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Apartment energy savings GURUS!!!


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So my wife and I are expecting come March and need to free up as much money as possible. One area that's killing us is energy costs. So far this winter we are sitting at $130 a month for 2 consecutive months. The isolation is the worst thing about this apartment. We only have electric, no gas.


Have an H.E. washer and dryer, our tv is an led so nothing to crazy. Microwave is only a year and a half old. Dish washer, fridge, and stove are all provided by apartment complex and can't remove them.


The thermostat here is inaccurate but I'm guessing we keep it around 71 most of the time, wife freezes if it's lower, and being pregnant she gets what she wants.


Any tips and tricks you all have would be appreciated

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Cheap programmable thermostat as its something you can take with you and aep offers rebates on them. Most apartments have a large glass slider if you do then heavy curtains or for the cheap version some diy or multiple ones layered. CFL bulbs everywhere. Window plastic is cheap that you can seal up all your windows. Make sure your furance filter is clean/changed
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Cheap programmable thermostat as its something you can take with you and aep offers rebates on them. Most apartments have a large glass slider if you do then heavy curtains or for the cheap version some diy or multiple ones layered. CFL bulbs everywhere. Window plastic is cheap that you can seal up all your windows. Make sure your furance filter is clean/changed


This this this. MY 5/2 Honeywell thermostat was like 25 bucks at Walmart. I never have to touch it. Set it and forget it.


Put another layer of clothing on if you are turning down your thermostat you will not feel it.


What temps do you run your thermo at when you go to bed?


I wish the GF would understand this concept. I'm over here wearing sweat pants and a sweatshirt and i'm perfectly comfortable while shes over there wearing shorts and a t-shirt complaining about being cold. We keep it at 70-71 while were home.

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You can be comfortable at a lower temp if you humidify the air. The humidifier is an additional expense (plus some have filters/wicks which need regular replacement), but a medium sized unit should do the whole apartment easily.


I forgot about this, This is a must. As someone with little ones in the house I guarantee you will be buying a humidifier anyway once the baby is here so may as well get a bigger unit and start now. A home should be kept at 50% +/-10. Without one your home is probably around 20%. Also, while turning it down and potting on clothes works for some, once that baby is here it is a high probability that you'll be leaving it at at least 71*.

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Yea, that is pretty low for utilities. Quicker showers, and don't heat dry dishes when you use dishwasher (if it has that option). Get some window inslation kits for the windows, which will help with heating costs. Also get a door draft stopper for your front door (there are a bunch of DIY's to make one yourself or just roll up an old towel and keep it by the door.



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Put another layer of clothing on if you are turning down your thermostat you will not feel it.


What temps do you run your thermo at when you go to bed?


Well like I stated the thermostat isn't accurate for shit but if I had to take a guess it is around 65 at night. It gets bumped up in the mornings by 5 degrees based on rhe thermostat. Windows are also very drafty. Yeah I hadn't even considered a humidifier but will definitely be getting one.

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