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Civilian Response to Active Shooter Class


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Has anyone taken this or heard about it? I'm signed up for the next class but is wish I knew more about it before I go. It's free which is good but if it's a duck and cover class it's probably not worth the time. Thx



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I did some training with the State Highway Patrol late last year, and they touched on this a little. OHP teaches run away from the bang. Don't look like you are a bad guy. Surrender and be non threatening when LEO gets there.


My add to them was, training for by yourself and in a group will be different. And then, by yourself and picking up people as you move. Again, who's a bad guy? is it someone in the group you linked up with. Silence cell phones, and take the phones from people that look like they will make stupid mistakes. Hiding out and a phone goes off, you could be screwed. Remember, you are in public, so you are with people who have very little tactical mind set. Always be non threatening to the point of looking weak if you can, but be plotting your move. Help others if you can, but not everyone is your responsibility.


LEO's just want you out of the way. In their mind, they are there to find the bad guys. They don't want to sift through people being hero's or trying to help. 95% of their training is good guys and bad guys. How much time do you think they train for the person making a move that is a good guy? How are the actions/ movements different for a good guy from the bad guys? Can they tell you are a good guy?


Add into this if you are an armed citizen and, then all the factors of you are another gun on scene that is an unknown to them. There are so many dynamics to these situations that there is no 100% answer to all of it. Each one is a little different.


Try not to get shot. Try to help. Get the fuck out of the way.

Edited by Mojoe
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If Joe offers a new class, I'll be in the first one.


My goal was to see if anyone could give me a sneak peak. I have to do some juggling to make the class. I like training, especially free, but if it's going to be a LEO telling me to stay down, shut up, and wait for the Calvary, I will probably pass.

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Thank you Clay and David.



I saw this last year and liked it a lot. It made the news also. I would do this class and the the free LEO one. Know the LEO outlook, but know your options to make a difference and not just sit by. They teach the "swarm". I'm fine with some sacrifice of a few to save the lives of many. The math is in the favor of the group.


Fact is, this situation is likely to end up hand in hand, and training for that needs mats and other safety measures. I'm more than five years away from devoting that time and money into that level of training. If you have not gone heads up against someone, trained and untrained, go do that. It's a huge eye opener. I tell people to go do a pull up. Many, can not do one pull up of their body weight. This should be a big indicator of the struggles you will face if you have to fight someone. You can not move your own weight, how do you think you are going to move yours, and the person you are fighting? Most people have what is called the "universal fight plan". That is, I will hit the person one time, so hard that I will knock them out or make them quit. You are lying to yourself. Even trained fighters are unlikely to make that happen.


The dynamics of active shooter situations, in my opinion, have a lot to do with reading the situation you find yourself in and playing all things to the advantage of your survival regardless of you seeming weak, or you being in beast mode. And, it's regardless of you having a weapon or not. All training does is increase your percentage of possible success. The factor of the other persons ability is always an unknown. You can only effect your ability of being better than the majority. Train, train in everything you can. Be strong, skilled with weapons, skilled with moving your body, and have a sharp mind and be situationally aware. Even with all of that, it may just come done to calling their bluff and having confidence.

Edited by Mojoe
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I've posted this before but the simple tactics this guy talks about will greatly increase your survivability should you find yourself in this type of situation.



I don't think we have talked that video. He sticks to the very basics, and I like that. Although he is not seeking out the threat, the mission of a Marine rifle squad is very fitting here.


Mission of the Marine Rifle Squad------ To locate, close with, and destroy the enemy, by fire and maneuver, or repel the enemy assault by fire and close combat.

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