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Reddit admin vs. r/FatPeopleHate


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Yep. Fuck Ellen Pao. The banning of /r/jailbait had legal issues behind it, this is just defending fat fucks who got offended because someone called them fat. Sure, that sub is full of hatred, but "free speech" is what made Reddit what it is today. Furthermore, the hypocrisy is mindblowing. There's several far more offensive subs that they don't give half a fuck about.


What's the "Voltaire" saying? It's 100% applicable here.


And before someone posts the crap about the FPH brigades; ban the users, not the sub. Not hard to figure out who participates in the raids.


EDIT: If anyone looks into it, the link between her husband's firm's lawsuit and her own lawsuit against her previous employer is pretty damn LOL. She's a crazy bitch. How she became CEO of the front page of the internet is pretty boggling.

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It's a thing because they banned subreddits like fatpeoplehate for brigading and harassing users, making real life threats, etc... Except FPH never did that. It was just a bunch of whiny fucks that got it banned. The user base is upset because their is another subreddit, called ShitRedditSays, that actively promotes this and is run my radical feminist. The admins of reddit don't even acknowledge it's existence, even though it is many times larger than FPH ever could have been.


Basically, Ellen Pao is a bitch.

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I don't know how smart it is to base a free speech protest on a platform of bigotry and intolerance. I mean I get that free speech is inclusive of these ideas but it's just not a popular or historically successful way of doing things.
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It's a thing because they banned subreddits like fatpeoplehate for brigading and harassing users, making real life threats, etc... Except FPH never did that.


Prove it. They have a complaints monitoring program and access to a lot more data than you. How do you magically know that nobody harassed someone when they publicly claim otherwise.

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Prove it. They have a complaints monitoring program and access to a lot more data than you. How do you magically know that nobody harassed someone when they publicly claim otherwise.


Holy fuck you just debate everything don't you


Why don't you have me prove that having three cocks in your ass doesn't make you a raging homo. I bet you have a 11" rock hard argument up yours.


How about you just read the comments on reddit yourself?


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Holy fuck you just debate everything don't you


maybe, but I do take a particular interest in those who show ignorance and lack of compassion to their fellow man.


Why don't you have me prove that having three cocks in your ass doesn't make you a raging homo. I bet you have a 11" rock hard argument up yours.


Good to know you are such a raging homophobe. Any other bigotry you would care to share with us? Any other piece of ignorant intolerance you want to share?


How about you just read the comments on reddit yourself?



I read it and came to the same conclusion. Reddit management has more information than their users and their users are just whining they can't openly be bigots on the internet anymore. Point blank reddit is reddit management's toy and it is at their discretion to make policy, collect information, and enforce policy at their discretion. If you don't like it your options are not to use it or lobby for change with their management.



there is one comment I do agree with and that is Reddit probably should be more transparent about their definition of harassment and enforce it in a more objective way. Again there is no proof in the comments that proves there was no harassment, just a lot of speculation from users. Have to side with Reddit on this one, they are in a position to see much more data than any one user including privately submitted complaints and PMs.


I get the feeling that this was to set an example in the wake of their new policy changes and that all the other subreddits that are smaller and equally as harassing better shape up or ship out. Honestly, there is so much poor behavior on reddit that if they just went out an banned all the harassing subreddits they would ban the majority of their user base. And if some of the more harassing smaller ones continue they will probably be banned in upcoming weeks. This was the shot fired across the bow.


Here is the thing I don't get about people using reddit. If they just want to express hate toward a particualr group in public, why not just join a hate group and actually go out and protest fat people et al. Anonymity? If the /jailbait reddit fiasco or edward snowden, or wikileaks taught us anything it is that anonymity is as much a fiction on the internet as it is in real life. If you give someone reason enough to care they can find out who you are.


this reminds me of the illinios nazis in the 1970s. Just because you win a supreme court case that says you have the right to exercise bigoted speech as part of free speech doesn't mean being a Nazi is suddenly a popular and accepted thing.

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Raging homophobe? Oh how little you know and how much you assume of me. Good to see you start with insults to ones character because you couldn't formulate a real argument.


It's not about bigoted speech you daft fuck. Had you actually read more than the top 3 comments you'd have been able to come to a sensible conclusion. There are far more racist, bigoted, homophobic, transphobic, etc. you name it subreddits out there, many with far more subscribers than FPH.


The issue at hand is they banned subreddits that management doesn't like under the false pretenses that they influence real life goose chases. There are far worse subreddits that actually are doing what FPH has been accused of, and they [reddit management] refuse to answer questions concerning them. It's their site, they can ban what they want, but they shouldn't try to cover up the reasoning for doing so with hypocrisy.

