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Go Fund Me


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I want a new gun. It's a silenced rocket launcher, and is also a shotgun and a squirt gun. It cost $10,000, and I feel I need it to teach concealed carry classes. All my money is wrapped up in ammo. I need you guys to Go Fund Me.


Link???? I'll kick in $500 :no:

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I tend to be pretty relaxed or very passionate about things. Venting here in hopes people that are in the "maybe" zone of setting up a go fund me, for something stupid, reevaluate the situation.


The blown motor was posted on a local forums FB page today. I wrote up my blast on the guy. However, the good folks running the page deleted the guys post. Good on them.



Was it the one on the Subaru page?

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There are some truly fucked up people on GoFundMe and Kickstarter. My personal favorite was a guy who wanted people to donate money to him so he could start up his own gaming channel on Twitch. He was asking people to donate $10,000 to him so that he could build a computer and all the equipment for streaming. The guy was a nobody and had no real gaming skills to mention but he constantly begged for money. oddly enough, "buy my computer shit" is more common then you might think on those sites.
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I will donate you bullets but only if you come up with a 5 paragraph sob story of why you need them.


Also while we are on the same subject someone approached me at the gas station and had a sob story of how they needed to see their child and didn't have any money to make it. They didn't want to walk in this cold weather and snow but it was imperative they get to see their kid. I told them I just spent all my cash on gasoline and left them there. I must be the bad guy.

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I refuse to even look at anything related to that GoFundMe bullshit because I know I would let it bother me way more than it should.


It's a people doing dumb shit and our soft society is very influenced by anything with easy money.


^ Sad, but true.


People going after the handout or easy money may be as old as time, but with the internet and social media, the reach people have is far greater. This escalates the rate at which stupid is spread by influence. The more there are people and the more of them that are doing fucked up things, just makes it harder on the rational and realistic living people.


^ Another reason why social media is more of a negative than a positive. It gives all the lowlife ignorant trashy dumbfucks undeserved attention.


Also while we are on the same subject someone approached me at the gas station and had a sob story of how they needed to see their child and didn't have any money to make it.


How annoying is that? Why the fuck do people always beg for shit at gas stations? I have gotten to the point where if anyone approaches me while I'm pumping gas, I immediately tell them I'm not interested. I've had way too many mouth breathers come up to me with some bogus story looking for a handout, or trying to sell me some stupid shit that nobody wants. Fuck off with that.

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I see peddlers at gas stations all the time, I just tell them I use my debit card. One time a guy did have a good excuse. He asked for money for a taxi because his diff blew, I was able to verify that lol.


I take back what I said earlier, I have helped a few people at gas stations before, but it's usually easy to tell what they want by how someone approaches you (what they say, what they look like, etc). Just a few weeks ago I put air in some old lady's tire because she didn't know how. But usually it's some bottom feeder looking for money, or some poser scam artist trying to sell shit. I remember several years ago, some guy pretended to be deaf and wanted to sell me some little piece of shit ribbon thing for 5 bucks. Fucking scammers have no shame.

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Maybe it's just how I am, but I don't see how 95% of these people have the nerve to ask for money. Legit stuff (like your example of a house burning down), sure. I've got $3,500 in medical bills from an accident a few weeks ago that'll be coming in any day now. Do I have $3500? nope. But luckily I have insurance or it'd be 10x that amount.


My dad told me I should start a page to try to raise the $3500. No thanks, Dad. I'll work with the hospital to get it paid off over time on my own. I'm not going to ask others to help me take care of something that has nothing to do with them. I'm not one for handouts and definitely not one to ask someone.

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Maybe it's just how I am, but I don't see how 95% of these people have the nerve to ask for money. Legit stuff (like your example of a house burning down), sure. I've got $3,500 in medical bills from an accident a few weeks ago that'll be coming in any day now. Do I have $3500? nope. But luckily I have insurance or it'd be 10x that amount.


My dad told me I should start a page to try to raise the $3500. No thanks, Dad. I'll work with the hospital to get it paid off over time on my own. I'm not going to ask others to help me take care of something that has nothing to do with them. I'm not one for handouts and definitely not one to ask someone.


One of the "homeless" dudes here in athens at the state st/33 ramp takes credit cards on an iphone with a square reader.


"sorry no cash"

"i can take cards"


I have no idea how people have the nerve to say shit like that. I once had a homeless guy tell me where an ATM was when I told him I had no cash. Like I'm going to eat a $3.95 ATM fee and take out a minimum $20 for some fucker.

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One of the "homeless" dudes here in athens at the state st/33 ramp takes credit cards on an iphone with a square reader.


"sorry no cash"

"i can take cards"


I have no idea how people have the nerve to say shit like that. I once had a homeless guy tell me where an ATM was when I told him I had no cash. Like I'm going to eat a $3.95 ATM fee and take out a minimum $20 for some fucker.


This can not be real.

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One of the "homeless" dudes here in athens at the state st/33 ramp takes credit cards on an iphone with a square reader.


"sorry no cash"

"i can take cards"


I have no idea how people have the nerve to say shit like that. I once had a homeless guy tell me where an ATM was when I told him I had no cash. Like I'm going to eat a $3.95 ATM fee and take out a minimum $20 for some fucker.



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