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ISIS on U.S./Mexico border?


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I'm not trying to get all Fox News up in hurr...but does this bother anyone else? Sounds like Mexican cartels are assisting ISIS fighters, and there is pretty stout evidence of a possible symbolic attack (no disrespect to Chaparral, NM...but I think we'll get by if it gets nuked).

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I'm skeptical, and not just because every source on this is a nutjob site. ISIS's fight isn't in the US. They're not al-Queda, who want to remove Western influence from the Middle East. They want to create an Islamic State in the holy land, and attacking sites in the American Southwest doesn't do much to advance that goal. Plus their hands are kinda full right now.


I could be wrong, but like I said... skeptical.

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Right, that's the thing... if we get actionable evidence that ISIS is operating a camp in Mexico, it will be blown up post haste. So I'm not particularly worried. Why is this breaking news, then?


“The administration has also covered up, or at the very least downplayed, a serious epidemic of crime along the Mexican border even as heavily armed drug cartels have taken over portions of the region,” the group stated. “Judicial Watch has reported that the U.S. Border Patrol actually ordered officers to avoid the most crime-infested stretches because they’re ‘too dangerous’ and patrolling them could result in an ‘international incident’ of cross border shooting. In the meantime, who could forget the famous words of Obama’s first Homeland Security Secretary, Janet Napolitano; the southern border is ‘as secure as it has ever been.’”


Ah, because ISIS in Mexico means Obama sucks. Thanks for spelling that out, Infowars.


Again, all of these while the Obama administration continues to claim that our country is safer than it has ever been.


Right, Obama sucks. Thanks Liberty News.


Judicial Watch — which has been successful in prying loose substantial amounts of information on an array of Obama administration-linked scandals, including the "Fast and Furious" gun-walking case — told Newsmax that four ISIS members had in fact been apprehended after crossing into the United States.


Even though they're not quite able to explain how this is an Obama scandal, Newsmax is right there suggesting it. Obama sucks. Thanks Newsmax.

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Right, that's the thing... if we get actionable evidence that ISIS is operating a camp in Mexico, it will be blown up post haste. So I'm not particularly worried. Why is this breaking news, then?




Ah, because ISIS in Mexico means Obama sucks. Thanks for spelling that out, Infowars.




Right, Obama sucks. Thanks Liberty News.




Even though they're not quite able to explain how this is an Obama scandal, Newsmax is right there suggesting it. Obama sucks. Thanks Newsmax.




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Right, that's the thing... if we get actionable evidence that ISIS is operating a camp in Mexico, it will be blown up post haste. So I'm not particularly worried. Why is this breaking news, then?




Ah, because ISIS in Mexico means Obama sucks. Thanks for spelling that out, Infowars.




Right, Obama sucks. Thanks Liberty News.




Even though they're not quite able to explain how this is an Obama scandal, Newsmax is right there suggesting it. Obama sucks. Thanks Newsmax.


It's funny because it's true.


Here's the scoop, EVEN THE FUCKING MUSLIMS ARE BOMBING THE SHIT OUT OF ISIS. If they showed up in any other country, methinks the US wouldn't really have to do much but make a phone call.


"Hello, this is Portia Miller, Prime Minister of Jamaica."

"Mrs. Miller, this is the United States NSA. We're calling to inform you that we have identified an ISIS cell inside your borders"

"BUMBOCLAAT! Ya mus be crazy, mon! I deal with dis RIGHT AWAY, mon..."


Cue explosion in Kingston.


Repeat for every other sovereign country with any kind of sense, changing only the accent.

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It's funny because it's true.


Here's the scoop, EVEN THE FUCKING MUSLIMS ARE BOMBING THE SHIT OUT OF ISIS. If they showed up in any other country, methinks the US wouldn't really have to do much but make a phone call.


"Hello, this is Portia Miller, Prime Minister of Jamaica."

"Mrs. Miller, this is the United States NSA. We're calling to inform you that we have identified an ISIS cell inside your borders"

"BUMBOCLAAT! Ya mus be crazy, mon! I deal with dis RIGHT AWAY, mon..."


Cue explosion in Kingston.


Repeat for every other sovereign country with any kind of sense, changing only the accent.


Actually, I feel like most people would like... "Who? Oh.. uhhh... whatever, I don't care. Let them blow themselves to pieces, it's not our problem."

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I guess this is a case of wanting to hear news you agree with as opposed to wanting the best information.


What can I say? I'm a sucker for clickbait.








Thanks for taking this thread super cereal.

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What can I say? I'm a sucker for clickbait.








Thanks for taking this thread super cereal.


Well, I was just responding to the question you started the thread posting. I am genuinly curious as to how people choose where to get their information as in my line of work I am addicted to two things: risk and data.

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Actually, I feel like most people would like... "Who? Oh.. uhhh... whatever, I don't care. Let them blow themselves to pieces, it's not our problem."


Actually the Jamaicans (insert any country even Iran which is fucking mind blowing) would be like


"Oh com on mon, hows bout some commitment to aid for use, 100 billion, or no shit we can give mon"


"Okay, we will give you 100 billion, now take care of ISIS"


" Mon ya kno mon, we will work da hard to stop da ISIS, but ya mon, check back, 100 billion may not be e-nuff mon, we need even better commitment"


Then we just keep donating more tax dollars...

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