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Remember that Matthew Alan Todd guy? And let's debate about giving people a chance.


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  Geeto67 said:
That's a lofty hope for everyone, not just you. We are humans. It's our nature to say stupid things.


That wasn't an option, unless you mean CR jury members think like you and rush to judgement.



And you would be correct in doing so - unless you live in a very very very small town personal knowledge/interaction with the defendant is a standard dis-qualifier.


Not only do I fully understand that, but I exploit it a little for personal amusement. I see a lot of the same opinion with without much diversity and if I disagree with it I post a contrary opinion to stir the pot. Why? because discourse and opposing viewpoints is the cornerstone of meaningful conversation.




see above. I am not shocked by any of what's said here, and my moral outrage amounts to a flea's fart. I find the whole thing hilarious enhanced only by either intelligent conversation or more hilarious responses. It is kind of the point of the internet to read inflammatory things, so why not add to the fire. I will thank you for the civil discourse though, at least it isn't personal and you aren't spending hours internet stalking me like some other members here.




You and I have the same opinion on the news.




And all I am saying is: 1) every place is the right place to be skeptical; 2) being skeptical does not automatically translate into an opinion on the person's past behavior if the thing your are skeptical about is pretty much universally suspect for nearly anyone (like how a trespassing conversation turns into assault where an officer's weapon becomes unsecured). Also 99% of statistics are made up on the spot - there are others who lean toward not condemning the guy if you go back and read but have expressed it differently. This place tends to be a dog pile sometimes of overwhelming judgmental behavior and honestly it could use a dissenting opinion sometimes to keep things lively.



If you suck dick with the same passion as you have when debating worthless shit sign me up for a blowjob.

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i'll await the verdict. for the most part, people don't change. he was not 'trolling' on this site. he was not here to get a rise out of people and he's really a super-nice, upstanding guy in real life.


he was/is a free-loading cock-bag, who faked all kinds of bullshit injuries to get gov't assistance, disability, etc, to pay for his piece of shit car, and schooling, if i recall. he has no 'real' disability so far as i could tell, aside from a personality disorder. this is not a disability, so much as it is just being born a fucking asshole.


it would not surprise me to find out the story is similar to what has been reported. there may be some missing details, but i doubt it would be anything that would exhonerate this fucktard. as stated before, its not my job to determine innocence, i'm just giving an opinion.

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Geeto, I would point out how dumb your posts are, but in this case it's pretty self evident.


We have strong opinions. We voice them. We don't give a shit if you're pretending to be an attorney, or what you think the courts should/will do. If someone is an asshole to the members of this site, we will feel happy when they get their just desserts.


Welcome to CR. Enjoy your stay.

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  Mensan said:


We have strong opinions. We voice them. We don't give a shit if you're pretending to be an attorney, or what you think the courts should/will do. If someone is an asshole to the members of this site, we will feel happy when they get their just desserts.



I have a strong opinion as well, and I have no problem voicing it.


Here is the thing I find extremely amusing....you all assume that because I have a different opinion than you that I do not want you to post you opinion, which is flawed logic. Quite the opposite. You post your opinion, I post my equally strong but dissenting opinion and a discourse usually starts. Maybe my expectations are too high that there are people here who value conversation over the same opinion presented 13 different ways. Maybe I should just fill threads like this with " 'Merica !", "Git er done", and other sorts of nonsense so I don't make you guys nervous by challenging your world view and shit.



Maybe I am mis-understanding the purpose of this section of the board: isn't this the section where one guy posts what he thinks and then another guy is supposed to tell him he's full of shit and here's why? Or did you mean by "anything goes" that anything goes by Midwestern standards where nobody is supposed to upset the apple cart.

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  Geeto67 said:
I have a strong opinion as well, and I have no problem voicing it.


Here is the thing I find extremely amusing....you all assume that because I have a different opinion than you that I do not want you to post you opinion, which is flawed logic. Quite the opposite. You post your opinion, I post my equally strong but dissenting opinion and a discourse usually starts. Maybe my expectations are too high that there are people here who value conversation over the same opinion presented 13 different ways. Maybe I should just fill threads like this with " 'Merica !", "Git er done", and other sorts of nonsense so I don't make you guys nervous by challenging your world view and shit.



Maybe I am mis-understanding the purpose of this section of the board: isn't this the section where one guy posts what he thinks and then another guy is supposed to tell him he's full of shit and here's why? Or did you mean by "anything goes" that anything goes by Midwestern standards where nobody is supposed to upset the apple cart.


we are all telling you that the sky is indeed, fucking blue. you are insisting that its purple. it is...........annoying. but carry on.

