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mocking video on extreme liberals


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You hardly come off as a "moderate". I'm going to godwin's law this mutherfucker and say even Hitler thought he was reasonable. If you are using the SJW term I don't think you get to claim be be moderate, or maybe it is just that you don't understand it's a made up word whose definition relies on the personal opinion of the user. It has no more relevance that calling a bunch of people idiots because you don't agree with them.



You are making a big inaccurate leap there. but whatever I expect that kind of reaction from someone who believes in "social justice warrors", and probably the lochness monster, bigfoot, and little green men from mars.




You do realize you are taking the "real world example" you are citing out of context right? Stand alone it does sound extreme to the point of being silly - however in the context of the larger civil rights protest that was occurring at Mizzou in the scope of much borader allegations of racial discrimination that occurred under Tim Wolfe's administration (for which he would be responsible). From a tactical point of view it makes sense in the broader scope, It's cut off the head of the chicken symbolic. But whatever - the majority of "news" sources reporting this issue are conservative pundit style sources who are also taking it out of context. I am not surprised you are just parroting a fairly one sided viewpoint.





I said it very clearly in all my responses so far - maybe extremists exist but their numbers are much smaller than perceived because the SJW label is more a insult designed to marginalize a class of people. There are going to be extremists in every group but they are not the majority, however the term is meant to speak to the majority group and derogatorily classify them as extremest. If you really want a label just call them "assholes with opinions", then at least you would have something in common with them.


No you are still an arrogant know it all - your position has just changed. As the Who said "the parking on the left is now the parking on the right". As you get older your ability to justify otherwise narrow opinions as broad and reasonable gets better.



I claimed a subset of people who live in Brooklyn who were referenced in an earlier post were not as the stereotype traditionally portrays them. I did not speak to the many hard working individuals of all walks that live in that borough that I called friends, family, and neighbors for a long time. Tell me what experience do you have with this aside from what is fed to you from wikipedia?




Yes Brooklyn is extremely diverse. that is about the only thing you have said that is remotely factual.


I am just going to echo Clay's sentiment here - labeling people is a waste of time.


Your inaccurate assumptions of me are so far off base it is hilarious. Your attempts at labeling me something other than what I am are asinine at best. There is no point in even discussing anything with someone who is as far off base as you. I guess I can just be an arrogant know-it-all for calling you on your bullshit.


As for the Tim Wolfe thing, no, that demand is never okay. I know the whole situation, and don't read any "conservative" news sources, listen to any, or watch any. I actually get a lot of my news from NPR.

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As for the Tim Wolfe thing, no, that demand is never okay. I know the whole situation, and don't read any "conservative" news sources, listen to any, or watch any. I actually get a lot of my news from NPR.


People can make any kind of statement or demand they like within the boundaries of free speech, whether they get the demand or not and whether you agree with it or not is a different matter. In this context just that they made it highlighted their cause - I am not making a moral judgement on it, but from a pure strategy point it makes sense.


Do a google search for the exact quote and the first 9 relevant sources are conservative pundits and 1 fox news link. Type in just tim wolfe and resignation and you can replace 2 of those 9 with CNN and Huffpost (and they are not high up). Read the conservative sites - they are making the same argument you are about SJW. Point it, you may not be as moderate as you think you are.


I love NPR by the way. I don't know if I would call "wait wait don't tell me" or "This American life" journalism.

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