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So, I'm going to be on T.V.

Otis Nice

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No, not COPS or Naked and Afraid (because if I were naked, everyone would be afraid).


(tl;dr at the bottom)


Last year I was at my folks place talking with my dad and brother about not much of anything. While flipping through the channels I came across a show on The Weather Channel of all places called "Fat Guys in the Woods". Of course I was intrigued.


Upon seeing one episode I was hooked. If you haven't seen it the premise is this: Survival expert Creek Stewart takes three guys into the woods for a week to teach survival skills...and confidence. Each guy has something they'd like to prove or overcome. It's not JUST fat guys wanting to lose weight or what not. Each guy is given a limited number of supplies. Each episode shows a different shelter, fire starting method, and other survival skills. Season one was filmed solely in Tennessee's Smoky Mountains. We vacation there every year and I hunt and hike those mountains fairly often so I found the information to be invaluable.


At the end of each episode Creek gave an Ontario Blackbird SK-5 to one of the participants. Being into knives a little and wanting to learn more I started searching for what type it was since it wasn't mentioned on the show. That lead me to a few forums and a facebook page.


While sitting at home perusing the FGITW FB page last October I saw, "Now casting for FGITW Season 2". I sent in an email with some info and a brief story about why I'd like to participate like the post said to. I never expected anything to happen but low and behold I got a call from California about an hour later. She asked questions, I answered, then I got the, "we'll be in touch."


Fast forward to November and I got an email and another call saying they wanted to do a skype interview. A couple of weeks goes by, an agent missed the skype interview with me, and I had to do it later. When the interview was done she said, "don't post anything online or tell anyone but I'm forwarding your interview to the producers."


A few more weeks goes by then right before Christmas I get a phone call. I was selected. I didn't really know what to think and must have sounded apathetic because the producer who called said, "aren't you excited?" I replied, "yeah, but to be honest I didn't expect to make it so I don't know how to react."


I start thinking about how awesome I'll do in The Smoky Mountains since I've been hiking there since I was a kid (yes, I know my body doesn't reflect that. LOL's here if you want. It's heredita...glandul...I'm fat). That's when she dropped the bomb on me: "Well, the first 2 episodes have been filmed already. They were in Drummond Island, MI (in early-mid Dec mind you) and were facing up to 10 foot snow drifts, but you're one of the lucky ones!"


"Oh yeah? Why is that?", I asked.


"You're going to the desert!"


That's right. Instead of 1 location they filmed season 2 in 4 different locations...and I was going to the desert. A barren wasteland I've only seen in media. For 6 days. 5 nights. With 3 people I've never met.


In January I said goodbye to my wife and kid. Hopped on a plane (for only my 3rd time ever), and after a brief layover in ATL (blech), I was off to Tucson. I arrived, met the 2 other fat guys, and we hopped on a shuttle and ended up at the Del Sol Casino and Resort. Schwanky.


Everything was...different in AZ. I've seen pictures but being at a large resort in the middle of the desert was something I'd never experienced. That first night we met with the main producer and 2 assistant producers. We got the run down of what we could expect. What we were told is why I fell in love with the show in the first place.


Evan, the shows creator and producer, is a down to earth guy and told us exactly what I wanted to hear. Essentially, Creek is cool, we don't have scripts, we want you guys to gain something from this experience. That's it. No drinking pee, jumping out of helicopters, or any nonsense. Just 3 guys taking a survival course.


...in the desert.


I, of course, am from central Ohio. Born and raised. The other 2 guys were Jacob from Knoxville, (a writer for a firearms publication), and Pete from Lancaster County, PA (a news anchor...in Amish county).


I was definitely out of my element, but man what a great experience. Anyway, I've rambled far too long and most probably have stopped reading by now. There's a ton more I could say about the entire experience, but I'll get to it.



I'm going to be on Fat Guys in the Woods. They liked our episode so much they made it the premier. June 7th at 9:00 PM on The Weather Channel.


I'm in the blue shirt for those that don't know me personally.


Also, no, I don't care what you think about my (lack of) physique or what monikers you wish to label me with. Even you PP. :lol: I use to weigh 421, got down to 268 without any "quick fix", just eating real food and moving, but found myself back at 360 within 3 years after my grandpa's death. Since filming I've lost 15 pounds and made some positive, healthy changes again, so I'm proud of me, even if others aren't. Deal with it. :D


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Thanks guys. Feel free to post any questions before, during, or after the show. I prob won't be on CR while it's airing, but once aired I can answer pretty much any question. Had to sign a nondisclosure but I can answer some before.


That's awesome. Should of said something before filming. I would have sent you a Bama football t shirt to wear ;)




Couldn't wear ANY logos. Believe me, I had a Buckeye shirt ready to go. :)

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"What are you thinking about being a snuggle bunny with three big dudes?"


I LOL'd.


Congrats, Randy. Your straight forward, "good guy" way, with the humor, will be fun to watch. I look forward to seeing the show.

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