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Just made a Donation to Kasich/'16


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  BStowers023 said:
Kasich > Trump > Bernie > Cruz > Hillary


Kasich> My Uncle > Me >Cruz > Trump > Hillary > Bernie


Bernie wants to raise my taxes $20k, for a family of 4. HA!

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  LJ said:
Kasich is the only one that polls above Hillary, wtf are you talking about?


Kasich has been mathematically eliminated from securing a nomination in any facet other than a brokered convention. If he can't win primaries, how the hell do you expect him to win a general election if the GOP undermines Trump?


Those bullshit polls don't mean anything. They're used for a media spin and that's it. The only thing that matters is results. Some of you Kasich supporters are worse than the Berniebots. At least Bernie's won a few states, LOL.

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  LJ said:
Nope. Scary huh.


Not really. Even if Sanders is the next president I don't feel his proposed tax plan will happen. For argument sake say we have a Democratic Congress and still I don't see it passing.

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The only reason I somewhat like Sanders is the fact that he points out how the top 0.1% (the people who control 90% of the wealth in this country) are getting away with getting taxed at lower rates than someone making $7.85/hour and some of these billionaires and billionaire corporations are actually getting tax refunds :dumb:


I agree that hard work should pay off and we can't punish the wealthy for becoming successful, but the wealthiest people in this country DO need to pay their fair share if middle class American families are paying 30-50% of their income in taxes, at an absolute MINIMUM that's what the top 1% needs to pay. Long story short, cut the offshore tax loopholes.

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  airwg2189 said:
It's almost like if we didn't tax successful people over half of their income, they might not be bothered with the risk involved in offshore accounts.



Agreed. With that being said, the average American is pissed off at the welfare recipient taking advantage of the system getting food stamps and section 8 housing in the hood, while we have billion dollar corporations getting tax refunds and nobody bats an eye. That's what frustrates me.

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  87GT said:
Not really. Even if Sanders is the next president I don't feel his proposed tax plan will happen. For argument sake say we have a Democratic Congress and still I don't see it passing.


That makes his ideals better how?

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  BStowers023 said:
The only reason I somewhat like Sanders is the fact that he points out how the top 0.1% (the people who control 90% of the wealth in this country) are getting away with getting taxed at lower rates than someone making $7.85/hour and some of these billionaires and billionaire corporations are actually getting tax refunds :dumb:


I agree that hard work should pay off and we can't punish the wealthy for becoming successful, but the wealthiest people in this country DO need to pay their fair share if middle class American families are paying 30-50% of their income in taxes, at an absolute MINIMUM that's what the top 1% needs to pay. Long story short, cut the offshore tax loopholes.


The first thing that needs to happen is removing the ceiling for ssdi payments. That is what makes the effective rate discrepancy so high

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  LJ said:
The first thing that needs to happen is removing the ceiling for ssdi payments.


Completely, 100000% agree, if you threw in needs testing to opt rich people from collecting, the entire system would be vastly improved.

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  LJ said:
The first thing that needs to happen is removing the ceiling for ssdi payments. That is what makes the effective rate discrepancy so high


Remove completely? So someone banking billions in a lifetime will pay thousands of times the amount of you or I? We gotta draw a line there somewhere. SS should not be financed that disporpotionately by the rich IMO.

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  Dafunk13 said:
Remove completely? So someone banking billions in a lifetime will pay thousands of times the amount of you or I? We gotta draw a line there somewhere. SS should not be financed that disporpotionately by the rich IMO.


Yes. On real earned income. Not investments. Hell, they also bank their income in tax deferred Mirror 401(k)s

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  87GT said:
If you believe 100% of what everyone says will happen you are going to have a bad time.


Again, read what I said. The fact of whether or not congress would ever let that happen is moot. The fact that the man believes that makes him one of the most unelectable candidates I have seen in my lifetime.

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I am so glad that #KasichDropout is starting to trend on Twitter. He needs 112% of the remaining delegates to win. He is LITERALLY campaigning for a corrupt nomination at this point, no matter how you look at it.


Fuck him and fuck any of you who encourage this shit. He's giving the American people a giant slap in the face with his dick. Dirty, dirty politics.

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  airwg2189 said:
I am so glad that #KasichDropout is starting to trend on Twitter. He needs 112% of the remaining delegates to win. He is LITERALLY campaigning for a corrupt nomination at this point, no matter how you look at it.


Fuck him and fuck any of you who encourage this shit. He's giving the American people a giant slap in the face with his dick. Dirty, dirty politics.


And trump is just an ignorant whiner

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  airwg2189 said:
I am so glad that #KasichDropout is starting to trend on Twitter. He needs 112% of the remaining delegates to win. He is LITERALLY campaigning for a corrupt nomination at this point, no matter how you look at it.


Fuck him and fuck any of you who encourage this shit. He's giving the American people a giant slap in the face with his dick. Dirty, dirty politics.



Well you also said that a vote for Kasich is a vote for Hillary because, according to you Kasich has no shot against Hillary. BUT if you actually look at the general election polls, Kasich is the only one polling ahead of Hillary head to head. By that statement alone, any argument you make in this thread is invalid :dumb:

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  BStowers023 said:
Well you also said that a vote for Kasich is a vote for Hillary because, according to you Kasich has no shot against Hillary. BUT if you actually look at the general election polls, Kasich is the only one polling ahead of Hillary head to head. By that statement alone, any argument you make in this thread is invalid :dumb:


Polls LOL. If the polls served any purpose other than a media spin, Trump would have been eliminated before Iowa and Bernie would be elected grandmaster of the universe by now.


Get with reality.


And yes, a vote for Kasich in the event of a theoretical 3 way general election (Hillary, GOP-pushed Kasich via brokered convention, and independent Trump) is one less vote Hillary needs to secure a win as the republican party would be divided. Basic politics.

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  airwg2189 said:
Polls LOL. If the polls served any purpose other than a media spin, Trump would have been eliminated before Iowa and Bernie would be elected grandmaster of the universe by now.


Get with reality.


And yes, a vote for Kasich in the event of a theoretical 3 way general election (Hillary, GOP-pushed Kasich via brokered convention, and independent Trump) is one less vote Hillary needs to secure a win as the republican party would be divided. Basic politics.


Actually the polls have been pretty accurate thus far and Trump has been ahead in most polls since day 1. Realclearpolitics is pretty damn accurate. Trump won't run independent at this point.

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