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9mm vs 45acp

Radio Flyer1647545514

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I remember a few years back when I first started carrying there was always the debate on 9mm vs 45acp and the 45acp always seemed to be the go to round because it has more "stopping power".


I always stuck with the argument that neither of these rounds have "stopping power" and preferred carrying 9mm over .45 for the extra round count it would hold. Neither of these rounds will actually stop someone from coming at you unless you land a fatal shot. If I want true stopping power I suppose I'll pick up a 10mm.


I read a pretty good article today about what others in the shooting industry prefer and the bias is now leaning towards 9mm>45acp, which seems to be the opposite of what I'd been hearing over the years. Most of it comes down to bullet technology advancement in the 9mm round.


Article is here and IMO worth the read to see what people prefer and why.


Has anyone else switched to 9mm from .45acp?


Also, is .40 cal on it's way out? It seems .40 cal pistols are dropping in price on the used market vs. their 9mm and .45 brothers due to advancements in bullet technology.

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I switched to 9mm years ago. It's substantially cheaper to shoot = much more practice = increased proficiency.


.40 is on its way out, it was a half-assed idiotic idea in the first place.


All your common handgun calibers are a compromise, even the mighty 10mm.


Run a reliable pistol you can use well that you'll actually carry. Practice as much as you can. Carry good modern defense ammo.

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Yes, but when I originally did it was for cost reasons.


If you've been through Joe and I's classes I discuss this exact topic somewhat.


Bottom handguns suck at killing people period, and all major handgun calibers are statistically within a very small percentage of each other. On average it takes 3 shots to stop someone.


Practice and put the bullets where they need to go, and any caliber is going to serve you about the same.


I personally prefer 9mm because it's cheaper, and I can carry more of it.

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Guns are dangerous and having one in your home will do nothing more than increase the chance of a family member getting hurt. Call the police and let them do their job when there's an intruder.


Obviously. I always train to remember to tell them to bring 9mm instead of 45acp when they come to my place.

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