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So, I'm going to be on T.V.

Otis Nice

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Thanks all.


Sorry I haven't replied. It's been a hectic weekend. Wedding, graduations, out of state memorial day trip, and death of an old friend.


We were at my folks since I got off work Friday and I took my laptop just to stay up to date on CR but never got around to it then my wife forgot to bring it home so I had to download tapatalk on my phone. It's awful. I'll try to answer the questions on here anyway. Tomorrow I'll have my laptop and all will be right with the world again.


Pooping in the desert: if you've ever crapped outside you know it's a majestic occurrence. I've dumped all over the Appalachian foothills and mountains but before January have never even seen a desert, let alone been dropped in the middle of one for 6 days without a single building to be seen for miles.


We were over an hour outside of Tucson IIRC. 36 miles north of the border...and the evidence all around us proved that. I have an interesting story on that which actually came from one of my pooping expeditions. I'll talk more on that once I have my pc.


Like anywhere, you find a nice, level spot with a great view and dig a hole. I went into it totally ready to use my backup pair of socks but we were afforded toilet paper. The show is pretty real as far as no behind the scenes luxury b.s. but I was grateful that t.p. was provided.


Creek is seriously a great guy. His stories on this subject were quite amusing. Again, more later.


Pay: I'll have to see what I'm allowed to say on this subject before airing. Had to sign a nondisclosure and a lot of it is tight lipped before the episode is shown.


As for compensation I feel ok saying we were well taken care of. Flights were covered. First and last night's out (8 days total, 6 in this he desert filming) at Casino Del Sol Resort were covered. All meals from the time I left the morning to catch the plane until I arrived home were covered. We were paid. We were also given a nice amount of items from sponsors of the show. Again, I'll give more details after it airs.


Thanks for the feedback and questions.

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I'll add more pics and some behind the scenes shots after the airing.









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That's pretty cool. I've seen the show, much better than watching naked and afraid. I've seen the naked and afraid guys run from small animals that the fat guys in the woods would have tackled and ate. Lol
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Are you being interviewed on WCOL tomorrow moring? Pretty sure I heard that on the radio today...


Yes I am. I had an email when I woke up this morning. Got things cleared at work then got it set up. I heard them announce it also.


I'll be on 92.3 WCOL at 7:30 and 7:55.




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That's pretty cool. I've seen the show, much better than watching naked and afraid. I've seen the naked and afraid guys run from small animals that the fat guys in the woods would have tackled and ate. Lol


Haha. True.

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Tv resorted to putting out fat acceptance shows now :nono:


What's next. gay/lesbian and afraid shows where they film them for a week in their daily life struggle?


Glad you're cool with the show and are enjoying the air time/money/expenses etc though.



I could see me n me mates having a few pints down at the pub watching this show, pointing at the screen n avin a giggle

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Tv resorted to putting out fat acceptance shows now :nono:


What's next. gay/lesbian and afraid shows where they film them for a week in their daily life struggle?


Glad you're cool with the show and are enjoying the air time/money/expenses etc though.



I could see me n me mates having a few pints down at the pub watching this show, pointing at the screen n avin a giggle


Did you really need to post this? Did you even read his first post? I give him props for putting himself out there. Who cares if he is fat if he is cool with it? Obviously he is doing something about it...


I bet this show is 100000 times better than one about you and your super cool professional racket ball lifestyle. :lol::rolleyes:







PS - my friends and I DO laugh at and point at the hardcore racket ball players.

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Did you really need to post this? Did you even read his first post? I give him props for putting himself out there. Who cares if he is fat if he is cool with it? Obviously he is doing something about it...


I bet this show is 100000 times better than one about you and your super cool professional racket ball lifestyle. :lol::rolleyes:



PS - my friends and I DO laugh at and point at the hardcore racket ball players.


Thanks Marc, but I've ignored PP's petty rants long ago. It's all good. :) I don't care what he or anyone else thinks. I'm not ashamed of who I am. I can hike to the top of Mt. LeConte (5.2 miles, ~2,700 ft elevation IIRC) and back down. I can hike all over the woods to hunt. I can run and play with my son. I can play ball with friends all day long. If I still lost sleep over what others thought of me I wouldn't have applied for the show and would've missed an incredible experience. I would be holed up in my cabin never seeing or doing anything. As it is I kayak with friends and do all kinds of things.


See? I'm perfectly happy. My happiness isn't based on making 100% of the people on this planet accepting of me. :D


If he chooses to continually judge and berate people on outward appearances that's his prerogative. He has the freedom and right to do so in this country.

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Tv resorted to putting out fat acceptance shows now :nono:


What's next. gay/lesbian and afraid shows where they film them for a week in their daily life struggle?


Glad you're cool with the show and are enjoying the air time/money/expenses etc though.



I could see me n me mates having a few pints down at the pub watching this show, pointing at the screen n avin a giggle

I'm glad you took a 30 second break from jerking off to Caitlyn Jenner to post this.

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Did you really need to post this? Did you even read his first post? I give him props for putting himself out there. Who cares if he is fat if he is cool with it? Obviously he is doing something about it...


I bet this show is 100000 times better than one about you and your super cool professional racket ball lifestyle. :lol::rolleyes:







PS - my friends and I DO laugh at and point at the hardcore racket ball players.


You got the wrong guy tater tot. This isn't Phil and I've never played racket ball in my life.




Also Wannnnnnndy, I'm just razzing ya. Glad you are happy and enjoyed being on the show.

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