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A truly inspirational man

russian rocket

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Detroit is the new Gotham city. Here's this "OLD MAN", as anyone would call him, and he is hardcore. So what if he chooses to stay in an area falling apart everyday. He's been there all his life. Jobs up there are hard to find, he has one, and he has his self respect. He lives his life for what he feels is right and makes him happy. You don't have to relate to it from your point of view. He breaks the stereotype, and yet some many of you say he's an idiot. That "idiot" is in far better health at his age than most in their 20's; aside from that hip issue. That "idiot" is not leeching off our tax dollars, like 90% of the people around him. That "idiot" and his value's are what we could use a lot more of in our society. many of you probably overlook how much inspiration he gives to the people around him. I guess if I woke up one day and didn't feel like going to work, and worked with this guy, I feel like a pretty big asshole.


I just hope someone up there does not target him for all the money being raised.


What if "being a good person" and "pulling your own weight" are things that SHOULD be taken for granted and not looked at as something to be rewarded by? That's all I'm saying... It's like the old sarcastic saying at work "congratulations on doing your job".


Let's applaud the guy who cures cancer... Not the guy who does what is expected of him on a normal day/day basis. That's the only way to correct the "barometer". And let's burn all the reality TV "stars" to the ground... For they are a pollutant.

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What if "being a good person" and "pulling your own weight" are things that SHOULD be taken for granted and not looked at as something to be rewarded by? That's all I'm saying... It's like the old sarcastic saying at work "congratulations on doing your job".


Let's applaud the guy who cures cancer... Not the guy who does what is expected of him on a normal day/day basis. That's the only way to correct the "barometer". And let's burn all the reality TV "stars" to the ground... For they are a pollutant.


Why would we applaud the guy who cures cancer? He's researching a cure, with your logic he's just doing his job.


It must hurt inside to be a sad, bitter person.

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I doubt this is what the guy asked for. I'd bet he didn't setup his gofundme deal either.

Some of you are straight dicks or your thoughts are. I'm sure he could get a job closer to home, but at almost 60 maybe his coworkers are like his family and likely part of his reason for doing what he does. Never know someones situation. To the dicks, try opening up your dense heads.

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What if "being a good person" and "pulling your own weight" are things that SHOULD be taken for granted and not looked at as something to be rewarded by? That's all I'm saying... It's like the old sarcastic saying at work "congratulations on doing your job".


I don't think the doctor in your analogy would walk to work if they found themselves in a hardship. So, cancer didn't get cured. You can not compare apples to apples in your outlook on this.


He is in an environment full of daily "quit", and he doesn't. If you can't respect that, then it's a pointless back and forth discussion.

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Why would we applaud the guy who cures cancer? He's researching a cure, with your logic he's just doing his job.


It must hurt inside to be a sad, bitter person.


Because the guy that cures cancer solves a worldwide problem and makes an enormous impact... how is that point not obvious?


Sad? no...

Bitter? Nah...

Skeptical? You betcha!

Disgusted in the world we live in? Nailed it..

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To everyone who thinks that my views are less than nice. I apologize that my views offend you. I don't aim to offend people. I will also not sit back and hold-in my opinion just because it's different. I feel like (and maybe I'm wrong) that even though this guy didn't "Ask for it".... there is the potential that someone (not the guy) is trying to get attention or (worst case) use this to "cash-in" at some point in their life. I consider that to be exploitation. And trust me... it may not look that way now... but people (in 2015) don't generally do things for others without having an angle. Nothing free truly comes without a price or an angle.


Jon (verse) that sir is the skeptic in me coming out.

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He is in an environment full of daily "quit", and he doesn't. If you can't respect that, then it's a pointless back and forth discussion.


So, let me tell you what I hear when you say this...


"in a city filled with some lazy people this guy isn't lazy..."



BUT, he isn't extraordinary either... why are we raising money for him? because someone got to your heartstrings? they did that intentionally.... But we never ask why... and i'm sure the intention is more than "because it will help the guy". truh me bruh.

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"I'm hurt, offended and hurt."


In this day, what he does is recognizable. I'm sure that job means as much to him as he does to that job. There is something to be said for that. I hope this guy gets a rocket for a work vehicle.

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So, let me tell you what I hear when you say this...


"in a city filled with some lazy people this guy isn't lazy..."



BUT, he isn't extraordinary either... why are we raising money for him? because someone got to your heartstrings? they did that intentionally.... But we never ask why... and i'm sure the intention is more than "because it will help the guy". truh me bruh.


Sadly I have to agree with you. I don't understand the out pouring of support for him. He has chosen to work the job he does and he has chosen to not buy a car and drive to work. My questions are:

1. why not find a better job?

2. why not find a closer job?

3. work 2 jobs and buy a car?


Like Bob said "congratulations on doing your job".

I get up and go to work everyday, yes I have a car and yes I drive to work. Why not reward me? I have plenty of reasons to stay at home every day and not get out of bed. Props to me for being extraordinary!

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Because the guy that cures cancer solves a worldwide problem and makes an enormous impact... how is that point not obvious?


Sad? no...

Bitter? Nah...

Skeptical? You betcha!

Disgusted in the world we live in? Nailed it..


I understand, but this guy didn't ask for this attention I'm sure. He's done the same thing for years.


