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The Force Awakens


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I just read this and think this MAY have some merit as I do believe Rey being Luke's daughter could be a little too, "obvious." I know JJ Abrams likes to keep things a mystery for the audience.




Yea thats true. Rey is a difficult character to figure out. It does seem obvious that she is Luke's daughter but too obvious..

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I just read this and think this MAY have some merit as I do believe Rey being Luke's daughter could be a little too, "obvious." I know JJ Abrams likes to keep things a mystery for the audience.



The only thing that points me away from that theory is, maybe im remembering wrong, but didnt obiwon give anakin hell about trying to get with padme because jedi werent suppose to do that kind of thing?

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The only thing that points me away from that theory is, maybe im remembering wrong, but didnt obiwon give anakin hell about trying to get with padme because jedi werent suppose to do that kind of thing?


Yes, but that was before Ep III. In episode IV, Obi Wan also states, "I was once a Jedi Knight, the same as your father." I interpret that as Obi Wan not considering himself a Jedi Knight after the event's of Ep III. So if you aren't out saving the Galaxy. You change your name. What else is there to do? Find yourself a hot babe, put a ring on it, and get to using your fleshsaber.


You don't have to be a jedi to be force sensitive and to use it. There are people/groups in the expanded universe that aren't jedi's or sith that use the force.


Notice that these are considered religions. Jedi/Sith, Light/Dark...different manners of honoring and practicing the Force. But those aren't the only ways. Look up White Current.

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I have to assume there are flashbacks with Han or something of that nature (or Obewan drags his essence kicking and screaming into force ghost status), because if he's alive, which he's not, it would pretty much be the lamest fakeout in all of cinema.
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He can't be a force ghost.


The jedi were able to do this for a long long time. Then the ability/knowledge to do so was somehow lost.


Qui-Gon Jinn then learned how to do it in a manner. He could communicate, but not manifest himself in a physical form.


He taught Obi Wan and Yoda how to do so, and Obi Wan was able to take it a step further to manifest himself physically.

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He can't be a force ghost. Even the Sith aren't supposed to be able to be Force Ghosts in the same manner that recent Jedi have.


The jedi were able to do this for a long long time. Then the ability/knowledge to do so was somehow lost.


Qui-Gon Jinn then learned how to do it in a manner. He could communicate, but not manifest himself in a physical form.


He taught Obi Wan how to do so, and Obi Wan was able to take it a step further to manifest himself physically like the Jedi's of old. Then obviously, Yoda.


As to how Anakin was able to do this in later releases of Ep VI I have no idea as it doesn't jive with the rest of the story, even cannon. Doing that is something that a Jedi does intentionally. It doesn't just happen.


I was joking about the force ghost thing, however it's pretty pointless to argue what is canon, or even POSSIBLE in a world that consists of FTL travel, space-magic, ghosts, and laser-swords. I mean, we have the term "hand-wavy" in regard to deus ex machina, because of Star Wars.

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I was joking about the force ghost thing, however it's pretty pointless to argue what is canon, or even POSSIBLE in a world that consists of FTL travel, space-magic, ghosts, and laser-swords. I mean, we have the phrase "hand-wavy" in regard to deus ex machina, because of Star Wars.


Going back and re-reading, I was incorrect on part of that. I guess some Sith were also able to do this, and Sidious taught vader.

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Going back and re-reading, I was incorrect on part of that. I guess some Sith were also able to do this, and Sidious taught vader.


And Plagueis learned the "secrets of DEATH" because it's just a convenient way to tell that angle of the story, albeit in a cheap and easy way, that is also kind of perplexing as to how one with such power would be killed in the first place, or need to hide out, or use a puppet Emperor if indeed Snoke is Plagueis reborn.


Hell, in the EU when Palpatine was reincarnated as a young man (effectively undoing Anakin Skywalker's entire story arc), it was just nonsense to move a familiar, and tired redemption narrative.


Honestly at this point, I am just going along for the ride, and I hope they don't re-Lucas the whole thing. So far, so good I really enjoyed TFA.

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Don't forget that Obi Wan had a love interest in the (still cannon) animated series, a Duchess of Mandalore.


The other question though is who is Kylo Ren's master?


I've always been partial to the idea that Darth Bane (inventor of the rule of two and capable of performing essence transfer at the moment of death to possess a new body and take the new bodies' powers into his own) has lived down the centuries eventually becoming Palpatine. It would be cool to think that he is still alive somehow. But the only force-sensitives present at the time of Sidious' death (as far as we know) were Vader and Luke so to whom could his essence have transferred?

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