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Your friend on here who contacted me implied you aren't stable mentally, which is obviously true. I ignored your texts for a good reason. You can try to "show who I am" as much as you want, but I can bet most anyone who has met me knows Id help anyone out who needs it as I've demonstrated before. I've driven across town with tools to help people out on here, plus loads more that is irrelevant, I don't need to prove anything because I couldn't care less what someone says about me on here.


Im fairly stable 75% of the time, even though my life has been just a down right nightmare lately. Did I destabilize the other night? Yup. Got a lot going on, and i'd been telling you for weeks the constant bullshit and personal attacks were just getting old. Then on top of it all you try and get others to believe your bullshit and paint me as someone I am not.


You may very well be a Good guy, however you have issues shitting on people until they flip out. I know people have honestly threatened to kill you on facebook for some of the shit you spew. I let you spew your shit for about a year because I felt sorry for you. Anyone who consistently puts that much effort into detracting from that of another obviously has some issues going on themselves.


Finally I got fed up with your BS, asked you nicely on several occasions to stop, only to have you keep right up with your banter. Tried to give you the heads up, tried my best to consult others that new you better, all to have you just end up talking mad shit. There's a certain point when you're just going to piss a mother fucker off, Grant.

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at first I thought this was an anatomically correct my little pony fuck doll....and then I realized it's probably just a harmless toy puppet....and then the though sunk in: "that some brony probably uses as a fuck doll". I hate that the internet has ruined my innocence.



Anyway, what was the topic of this thread again?

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Anyway, what was the topic of this thread again?


Don't talk shit you can't back up.


Don't pretend you are some Lumberjack-Level, John Wayne style, God of a Man only to act like a Complete Bitch when those you deem below you call you out.

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Don't talk shit you can't back up.


Don't pretend you are some Lumberjack-Level, John Wayne style, God of a Man only to act like a Complete Bitch when those you deem below you call you out.


I'm saying this with complete sincerity. No shit talking, no trolling.


You need to stop. Log off CR for a few weeks. Go do some push-ups, get your shit together.


You've constantly asked me for life advice, well here it is. Take a break, get your head right.

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I'm saying this with complete sincerity. No shit talking, no trolling.


You need to stop. Log off CR for a few weeks. Go do some push-ups, get your shit together.


You've constantly asked me for life advice, well here it is. Take a break, get your head right.


Im going to do just that, hell i'd planned on doing just that. But I knew without a shadow of a doubt Grant would have a field day with me being gone, and trash-talk my name to no-end (he does it all the time). I got proved right, and felt it was necessary to come back in and tell it how it is.


That said, Im out mah Dudes ;)

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Don't talk shit you can't back up.


talking shit you can't back up is like a CR tradition. All the cool kids do it here.


take everyone's advice, log off. go get laid. go get drunk. work on your car. remember there is life after internet. you lost the moment you started this thread, now you are only digging your hole deeper.



Also, apparently my initial suspicions were correct...oh the horror:


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Im going to do just that, hell i'd planned on doing just that. But I knew without a shadow of a doubt Grant would have a field day with me being gone, and trash-talk my name to no-end (he does it all the time). I got proved right, and felt it was necessary to come back in and tell it how it is.


That said, Im out mah Dudes ;)




Good luck.

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So I am reading this as either, A. The environment here is causing you to go back to becoming mentally unstable and probably can't handle/are having trouble with handling posting and arguing on CR(not taking shit, just factual) or B. you are using the mental health issues as a sort of threat, ie: don't mess with me because I am crazy and I will hurt you.
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Even still, I politely pressed on and again tried to reason with young Grant. Ignored. Then he comes back drunk and running his mouth, talking mad shit.


Ah, yes, typical Grant. :gabe:


I probably should have brought this up in chat box, but I know you guys have just about had enough of us going back and forth. Frankly, I've had just about enough of it myself.


If everyone had "enough of you going back and forth", why make a public thread? Why not just stop communicating with him?


There was a time where Grant use to just bash me endlessly. He didn't know me, didn't know I was friend and have met most of the orig CR (member #62, what what?!), or any of that. After I let him pop off a few times he realized I didn't care and wasn't going to be trolled and he even said the other day he's cool with me and others in CB and enjoys the convo.


Be a solution AJ.


Also, let drunk Grant say whatever and ignore him. :lol:


Here's my piece of unsolicited advice, not directed at anyone in particular:


When your situation is so overwhelming that you feel forced into resorting to violence or threats of violence,



It's better to leave people wondering why you aren't posting than wondering why you are.




How about his long toe nails instead.




To correct the record, I've not been "drunk" in Chatbox in like 2 years.


Carry on.


Maybe not "drunk", but "feisty due to a healthy imbibing". :lol:


I don't need to prove anything because I couldn't care less what someone says about me on here.


You smell like hermit crabs.


Thats a far cry from what you just said 5 minutes ago in CB about me threatening to "Show up to your house with a Baseball bat".


Aw man! Now that I've been working for "the man" again for a year I miss ALL the good CB!


...you have issues shitting on people...




at first I thought this was an anatomically correct my little pony fuck doll....and then I realized it's probably just a harmless toy puppet....and then the though sunk in: "that some brony probably uses as a fuck doll". I hate that the internet has ruined my innocence.



Anyway, what was the topic of this thread again?


How is THIS my favorite post you've ever made?


Blah blah blah I knew without a shadow of a doubt Grant would have a field day with me being gone, and trash-talk my name to no-end (he does it all the time).


Grant does that to almost everyone. You're not special. :lol:



Also, apparently my initial suspicions were correct...oh the horror:



You...you SEARCHED for it?! :wtf:


PS - 3000 for me. Wtf am i doing with my life?


Nothing worthwhile.


get rekt son




I don't think I know skinner, but I DEFINITELY remember Malibu Marc and the Hooters/Kroger nights.


I race..... on a racing site......and I'm white.




Lay off each other for a minute. Study the picture of Paul's toe and realize neither of you have that bad.



Edited by Otis Nice
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How is THIS my favorite post you've ever made?

Because usually I'm just being an asshole. But when I am not I occasionally say funny things.




You...you SEARCHED for it?! :wtf: :


yeah well...um...that's kind of how an Internet rabbit hole works, you fall down it. Actually my daughter is such a MLP:FIM fan that I thought "oh a puppet pony plushie might be a fun gift, where do I get one" to which I then found that auction, the article, the sub Reddit, and about a thousand memes. Wanna know the scary part? Since trot-con happens here in Cbus, there is a good chance that toy will be gangbanged in a seedy Columbus motel by some lonely furry/bronys. Ick.


Also, fuck you Internet for being such a wealth of Knowledge on such awful trains of thought.

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