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Winning and losing in China markets?


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Been watching this for the past few months, granted most people have a limited exposure to the markets there but....thoughts?

Terrible to see people lose money in this market.


Waiting for it to happen here next. A Greece or a Zimbabwe can happen here in the us.

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With all the money thats been "made" there in the markets the past few months everyone seems to be glossing over how many people have lost everything the past 2 months. Getting in late, buying on margin, then a couple massive drops...
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I pulled everything out of China years ago against my financial adviser's advice.

6ish months later 60 Minutes did a report on China's Ghost cites.


My father in law is a contractor in the auto industry and currently over sees a few factories outside of Shanghai. The stories he tells me if these ghost cities and just pure emptiness is insane.

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Can vouch for the Ghost cities.


Twenty one pilots is playing a show here in Shanghai tomorrow. We took the tour bus to the cities just to look around. It's the most bizarre thing in the world to me.


They aren't even far from HUGE metropolitan areas. It's just people here avoid them just to piss off the government.


The weirder part is they are building MORE. They also pay the villagers that are local to the cities to clean the buildings every week or so. They all look ready to move into, just no one is inside or walking the streets. It's like a rich version of the walking dead.

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I had heard that none of the cities were complete yet and the idea is to have people move in once the whole city is done. Also that they don't expect to need them for 5-10 more years, they are just trying to plan for the growth. but then again what is true in China...
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Can vouch for the Ghost cities.


Twenty one pilots is playing a show here in Shanghai tomorrow. We took the tour bus to the cities just to look around. It's the most bizarre thing in the world to me.


They aren't even far from HUGE metropolitan areas. It's just people here avoid them just to piss off the government.


The weirder part is they are building MORE. They also pay the villagers that are local to the cities to clean the buildings every week or so. They all look ready to move into, just no one is inside or walking the streets. It's like a rich version of the walking dead.


Did you notice if they were like little villages for specific country groups?


The way the FIL explained it to me is they built a bunch of little Italy's or the GERMAN village where all those ex pats would live as they came over from their country to work.

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I have always stayed away from China, they don't follow rules, they have no problem miss reporting financial data, eta. IMO not good unless you know of something specific.

Lol... What rules? I don't believe a thing that comes out of the markets here either, nor do I have a solid expectation of anyone to follow the "rules"

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