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Passed out in middle of freeway....


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So does anyone know if she was drunk or is it just speculation?


One summer in college I drove a cab on third shift (not a yellow cab, a hire car) on long island. Used to see lots of people on the road asleep in their cars, usually at traffic lights. Most weren't drunk (at least the ones on the weeknights weren't usually) to my observation, just driving too late at night and too tired. NY now treats falling asleep behind the wheel as a first offense DUI it was that much of a problem. I've fallen asleep behind the wheel before, never for more than a split second, and I can tell you when your body gets to that level of exhaustion you don't make smart decisions. I usually pull over to the shoulder and sleep for about an hour, so I can sympathize if she wasn't drunk, but she sure picked the wrong spot to conk out.


I drive a truck, so i've been in the exhausted as hell realm a few times. Even so, I feel if someone is bashing on my window with a flashlight, I'd probably wake the hell up, tired or not.


Regardless, lady is lucky she or someone else wasn't killed. If she was actually drunk (or high or whatever), hope they throw the book at her.

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She did look like she was done up for a night out on the town. Hence, my supposition would be drunk. But I have seen some cases where medical issues (diabetic imbalances, neurological disorders) have caused people to pass out and act drunkenly. So I'd hesitate to conclusively judge this woman in the court of internet until I had a few more facts.
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Pretty sure they don't cuff you and put you in the back of a cop car for diabetic coma, you would leave in an Amberlamps....


Well yes, if they get it right. My point was mistakes are sometimes made. I didn't see a portable breath test or roadside sobriety test get administered did you? It looked to me like everyone just assumed she was drunk.


Bottom line: I agree that the most obvious explanation is probably correct here. But there are other explanations that are possible. Could even be a combination situation - voluntary plus involuntary intoxication. That is, she wouldn't be the first woman to have something slipped in her drink.


Anyway, yeah, she was probably just shitfaced. But I like to give people the benefit of the doubt before condemnation, even on teh internets.

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