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We will be the last ones


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Have had a lot of conversations around this topic with car guys these last few months with driverless cars.


I choose to think that the hobby of being a car enthusiast will continue, though it'll be tougher:

- Gas prices will inevitably go up, especially as electric/hybrid/"green" powertrains reduce the use of gas.

- Stick shifts? Yeah...definitely horse-and-buggy stuff in the next 20 years.

- New cars will become "appliances-on-wheels" more and more, making enthusiast-focused cars a little more rare.


50 years from now will be a very different story, but automobiles - in some form - will always be around.


As long as I can have 1-3 cars that are gas-powered, stick-shifts...I'll be happy. Even if I DD a 3rd-gen Tesla to work every day. :)

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I don't think I will mind going with the flow on technical advances as long as I can still have my "manual" during my days off. If it's just going to work and back and running errands... a little automation couldn't hurt.


You really think gas prices would go up? There would be less demand for fuel so it should go down right?

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This sounds like perfect fantasies for city dwellers, but what sort of autonomous car will navigate the backwoods, logging roads, Rubicon, etc?


What will pull the plows and irrigation systems? Where do you draw the line between a "tool" and a "car"?


I'm gonna have my diesel trucks for a very long time.

(and I'll ride my motorcycle into the awful, crowded metropolises)

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