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Dr. Apex

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I've always wanted to skydive, and after jumping off the Stratosphere in Vegas last year it really got me itching to finally do it.


I'm making my first jump tomorrow via and Accelerated Freefall Program, I can't go tandem because of my size so I have to go this route in which I jump with 2 jump masters and then descend solo on my chute. Anyone else here gone before either tandem or solo? Tips for a 1st timer??


Looking forward to finally trying this!

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^Lmao, it's an extreme sport so there will always be risks though I'm far more likely to die in a car crash on the way there. Then theres the guy a couple weeks ago that had that seizure in midair down here, scary stuff for sure.
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  Dr. Apex said:
^Lmao, it's an extreme sport so there will always be risks though I'm far more likely to die in a car crash on the way there. Then theres the guy a couple weeks ago that had that seizure in midair down here, scary stuff for sure.


Considering the guy had probably thousands of jumps under his belt before he bit it, I would tend to agree. Just trolling.

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  STEVE-O said:
Went tandem and it was good time, think you will like it but without a real free fall time it seems lackluster


Without real free fall? I'll be free falling for about 50secs with just 2 instructors holding onto my harness.

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  Dr. Apex said:
Without real free fall? I'll be free falling for about 50secs with just 2 instructors holding onto my harness.


Got ya sorry I took that as most people that can't go tandem have to jump on the line that instantly pulls the shoot as soon as you exit.


You will be glad you choose to do it, I will see be going again

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I did it last summer and it was a blast. Tandum is kinda weird but the reality is I probably would shit my pants on my own without a few tandums under my belt.


Wife was worried, but worse case even if you were going to die, you could go for style and speed and in the end know that you probably won't feel much or at least not for long right ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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  pdqgp said:
I did it last summer and it was a blast. Tandum is kinda weird but the reality is I probably would shit my pants on my own without a few tandums under my belt.


Wife was worried, but worse case even if you were going to die, you could go for style and speed and in the end know that you probably won't feel much or at least not for long right ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Extremely lower percentage of death, and they say you black out from adrenaline before you ever hit the ground

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  beatercamaro said:
Why the fuck would someone jump out of a perfectly good plane? Have fun though!


Why would someone modify a complete fine running car?


Why would you eat food for any other reason than energy?

Why would you burn up a perfectly good set of tires?


All these can be answered with pleasure

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Listen to what your instructors tell you. Watch the horizon when you land, don't look down at the ground causes you to tense up and increase risk of injury. It's loud and noisy, but smooth sailing outside of the bird. You'll be fine. Enjoy the ride.
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  STEVE-O said:
Got ya sorry I took that as most people that can't go tandem have to jump on the line that instantly pulls the shoot as soon as you exit.


You will be glad you choose to do it, I will see be going again


Yeah, that's static line and I believe they do that at much lower altitude.


  pdqgp said:
I did it last summer and it was a blast. Tandum is kinda weird but the reality is I probably would shit my pants on my own without a few tandums under my belt.


Wife was worried, but worse case even if you were going to die, you could go for style and speed and in the end know that you probably won't feel much or at least not for long right ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I'd try tandem first but ogre.


  beatercamaro said:
Why the fuck would someone jump out of a perfectly good plane? Have fun though!


Because racecar!!


  Dover said:
Listen to what your instructors tell you. Watch the horizon when you land, don't look down at the ground causes you to tense up and increase risk of injury. It's loud and noisy, but smooth sailing outside of the bird. You'll be fine. Enjoy the ride.


Thanks for the tip. I read that a lot of rookies break ankles and such being too tense when they come in wrong.

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  beatercamaro said:
I think you missed the sarcasm. :)


No you can't no merely swerved, I was returning it with more.


The one thing that I didn't think of and no one told me was; at least for the time of year I jumped (spring/summer) there was almost a invisible line in the sky when after we jumped it was all colder air then we passed this "line" and it became warm again, that was pretty cool to me and unexpected

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  beatercamaro said:
Why the fuck would someone jump out of a perfectly good plane? Have fun though!


to overcome a fear and feel a rush like no other. for me anyway. now there's one less fearful thing in life for me. can't beat them nor will I attempt them all, but this one is off my list.

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Made it back ok!! What a fucking rush! Despite some rough high winds I managed to make it down without getting hurt at all, am a little sore right now though.


I botched the exit from the plane sending us into a pretty bad spin at first but my jump instructors got me settled down in a few secs. Being 3 big bodies we were absolutely hauling ass in free fall, their best guess was near 140mph. By the time I got through my procedures we were already at 6500ft, I pulled my chute just above 6,000 and got a great deployment.


Once my chute was out though I did my checks and was on my way. Although my chest strap rode up almost in my face restricting me from looking down much which was spooky as I couldn't find the DZ right away and the winds were really carrying me west in a hurry. I got oriented and started executing turns and worked my way to the DZ. I nailed the placement landing on the outer edge but didn't do a great landing itself in I landed flat footed taking them underneath me and going face first into the dirt. Then immediately my chute redeployed in the wind and started dragging me before I could pull it down with my toggle.


All in all that was the craziest thing I have ever done, the sensation of speed is unparalleled and then the enjoyment of the cruise down under the chute. Definitely a must try for anyone. With the high winds and my needing to focus on procedure we decided not to video today, but will on the next jump. Jumps #2 and #3 in 2 weeks!

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Few pics of fellow jumpers from yesterday while I was on break from class. I will get full pics/vids on my 3rd jump in 2 weeks.

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