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Foot fetish?

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I've received some strange replies from craigslist weirdos and scam bots, but nothing like this before. I have one of my cars posted on there, and received this email from "Ela Bene".....


The car you have for sale would be ABSOLUTELY PERFECT for a film I am creating for a class I am taking in college. I am creating a "woman power" film in praise for women becoming more powerful figures, including CEO's, etc. My angle on showing this "woman power" is by showing photos and clips of women's shoes flooring the gas pedal of a car. To me, it shows that woman have absolutely no fear and can take on anything. It shows power!


I was wondering if you'd like to help with this project by just taking some digital pictures or clips of a woman that you know (wife, girlfriend, friend) flooring the gas pedal, with the engine off, obviously (no actual driving). I am female, but I have some knowledge of cars, and I know this car has no center console, which has a better view of the pedals for the shots I am looking for.


I know it's unusual (it's art!), but this would be a HUGE help for my grade!


We can even discuss a fee if need be.


Let me know and thanks!!



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I did a "cold start" vid years ago when my old 6.2L diesel Chevy was having glowplug issues. I used the video on a Chevy diesel website to get some troubleshooting advice...


Lost count on the number of freaks that messaged me on YouTube to do more videos with me operating pedals with and without shoes on. :fuuuu:

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