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Where to pawn off 60 computers?


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The agency i work for is looking to upgrade, and would like to recoup some costs after the upgrade. We have 60 Lenovo Thinkcentre m77 we'd like to find a buyer for.


3.2 Ghz AMD Athlon II X2 B26 processors


250 GB HDD

Tower only




Anyone have any suggestions? They aren't going for much on Ebay, but every little bit counts. Id like to try to find someone to buy all of them at once.

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  Paul said:
Is this something to cushion your pocket, or for the companys pocket?


Cant imagine you will get much? Might be best to donate for a good cause imo.


Company. Personally, id prefer to hold onto them and use them as back ups, but they're not interested in doing that.

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  Rally Pat said:
They do the data wiping and everything


While that's nice no way I would ever let a drive out the door that I didn't wipe myself.


If customer data ends up leaking because they don't wipe something who gets set on fire?

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  Coaster said:
While that's nice no way I would ever let a drive out the door that I didn't wipe myself.


If customer data ends up leaking because they don't wipe something who gets set on fire?


Last time we had recyclers pick up drives they gave us a certificate stating the drives were destroyed. I doubt they will be destroying these, but i imagine the certificate is a release of liability.

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  jeffro said:
Last time we had recyclers pick up drives they gave us a certificate stating the drives were destroyed. I doubt they will be destroying these, but i imagine the certificate is a release of liability.


I'm sure the news would print a retraction on page 37 a few weeks later once you showed them the certificate.


That's still after the front page story of how 10,000 customers data was found on a drive someone bought at a flea market and the last person who touched those devices is now unemployed.

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  Rally Pat said:
With Arrow, you throw them all on a pallet and they come and get them. They do the data wiping and everything, and if their in good shape they refurbish them and resell them and you get a share of the profit.

I 2nd Arrow.... They sell to Microcenter under the name Red Rabbit

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