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House Move Sale - Come Get Stuff for Cheap

Dr. Pomade

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UPDATE: I will be at my place around 1:00 pm today (Sunday, 11-15-15). Text me before you come my way to make sure that what you're interested in is still available. Everything needs to go today, so I'll be motivated to make deals, etc. My cell is 614-325-5970.


IMPORTANT: bring friends/family to help you move stuff as well as your own tools to take things apart, etc. I'm going to be busy doing other things and won't have time to help you load things up, so bring people with you to help.





Remember when I moved offices and I sold a bunch of my stuff for cheap? Of course you don't, but that's okay, because I'm here to remind you that it was fucking awesome. Don't believe me? Ask Jordan, our resident Jet Auto godlike figure.


Anyway, this isn't about Jordan, it's about me moving again. Only this time I'm moving houses. And, because I'm lazy and don't have very big quads, I don't really feel like moving a lot of the stuff left at my old house. This is where you come in. Come get this stuff out of my house, please.


I'm going to list here some of the stuff that I have. I will try to list prices along with them. However, just like with my office move, I really don't care too much about prices. Just show up with some cash and tell me what you want and we'll figure it out from there. Seriously, I'm the worst negotiator in the history of money or negotiating, whichever came first.


Here's some stuff that I have:


- a brown, leather sleeper sofa. It's in great condition, IMHO. It's fucking heavy, which means it's quality, I think. Or it just means it's fucking heavy. Whatever, I'll sell it for $100. I think it cost like $1500 when I bought it. Seriously, it is/was a nice couch.


- a dark brown, wooden dining room table. It's in pretty decent condition. It has a few nicks in it. I bet you could color in the nicks with a brown Crayola marker. It has a section in the middle that you can take out and make it into a smaller table, so if you are poor and have a small house this table will still work for you. The table seats 6 people easily, and 8 people if everyone is small or anorexic. I think it's probably about 7 feet long and about 4 feet wide. I'm not a fucking engineer so don't quote me on that. It's plain, kind of contemporary. $50 for this wonderful piece of craftsmanship and family togetherness.


- a book shelf. It's dark, like almost black. I think it's wood, or something that resembles wood. It's it great shape. It's about 5 feet tall. I have a matching one in my new house, which means that it's cool enough for really cool people. It's fairly plain. Understated, but elegant, I'd say. JK, it's just plain. $25 will buy you this and a firm handshake from me.


- a xerox workcenter m20i. I tried to sell this to you guys before. If you don't remember, here's the thread:




Of course, because you are all savvy buyers, no one took me up on my offer. I realize now that you're playing hardball. Realizing the error of my ways, I've reduced the price of it to $50. However, when you show up, you will tell me that you are only going to give me $25 for it, and I'll agree and then you'll tell your wife how much of a badass negotiator you are. Think of me when you're sexing her later.


- I still have these stupid medical exam tables. Remember them? Here's the thread:




Come get these, please. They are yours if you can find a way of getting them out of here. Just need them gone. Bye bye


- a coffee table. It's an ordinary coffee table. $10. I think it has some bite marks on it from our dog when she was a puppy.


- I have two air conditioning unit things. Both work great. I bought one off Steve (Killjoy) a few months ago. I can try to look up the specs on them later. Both are in great condition. Neither are more than 18 months old, if I am not mistaken. $50 for each of them.


Those are all the main things I can think of off the top of my head. I will update the thread with other things that I have once I get back over to my old house and take another look. I know that I have entire basement full of things, like pieces of furniture, some baby stuff (like a high chair and a crib), and odds and ends. If you're into garage sales or a hoarder, then just come over, tell me what you want, give me a few bucks, and do us both a favor and get it the hell out of my basement.


I'm planning on being at the house on Sunday, November 15 for a sizable chunk of the day, and that's when I'd like to arrange for people to come over. I am going to do this on a first come, first serve basis. I'll update the thread with more about when exactly I'm headed over there as Sunday nears.


My address is 432 W 5th Avenue, 43201. I'm essentially at the intersection of 5th Avenue and Battelle. Parking is a pain in the ass. You'll likely have to stop on Battelle Avenue just behind my place, as there likely won't be parking anywhere else that's close. Parking on Battelle isn't bad; just put on your hazards.


My cell is 614-325-5970. Please don't text me nudes. JK, text away.


I don't have pictures of the stuff at the moment. I might be able to get pictures at some point if it comes to that.


Let me know if there's anything else that I'm leaving out.

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The couch looks pretty much identical to this one, though it doesn't have the legs on it anymore.


No readily identifiable jizz stains, I'm happy to report.


Edit: I tried to fix the link. Let me know if it still doesn't work.

Edited by Dr. Pomade
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It has a section in the middle that you can take out and make it into a smaller table, so if you are poor and have a small house this table will still work for you. The table seats 6 people easily, and 8 people if everyone is small or anorexic.


L fucking L best for sale post I've seen anywhere in a looong time.... if I was around this weekend I'd come and clear ya out.

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Come with chairs too?


Yes, it comes with those chairs, that rug, the table thing in background, the serving tray, those fake limes or whatever those things are, and even the set stairs in background. All for $50. However, all of those other things are invisible and don't exist because I just posted a picture of a table that looks like my table from the Internet.



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Yes, it comes with those chairs, that rug, the table thing in background, the serving tray, those fake limes or whatever those things are, and even the set stairs in background. All for $50. However, all of those other things are invisible and don't exist because I just posted a picture of a table that looks like my table from the Internet.




So, the wooden mixing bowl IS included then?



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I just remembered (Steve posting reminded me):


I have two window-mounted air condition units for sale. I updated the OP. They are both in really good condition. Neither is more than like 18 months old, if I am not mistaken. They both look like this:




$50 each. I will sell you each of the arms for $1,000,000 or $3,000,000 for all four of them. The fake Rolex being worn awkwardly by one of the arms is priceless and thus not for sale.

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Yes, it comes with those chairs, that rug, the table thing in background, the serving tray, those fake limes or whatever those things are, and even the set stairs in background. All for $50. However, all of those other things are invisible and don't exist because I just posted a picture of a table that looks like my table from the Internet.






Are the stairs for sale?

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I just remembered (Steve posting reminded me):


I have two window-mounted air condition units for sale. I updated the OP. They are both in really good condition. Neither is more than like 18 months old, if I am not mistaken. They both look like this:




$50 each. I will sell you each of the arms for $1,000,000 or $3,000,000 for all four of them. The fake Rolex being worn awkwardly by one of the arms is priceless and thus not for sale.


Each of these will FREEZE you out of a 20x20 room!!!!!





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So serious question...no chairs for the table? Lol...not being a dick, just can't tell from your post about chairs (I do want the limes, too).


Nice ass couch, if I didn't just buy a new one I'd pick that up for sure.


No he only is selling the table pic is just for reference

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So serious question...no chairs for the table? Lol...not being a dick, just can't tell from your post about chairs (I do want the limes, too).


Nice ass couch, if I didn't just buy a new one I'd pick that up for sure.


No chairs with the table, no. You will have to provide your own chairs for this table. Or stand and eat, which might be a nice way of burning off some of those excess calories, you fatty.

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