Trolling Bob since ~2004 OD days. lol


Hopefully the guy gets a car and the money goes to a good cause other than him, b/c that's a lot of money for doing your job.

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I can tell you one thing, if I was an employer and I had an employee that was that dedicated to our company I would go out of my way to make damn sure that I could find a way to promote that individual so they would make more than $10 an hour. Because I'm certain that same employer wouldn't have to look very hard in their company to fond someone making much more than this gentleman that would drop this company like a bad habit the first time another company offered them 10 cents more an hour and when you get right down to it that persons job probably isn't really that much harder or more important to the company than this gentleman.
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Sadly I have to agree with you. I don't understand the out pouring of support for him. He has chosen to work the job he does and he has chosen to not buy a car and drive to work. My questions are:

1. why not find a better job? Detroit

2. why not find a closer job? Detroit

3. work 2 jobs and buy a car? Detroit


Have you been to Detroit lately? I dont know where this guys house is but I'm guessing the only jobs nearby are crack houses

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So, let me tell you what I hear when you say this...


"in a city filled with some lazy people this guy isn't lazy..."



BUT, he isn't extraordinary either... why are we raising money for him? because someone got to your heartstrings? .


You are going to read it however you choose, to keep your opinion of the guy and his situation. You are coming off like you are worldly, and see a big picture. When does your political campaign start? Walk to and from work tomorrow, and don't work from your home. If you did this, you may just get where many of us are coming from. Good for this guy, to get some recognition, and to know his efforts are appreciated. I would guarantee he has considered giving up. Now he is the role model in a time and an area that very much needs one. Those with privileged lifestyles will always be challenged to understand the many that struggle. But, the minute you look down on a good person, that is when you may want to see who you really are.



What if your life was put on display for people to view. What would they say about you? Do you even come close to the inspiration this guy is?

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You are going to read it however you choose, to keep your opinion of the guy and his situation. You are coming off like you are worldly, and see a big picture. When does your political campaign start? Walk to and from work tomorrow, and don't work from your home. If you did this, you may just get where many of us are coming from. Good for this guy, to get some recognition, and to know his efforts are appreciated. I would guarantee he has considered giving up. Now he is the role model in a time and an area that very much needs one. Those with privileged lifestyles will always be challenged to understand the many that struggle. But, the minute you look down on a good person, that is when you may want to see who you really are.


I don't look down on him. I think the donation thing is LUDACRIS...


What if your life was put on display for people to view. What would they say about you? Do you even come close to the inspiration this guy is?


They'd say that I have come a long way for an art student/skateboarder/punk rocker.


They'd say I'm fair and never play favorites.


They'd say that I have beaten some odds in terms of "direction in life".


They'd say I give ideas a fair amount of "bouncing it back and forth" before giving my opinion even though I seem stubborn at times.


They'd say that I am always willing to help and educate people. That I take the time to help others understand what it is that they are attempting to learn.


They'd say that I am Always willing to help a fellow man so long as they are deemed deserving.


They'd say that I've helped thousands of people get jobs. And while there is money involved. I never put someone in the wrong job just to make a buck. In fact, I've earned that reputation amongst many in my industry.


They'd say I'd never support giving a trophy to the participants of the losing team. That people need to understand the difference between winning and losing.


They'd say that he acts hard headed at times... but really does enjoy and value people.



I am living proof that anything is possible (if you outwork everyone else ethically) even when you feel like you are short on direction in life.

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To those being negative about this guy..


I'd like you to see you have misfortune in your life, be 60 years old, and walk 20+ miles every day to get to work vs extend your hand for public assistance.


We're saying he's extraordinary for just working. We're saying it's extraordinary that while most others would have long given up and extended their hand, he chooses to push on and earn his money despite being elderly, and having to walk 20+ miles in the winter. Hell, most of the teenagers of today would crawl into a ball and cry if put into such a situation. I see lots of 20-30yo able bodied people taking from the system just because it's easier than getting a job and probably pays better.


Have a little heart....

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Interesting thread. Interesting responses, too.


"We" have taken from this man what made him noteworthy in the first place.


He can't walk through Detroit now - he's a quarter-millionaire. He's gonna have to do something else.

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I honestly don't care that he is receiving all this money. As it was stated he just goes to work he didn't ask for a handout. I also believe he is in great health physically and mentally for doing what he needs to do for work. Great for him and anyone else like this. But walking that far every day is not healthy for an elderly person. It is not healthy for a young person. It is also not healthy for his family. I am sure this guy has someone who he is close to. Someone who loves and cares about him. He could be in an accident and run over by a drunk driver. One day he might trip and fall on ice and break a bone. Maybe something worse happens? What if no stranger was there to pick him up? How much sleep does this guy get a night? Doesn't seem like a healthy amount with all the walking he does. Why doesn't he at least ride a bike? Why doesn't he buy a $500 beater? Why doesn't he have anyone like a coworker, family, or some other person he knows drive him to work? There are so many other ways to look at this.


Yes he is a great person, yes he is an inspiration to all working class, and yes he is a strong independent individual. Congratulations on doing your job and being a positive member of society. You might want to figure out a safer way of doing this. Your family loves you and wants you to be safe.


Hearts and flowers <3 87GT

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