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Photoshoot season is upon us!


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Well what better day to post about photo shoots than now that it's nice and sunny out? As many of you are aware we host photoshoots at the garage every few months, mostly focusing on old school and classic rides shot in a pinup style. Our next shoot is this coming weekend and with 65+ weather all week it will definitely be a good one. So, who has an old ride, 40s-70s, they would like to get involved in this? I had a few spots in the garage available as well as a few outside.


Also, tentatively scheduled for April 16th doing a modern shoot with newer rides and more of the Carshow/F&F style. So keep that in mind as well going into next month!


Anyone interested?

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We have actually been kicking around an idea of doing 80s cars. Big hair, spandex, terrible color selections... paired with some fantastically 80s cars. THAT we will probably wait until my Merkur is ready though ;)
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  • 2 weeks later...
We have actually been kicking around an idea of doing 80s cars. Big hair, spandex, terrible color selections... paired with some fantastically 80s cars. THAT we will probably wait until my Merkur is ready though ;)


I have an 80's car

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