to have a western idea of "formal" education to make rational decisions? "Rational" can mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people and "formal" education has nothing to do with that. I know more people than I can count without, or not much of what today's society would consider a "formal" education who are perfectly capable of, end exercise rational decision making on daily basis.




That would depend on one's definition of "progress."



True. To some this act is progress....

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True. To some this act is progress....


Exactly. But not just in that respect. What are we all told in elementary school? The pilgrims wanted religious freedom so they came here...blah blah blah. This nation is founded on christian values, blah blah blah. And look at how "far" or how much "progress" this country made in only a few hundred years. From "nothing" to one of the, if not THE, most powerful nation on earth. Religion/Moral convictions didn't seem to hinder too much "progress."

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So one has to have a western idea of "formal" education to make rational decisions? "Rational" can mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people and "formal" education has nothing to do with that. I know more people than I can count without, or not much of what today's society would consider a "formal" education who are perfectly capable of exercising rational decision making on daily basis.


You need to re-read what I posted.


"Most don't have a formal education and are unable to make rational decisions."


Had I meant what you are trying to twist my words into, I would have said-


"Most don't have a formal education and therefore are unable to make rational decisions"


Rational to them clearly means "I'm horny, I should go fuck a donkey."

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You don't see many other religions doing this...




Well something must have changed suddenly in the world then.


Religion has been, is, and probably forever will be the biggest reason people justify people unlike themselves...


and Catholicism has been the biggest of them all in history.... See: Crusades, Heresy killings, justification of the American Slave Trade

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Yes, really. Maybe I should have been more specific and to the point to keep the piling on down to its usual CR amount.


You don't see a large amount of modern religions getting their base fired up to:


-cut people's heads off and put it on YouTube

-get their followers to attack others overseas with these lone wolf attacks

-take their hate to this sort of level and try to spread it globally


You do see in other parts of the world, like Africa is a nice little decades long ethnic and religious cleanse going on that gets no play. Think they have made movies about it and some people thought Billy D. Williams was Koni for a while right?


Now what you are seeing is a lack of action by other countries because of the PC era we are drowning in. The United States stuck their dick in this mess decades ago and stirred it up, we are now starting to see all of that come to a boil.


I really don't think you can ever solve this problem, we tried tossing money, bombs, and who knows what else at it, can't seem to fix it.


Cliffs: The world sucks, humans like to kill humans because they are different and the Bengals have not won a playoff game in 3 presidential cycles.

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You need to re-read what I posted.


"Most don't have a formal education and are unable to make rational decisions."


Had I meant what you are trying to twist my words into, I would have said-


"Most don't have a formal education and therefore are unable to make rational decisions"


Rational to them clearly means "I'm horny, I should go fuck a donkey."


OK, so since your two statements are not linked, lets break it down into two separate statements:


"Most don't have a formal education." So What? What does that have to do with anything? Was our country built on the backs where a majority had a "formal" education?


"Most are unable to make rational decisions." Where did you acquire this data that shows most are incapable of this? Based on who's standards of rational? The same can be said by any culture about another. Americans are pretty disgusting and choose to not make rational decisions all the time.

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The same can be said by any culture about another. Americans are pretty disgusting and choose to not make rational decisions all the time.


Therein lies the dilemma and the origin of all conflict. Individual cultures refuse to understand and accept those differences and want to make others see things the way they do......through wars, violence, etc

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Therein lies the dilemma and the origin of all conflict. Individual cultures refuse to understand and accept those differences and want to make others see things the way they do......through wars, violence, etc


Yup. We are going to force "democracy" on you, and when things don't go how we want, we are going to find an excuse to blow you off the face of the earth. Because peace, justice, and freedom.


We ALL need to stop acting like "WE" are so very different from "THEM".


Ding ding ding.

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