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Raging homophobe? Oh how little you know and how much you assume of me. Good to see you start with insults to ones character because you couldn't formulate a real argument.


I can only judge you one unfunny comment at a time. However start with insults? I think the pot might be calling your phone right now since your first response was a homosexually pejorative one directed at me. Are you honestly crying that I have insulted you after that little outburst? weak as wet toilet paper. Nice attempt at a reversal but it failed, I don't have to insult your character, you are doing a fine job on your own with your own comments.


It's not about bigoted speech you daft fuck. Had you actually read more than the top 3 comments you'd have been able to come to a sensible conclusion. There are far more racist, bigoted, homophobic, transphobic, etc. you name it subreddits out there, many with far more subscribers than FPH.


yes there are far more racist, etc...subreddits but none with as large a group as that. And again, it wasn't banned for content it was banned for harassment. Nothing sends a message better than cutting the head of the biggest chicken.


Your argument was that it was based on content and not harassment. Now you are changing your position?



The issue at hand is you think they banned subreddits that management doesn't like under alleged false pretenses that they influence real life goose chases.
Fixed it for you.



There are far worse subreddits that actually are doing what FPH has been accused of, and they [reddit management] refuse to answer questions concerning them. It's their site, they can ban what they want, but they shouldn't try to cover up the reasoning for doing so with hypocrisy.


I agree that there are far worse reddits with fewer participants doing far worse things. and if I was them I wouldn't discuss any policy enforcement with anybody either in light of the attention the issue is getting.


My point is you are basing your argument upon statements you cannot prove like "there was no harassment". You are also partially blaming the "victims" here by calling them "whinny fucks" when in reality you don't have any more information than anyone else has and it is no more than speculation than mine or anyone else's opinion. I fully support you finding another resource for your hate speach since you seem so worried that free thing you use semi-anonymously on the internet is threatening to take it away from you.

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I can only judge you one unfunny comment at a time. However start with insults? I think the pot might be calling your phone right now since your first response was a homosexually pejorative one directed at me. Are you honestly crying that I have insulted you after that little outburst? weak as wet toilet paper. Nice attempt at a reversal but it failed, I don't have to insult your character, you are doing a fine job on your own with your own comments.


This is The Kitchen. If you can't stand the heat, get the fuck out. My character and reputation has been established and is not on the line here, but the ground your reputation stands on is shakier than Nepal. Try harder.


yes there are far more racist, etc...subreddits but none with as large a group as that. And again, it wasn't banned for content it was banned for harassment. Nothing sends a message better than cutting the head of the biggest chicken.


Your argument was that it was based on content and not harassment. Now you are changing your position?


It's a thing because they banned subreddits like fatpeoplehate for brigading and harassing users, making real life threats, etc... Except FPH never did that.


Nope. You implied bigotry twice in your last post.


I read it and came to the same conclusion. Reddit management has more information than their users and their users are just whining they can't openly be bigots on the internet anymore. Point blank reddit is reddit management's toy and it is at their discretion to make policy, collect information, and enforce policy at their discretion. If you don't like it your options are not to use it or lobby for change with their management.



this reminds me of the illinios nazis in the 1970s. Just because you win a supreme court case that says you have the right to exercise bigoted speech as part of free speech doesn't mean being a Nazi is suddenly a popular and accepted thing.



I agree that there are far worse reddits with fewer participants doing far worse things. and if I was them I wouldn't discuss any policy enforcement with anybody either in light of the attention the issue is getting.


My point is you are basing your argument upon statements you cannot prove like "there was no harassment". You are also partially blaming the "victims" here by calling them "whinny fucks" when in reality you don't have any more information than anyone else has and it is no more than speculation than mine or anyone else's opinion. I fully support you finding another resource for your hate speach since you seem so worried that free thing you use semi-anonymously on the internet is threatening to take it away from you.



Why don't you prove that they did?


I think you're one of them "whinny fucks" that will point out a simple typo in an argument because you really don't have any other ground to stand on. God forbid I point out "speach" or your other grammar errors. See, I can dissect what you say as well, but I'd really rather not sink as low to just breaking down others sentences to try to stir the pot. Next please.

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It's a thing because they banned subreddits like fatpeoplehate for brigading and harassing users, making real life threats, etc... Except FPH never did that.