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  kirks5oh said:
we are all telling you that the sky is indeed, fucking blue. you are insisting that its purple. it is...........annoying. but carry on.


if you are so set in your ways that you think this is as concrete as "the sky is blue" then I feel sorry for you. Your annoyance is not my concern, but it is amusing.


You guys want the same boring conversations and the same lack of free thought. Homogeneity from here to eternity.

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  Geeto67 said:
if you are so set in your ways that you think this is as concrete as "the sky is blue" then I feel sorry for you. Your annoyance is not my concern, but it is amusing.


You guys want the same boring conversations and the same lack of free thought. Homogeneity from here to eternity.


i believe the first impression is everything. i have a limited amount of time to invest in giving people 1000 chances to not be a fucking douche. my opinion of him is concrete. you comment that you feel sorry for me, yet find me amusing? :dumb: there's a difference between free thought, interesting debate, and just disagreeing to hear yourself talk/try to be smart/edgy/etc

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  kirks5oh said:
i believe the first impression is everything. i have a limited amount of time to invest in giving people 1000 chances to not be a fucking douche. my opinion of him is concrete. you comment that you feel sorry for me, yet find me amusing? :dumb: there's a difference between free thought, interesting debate, and just disagreeing to hear yourself talk/try to be smart/edgy/etc



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  kirks5oh said:
i believe the first impression is everything. i have a limited amount of time to invest in giving people 1000 chances to not be a fucking douche. my opinion of him is concrete. you comment that you feel sorry for me, yet find me amusing? :dumb: there's a difference between free thought, interesting debate, and just disagreeing to hear yourself talk/try to be smart/edgy/etc


First impression in real life? absolutely


First impression on the internet? you must be joking.


feel sorry that you deal only in absolutes, amused by your frustration and resistance to the concept that nothing is absolute.


But I am convinced there is no such thing as interesting debate on this board and little regard for free thought. So at this point I just keep it lively, maybe waiting to see if someone else feels the need to respond and see what kind of legs this place has.

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  Doc said:
Interesting goal, Kerry. I hope it doesn't end in hemlock for you.


Oh it probably will, Doc. you can only poke a bear so long before it wakes up and rips your face off.


I'm getting kind of bored of it though. I have all the info I needed from this little experiment anyway.

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  Jones said:
I'm amazed you even lower yourself to posting on here.

You are obviously a very intelligent and astute individual, why would you ever bother to spend cycles slumming it up with us troglodytes?


Sheer boredom?


He was out of matches on Grindr

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  Geeto67 said:
Oh it probably will, Doc. you can only poke a bear so long before it wakes up and rips your face off.


I'm getting kind of bored of it though. I have all the info I needed from this little experiment anyway.


Yes, we all do.

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I'm glad everyone finally got this off their chests. I was starting to think I was the only one who felt that he took everything way too literal and made every post 3-4 paragraphs of smug, unbearable bullshit.
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  Jones said:
I'm amazed you even lower yourself to posting on here.

You are obviously a very intelligent and astute individual, why would you ever bother to spend cycles slumming it up with us troglodytes?


Sheer boredom?


mostly boredom.


Here is the thing though, I have met some of the members here in real life and found them intelligent, articulate, and engaging people - and don't consider myself above anybody. But yet on here it's pretty...i don't know...crass and dumb. It's like a giant therapy session for closet behavior. Not that I want it to stop, I find it hysterical and amusing so I prod it a little and I have to say it does not disappoint.


Anyway, I have other things to do for the rest of the night, can't wait to see whats been written here tomorrow.

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  kirks5oh said:
i'll await the verdict. for the most part, people don't change. he was not 'trolling' on this site. he was not here to get a rise out of people and he's really a super-nice, upstanding guy in real life.


he was/is a free-loading cock-bag, who faked all kinds of bullshit injuries to get gov't assistance, disability, etc, to pay for his piece of shit car, and schooling, if i recall. he has no 'real' disability so far as i could tell, aside from a personality disorder. this is not a disability, so much as it is just being born a fucking asshole.


it would not surprise me to find out the story is similar to what has been reported. there may be some missing details, but i doubt it would be anything that would exhonerate this fucktard. as stated before, its not my job to determine innocence, i'm just giving an opinion.


This x infinity

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