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I'm thinking of taking advantage of T-Mobile's new "JUMP! On-Demand" service. Basically I pay a monthly fee for a phone and sign an 18 month "lease", but I can upgrade at any time, up to 3 times a year. Each time I upgrade the 18 months resets. I tend to swap phones so often that this is less of a hit that $600 here, $600 there. I've narrowed it down to




Samsung Galaxy S6


Samsung Note 4


The S6 would just outright win it if it wasn't for the short-ish battery life. The fingerprint scanner looks to be as good as Apple's, which is a huge plus. I've never had a "phablet" before, so I'm a bit weary of the Note, but the battery life is appealing and it's got a ton of features...though the Note 5 probably comes out next month.


The G4 seems like a decent in-between phone. It definitely doesn't feel like it's got a 5.5" screen, and it's got a pretty big battery. The camera on each of these phones should be more than adequate. I do love Samsung's AMOLED displays, but the Samsungs at the T-Mobile store I went to all had screen burn-in. This worried me, but the store was also complete shit all around so maybe they just didn't take care of their phones. What say you all?

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I got an S6 and a couple wireless charging pads. Whenever I return to my desk, I just drop the phone on the charging pad. I haven't had any battery life issues and the battery charges stupidly fast when you connect it via a normal charger.


Bloatware is still an issue albeit not as prominent as past Samsung devices, and TouchWiz is far less intrusive. I barely notice it. I skipped the Edge version and got the regular one and am a big fan so far.

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S6 is one of the best... If not the best Android phone on the market. Great screen, performance, and battery life gets better with each update. Wireless charging is amazing. only downside I could say is touchwiz... Because Fuck touchwiz



I'm more of an HTC fan but the M9 kinda dropped the ball for me.

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I have a Note 3 and love it. Would wait for Sept to see what Note 5 brings if I were you gong phablet. I may switch to an S6 edge. I like the edge just because it's different and it is nicer to hold.
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I like the Note series. Ive had 1-4. But i am a giant so the Note series fits my hand like a S6 in normal hands haha


I had heard in reviews that battery life was a problem for the note 4 when it first came out... did they ever fix it through OTA updates?

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Right now for me, it's a tie between the S6 and the G4

they are both great phones with very good cameras.

if i were going to buy one TODAY, it would have to be the G4 because of the replaceable battery and SD card slot. both of which are now missing from the S6.


that being said, i would wait a couple of weeks and be looking at the 2015 version of the Nexus 5 and the One+2. those are the 2 on my radar to replace my Note 3. if i even decide to upgrade. i still love this phone.


the T-Mobile plan itself is pretty cool, if you use it to it's fullest. i would much rather jump on their new 4 line for $120 deal. EACH line gets 10GB of data. that looks amazing right now.

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I ended up going with the G4. I'm also getting a free extra battery and leather back for it, so that's pretty nice. I was going to get the S6, but the sales associate said she has to charge hers 3 times a day and she has all kinds of problems with it. She said she was probably going to switch to the G4. Plus I've got 3 "JUMP!" opportunities in the next 12 months, so if I decide I don't like this I can switch. So far I'm liking it though.


Jones, extra phone line is using a Nexus 5. I'm really not a fan of stock Lollipop to be honest. I've got my Nexus 5 on KitKat right now. The 6 is also just WAY too big. I'll see what the new Nexus 5 is like and consider going back to stock.

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In fact, they pushed the release date up because the S6 and S6Edge are cannibalizing each others' sales.


They pushed it up to get out in front of a new iPhone introduction....


"report about Samsung moving up the launch date of the Galaxy Note 5 and Galaxy S6 Edge+ to give them some breathing room ahead of Apple’s next iPhone unveiling"

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They pushed it up to get out in front of a new iPhone introduction....


"report about Samsung moving up the launch date of the Galaxy Note 5 and Galaxy S6 Edge+ to give them some breathing room ahead of Apple’s next iPhone unveiling"


Little of column A, little of column B. 2nd qtr Samsung sales figures were lower than expected so they need to bounce back. beating the iPhone to market is their plan to do so.

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I would buy none of the above. Samsung's TouchWiz ruins Android. Get a phone with pure or close to pure android. It really is SO much better. The upcoming ZTE phone fits that bill, and there's the upcoming OnePlus Two. Is there a Google Play Edition GS6 Active?
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Little of column A, little of column B. 2nd qtr Samsung sales figures were lower than expected so they need to bounce back. beating the iPhone to market is their plan to do so.


And release another rushed, buggy phone.


I would buy none of the above. Samsung's TouchWiz ruins Android. Get a phone with pure or close to pure android. It really is SO much better. The upcoming ZTE phone fits that bill, and there's the upcoming OnePlus Two. Is there a Google Play Edition GS6 Active?



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I would buy none of the above. Samsung's TouchWiz ruins Android. Get a phone with pure or close to pure android. It really is SO much better. The upcoming ZTE phone fits that bill, and there's the upcoming OnePlus Two. Is there a Google Play Edition GS6 Active?

I'm waiting on the one plus two.

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I would buy none of the above. Samsung's TouchWiz ruins Android. Get a phone with pure or close to pure android. It really is SO much better. The upcoming ZTE phone fits that bill, and there's the upcoming OnePlus Two. Is there a Google Play Edition GS6 Active?


Ah yes, those Nexus/Motorola phones with their great cameras and long battery life. /s


That ZTE phone does look pretty good, and I'll admit there is something to be said about stockish Android. It just seems like most of the phones that come with stock Android also come with quite a few compromises. Plus, the JUMP! On-Demand service only offers a few flagship phones right now. So ZTE or ONEPLUS weren't options for that.


Also, there is not a GPE GS6 Active, and with the them using Samsung's proprietary processor, don't expect there to be a lot of/any AOSP ROMs.

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still waiting to experience all the catastrophic bugs i'm hearing about on my phone


I never really had any issues with my GS4, and would have gone with the S6 but I was just feeling a bigger phone, but not a Note. Haters gonna hate. Heaven forbid someone actually enjoy some of the things Touchwiz brings to Android.

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