There was a post on r/OutOfTheLoop that got linked to r/BestOf that listed out a good dozen examples of FPH harassing users outside of the sub. You can argue that Reddit has not been particularly great about enforcing their anti-harassment rules consistently, but I'm not sure why anyone would waste time defending the shitlords. If you're willing to look around, there's plenty of evidence to justify the banning.


r/FatLogic is a decent sub, r/FatPeopleHate just made Reddit worse. Good riddance.


eta: This may be it, I'm at work and I can't follow the link.

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There was a post on r/OutOfTheLoop that got linked to r/BestOf that listed out a good dozen examples of FPH harassing users outside of the sub. You can argue that Reddit has not been particularly great about enforcing their anti-harassment rules consistently, but I'm not sure why anyone would waste time defending the shitlords. If you're willing to look around, there's plenty of evidence to justify the banning.


r/FatLogic is a decent sub, r/FatPeopleHate just made Reddit worse. Good riddance.


A dozen, wow-wee!




That is an entire sub with 170k subscribers set out to harass people. If it was about harassment, that sub would be banned.

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Great, post a dozen examples of r/SRS harassing people outside of its own borders and I'll support it's banning.


Hell, I'd support its banning on much less if it's as worthless as you say it is. Thing is, I've never seen r/SRS on r/all, so it's not as visibly shitty.


"There are other shitty subs that weren't banned" is not a defense of r/FPH's behavior.

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Great, post a dozen examples of r/SRS harassing people outside of its own borders and I'll support it's banning.


Hell, I'd support its banning on much less if it's as worthless as you say it is. Thing is, I've never seen r/SRS on r/all, so it's not as visibly shitty.


"There are other shitty subs that weren't banned" is not a defense of r/FPH's behavior.


I'm not defending the behavior. The thread title is Reddit admin vs. r/FatPeopleHate. My argument is about the reddit admins hypocrisy in the whole situation.

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This is The Kitchen. If you can't stand the heat, get the fuck out. My character and reputation has been established and is not on the line here, but the ground your reputation stands on is shakier than Nepal. Try harder.


you threw out the ability to stand on moral high ground the moment you used homophobic insults. If you think I am concerned about "my character" to a person both demonstrating for and arguing for intolerance then you don't see the forest from the trees.


As for yours, again I don't have to say a thing - your statements do a good job already of making it very clear who you are. If you haven't learned yet that your "reputation" can be undone by one thing you say than you either lead a pretty sheltered life or are under 30. I imagine that will be a hard lesson for you to learn when the time comes.


I am not the one sweating here. In fact this is actually kind of fun.


Why don't you prove that they did?


Why should I, they took a course of action that I agree with given what little evidence is presented. I am not the one making the argument that the wrong course of action was taken - you are. If you want to make the case that what you think happened is wrong the burden of proof lies on you to support your argument. this is just common sense, no magic here.


I think you're one of them "whinny fucks" that will point out a simple typo in an argument because you really don't have any other ground to stand on.


Flawed logic is not a typo. I haven't pointed out any typos for your argument. You logic is flawed and it is obvious. You are trying to make the best argument you can for why you are "entitled" to use this private thing for free speech when there is no law or right guaranteeing you it.


by the way, please tell me you get the irony of being bothered by my differing opinion yet you are arguing for people's right to make hate speech on the internet. I would hate for that little nugget to have sailed over your head like a 747 at cruising altitude.


but I'd really rather not sink as low

Can you really sink lower? I mean it's possible, but do you really want to?

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There was a post on r/OutOfTheLoop that got linked to r/BestOf that listed out a good dozen examples of FPH harassing users outside of the sub. You can argue that Reddit has not been particularly great about enforcing their anti-harassment rules consistently, but I'm not sure why anyone would waste time defending the shitlords. If you're willing to look around, there's plenty of evidence to justify the banning.


r/FatLogic is a decent sub, r/FatPeopleHate just made Reddit worse. Good riddance.


eta: This may be it, I'm at work and I can't follow the link.


This times a million.

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you threw out the ability to stand on moral high ground the moment you used homophobic insults. If you think I am concerned about "my character" to a person both demonstrating for and arguing for intolerance then you don't see the forest from the trees.


I never said anything about moral high ground, I'm talking about your reputation as an arrogant keyboard warrior. Your "character" is extremely self-conceited and you try to put yourself above others to belittle them in lieu of an actual argument. I didn't ask you to prove "that having three cocks in your ass doesn't make you a raging homo" because you believe I'm a homophobe, as I'm quite far from one. I said it because I don't like you and I wish you the unpleasantness of three cocks in your ass.


Look at me guys, I'm Geeto67, I don't want to hurt anybodies feelings but I want you all to know that I am better than you for doing so.

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