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OSU Oregon Predictions?


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I've driven by OSU Stadium a few times during afternoon/evening away games, and I've often wondered if people would pay to sit in the Horseshoe and watch the away game on the big screen.


Yes...you'd need to pay for security/maintenance/janitors, running the A/V equipment and the big screen, and you'd likely have to close off most of the stadium to keep people from going where they shouldn't, but I'd think there would be a few thousand rabid fans that would pay pretty well to not drink, but enjoy the games in the stadium where the Buckeyes play at home.

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Mine was way closer than that. I missed it by 10 points. I called it 49-17 Ohio State, and final score was 42-20 Ohio State.


Thanks for not acknowledging my greatness, though.


I stand corrected and scolded.

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