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Bratty man-child torches Ferrari


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OK, so here's the question:


What would you do if you could lay hands on this 20-year-old brat who, in a petulant attempt to get a new Ferrari, torched his "old" 458 Italia?




Drowning in fetid leper diarrhea doesn't even seem bad enough does it?

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Eh he's 20, we all do dumb stuff when we are 20. Honestly I feel like the dealership guy should get it worse for putting the idea in the kids head and then finding and hiring the guys.


So, I have heard that Ferrari won't sell you another car when you willfully destroy one of their machines on purpose. Anybody know if that's true? I know they operate a pretty strict eligibility process for limited editions and specials and have blackballed people from those but to do it through their dealer network for all cars seems dubious.

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