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Child Custody


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Cliff notes:


Friend of mine has a 2 year old son, she got divorced and did not go to court to get things lined out for responsibilities etc.


The dad came to her a couple weeks ago, said I want my son every other week (Sunday to Sunday). She said yes thinking about maybe he changed and now fully regrets it. The Dad is dead beat, doesn't talk to the mom unless he wants the kid and works 3rd shift so the kid just goes to his moms when he has him for that week. She pays for everything for the kid like medical etc.


Supposdly she just cant say your not getting him every other week because they did not line everything out in court?


She wants to go to court to get it in contract or whatever that she has main custody and he can have him every other weekend and one week night every night.


Does anyone on here deal with this stuff or does anyone have recommendations? Possibly someone she can talk to for advice? She can not afford to pay $5,000 up front just to get it started.


Thanks in advance.

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This is why there are lawyers, and she needs one. That poor kid needs stability and she needs guaranteed support, and the dad needs to know there are repercussions for dicking around.


Kids need to know where they are going to be each week. They thrive on a set schedule

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This is why there are lawyers, and she needs one. That poor kid needs stability and she needs guaranteed support, and the dad needs to know there are repercussions for dicking around.


Kids need to know where they are going to be each week. They thrive on a set schedule



Totally agree. I know people have come in here asking for recommendations and we usually do get some good answers/help at the end of the day. Hopefully someone can point her in he right direction of a good lawyer or someone to talk to.

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I'm having a hard time believing the court signed off on a divorce with minor child that did not specify any sort of custodial/visitation/support requirements for either parent. Regardless, this is why lawyers exist. Friend needs to get one before she opens her mouth again and says/does/agrees to something she's going to regret more than she already is.
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I'm having a hard time believing the court signed off on a divorce with minor child that did not specify any sort of custodial/visitation/support requirements for either parent. Regardless, this is why lawyers exist. Friend needs to get one before she opens her mouth again and says/does/agrees to something she's going to regret more than she already is.



This! When I was divorced it specifically had to be written schedule and child support information. Were they married when the had the child? If not, then she has all the custody she wants until he goes to court (if I remember correctly).


They need to do some research if they can't afford a lawyer. I know at the Franklin County Municipal Courts they have a library and a lot of time have a lawyer on duty that can give them insight.

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