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Making a Murderer


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It's not hard to see the setup. If they can't convince the viewer that Avery is unjustly convicted in the beginning and then righteously freed that first time they can't get the viewer invested in it. Its a setup to skewer the system and they so blatantly telegraphed it they might as well have been using an actual telegraph.


Wait, are you saying that the facts are biased? That simply by telling the viewer that he was wrongly convicted they're somehow being unfair?

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Wrongly convicted is kind of a loaded term. It can mean that he didn't commit the crime or it can mean that the system was tampered with irrespective as to whether he did it or not. Something the show is exploiting and based on the different viewpoints here successfully.
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I actually think the brother and the Ex boyfriend seem sketchy.....The brother seems to think everything is funny....Something isn't right with that dude. And the Ex boyfriend having passwords and getting into VM and shit....That's Crazy stalker level shit IMO.
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I actually think the brother and the Ex boyfriend seem sketchy.....The brother seems to think everything is funny....Something isn't right with that dude. And the Ex boyfriend having passwords and getting into VM and shit....That's Crazy stalker level shit IMO.


I thought the same thing.

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I think it was Brendens older brother, and Step Dad.




I actually think the brother and the Ex boyfriend seem sketchy.....The brother seems to think everything is funny....Something isn't right with that dude. And the Ex boyfriend having passwords and getting into VM and shit....That's Crazy stalker level shit IMO.


And Yes

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How about they try to say she was killed on the bed (but again no evidence to support this from Brendon's story)


Then they say she was killed in the garage but yet can not prove that is the crime scene because there is no blood splatter or anything else besides some fragment on 1 single .22 bullet.

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So, I finished Episode 10 over the weekend.


The biased documentary worked on me. At this point, I am convinced SA and Brendan didn't do it; barring any other forthcoming evidence of course.


I am also convinced, fk Manitowoc country regardless if they did it or not. That "trial" was a travesty.


And the whole time, my wife and I were saying, "There is something not right about the beady eyed, high pitched voice special prosecutor. We got a pervy, rapey, fettish feeling about him. Then sure enough, after talking to the media before any verdict, he was saying what a monster SA was, and making all these accusations about him, then he is the one that turns out should be taken off the streets and thrown in jail. Sexting clients, adultry...fk that dude.

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One thing I found interesting is one of the lawyers stated when the jury started deliberations the initial vote was overwhelmingly not guilty. What happened in that room to change so many people's minds?


The creators were interviewed and mentioned this as well:


"We were contacted by a juror [shortly after the series debuted], and this person said that they were not convinced of Steven's guilt but they were scared for their personal safety. They were going to be the ones to hold out for a mistrial. I don't know if something like that would happen in a big city, so maybe that's one example"


Article: http://www.vox.com/2016/1/11/10748138/netflix-making-a-murderer-review-interview


Interesting if true: http://www.people.com/article/steven-avery-juror-says-two-jurors-related-county-employees

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The juror that was dismissed had a similar story.


It may have been him. The context of the quote above.


"It's a little bit hard to say, but perhaps one example is what the defense was up against in trying to make an argument that Steven was being framed by law enforcement. That's a very different argument to make in a big city, where the jury member is not going to run into the police officer at the diner. I think there's some evidence of that [in Avery's case]."

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