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People that go door-to-door...how to discourage visiting?


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Mom had a problem with Jehovahs Witnesses bothering her. She also had a HUGE boar skull and some black spray paint. Five minutes of spray, a nice red pentagram on the top, and a prominent spot on the porch rail....


Can I get a pic of this and also where can I buy a boar skull

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Move to the country.

Doesn't work, we get bible thumpers constantly... I tell them to get the fuck off my property and to peddle their brain washing elsewhere, but they always come back.. doesn't matter if I'm holding a firearm or not...

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Doesn't work, we get bible thumpers constantly... I tell them to get the fuck off my property and to peddle their brain washing elsewhere, but they always come back.. doesn't matter if I'm holding a firearm or not...


when I was at OSU, these ppl (one man and two ladies) showed up on sunday morning around 6am to wake me up after I had just slept 45 min from partying that night. I nicely told them to leave and they did. A week later they showed up again, so I stripped naked, grabbed my guitar opened the door, and sang "Las Mañanitas" as loud as I could dancing with the thing swinging side to side... never came back.

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Doesn't work, we get bible thumpers constantly... I tell them to get the fuck off my property and to peddle their brain washing elsewhere, but they always come back.. doesn't matter if I'm holding a firearm or not...


12g in hand, tightey whiteys and tube socks (on your feet), throw the door open, push past them, and fire a few rounds. Works every time.


That or a german shepherd unchained.

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There are a lot of joke answers like this here, but when I lived in New Orleans a buddy of mine used to answer the door with his cock hanging out of his fly. He would be really polite, smile a lot, and wait to see how long it would take for them to realize it. Some right away, some it would take a few minutes. After 2 weeks nobody dared come to his door ever again. People do a lot of stupid things in their 20s.


But yeah, just get a "no soliciting sign".

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I hate the assholes that come trying to sell lawn care. There's not a single weed in my yard and it's deep green...yet you think I want to pay for your service.


Or, they think they can beat the price, if you are paying someone to do it.

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I will say, i was completely serious about the baby sleeping sign.


You dont want to say that you are asleep because of the shift you are working (fodder for breakins) You cant say youll shoot someone (legal reasons)


No one wants to wake a sleeping baby. It works.

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