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Where the F*** were the parents?? (CAUTION GEETO and TIM quote battle inside)


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Every parent fails, it happens to everyone. You wouldn't expect that you need to keep your kid from getting into a wild animal exhibit at a place that caters to families with kids. Sounds like the zoo should have precautions if a 4 year old can get into the Gorilla exhibit.
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I agree with both above, enclosure should have been kid proof, and shit happens. BUT, you don't leave a 4 yr old out of sight long enough to climb into anything when your in public.

As badly as it sucks, parents are at fault. I'll bet the zoo has a law suit coming though.

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Here's the thing though, how many other people both young and old have seen this exhibit? And yet this 4 year old stumbles in seemingly with ease. You're telling me that of all the teens of thousands of people that have visited this exhibit nobody else has even tried or was this kid the Michael Jordan of zoo exhibit trespassers.
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Here's the thing though, how many other people both young and old have seen this exhibit? And yet this 4 year old stumbles in seemingly with ease. You're telling me that of all the teens of thousands of people that have visited this exhibit nobody else has even tried or was this kid the Michael Jordan of zoo exhibit trespassers.


News stated that the exhibit was built in '78 and this is the first EVER incident. Apparently some (I forget which) government agency is required to inspect the exhibit a few times a year.


I'm going to guess that 10's of millions of 4 year olds have been through this exhibit in it's lifetime.

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What I find is all you people blaming the parent.....Kids do shit all the time....ALL kids....Not some but ALL.....at some point will do something they shouldnt have that a parent wont see....whether its getting a pen, pencil or marker from a drawer and writing all over a wall, learning how to climb up and onto something, getting into a fridge, or anything else you can dream up. Kids are not only smart, but sneaky ad no matter how well a parent watches them, there will always be things parents miss no matter if they are the best parent in the world....and this is a PURE FACT.


This shits blown way out of proportion and frankly im so tired of people jumping from bandwagon to bandwagon......Actually its getting to the point where I want to remove myself from anywhere where I can see all of this nonsense because not only is it out of control, now its actually starting to piss me off and thats just ridiculous that I get am able to b angered by all these morons.


I think I will start a change.org petition to rid the world of all morons and bandwagon jumpers...these people are a drain on society and should be put to death.


YEah....That sounds good to me.....Whos with me!!

Edited by ForceFed
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Kids do get into stuff but never once would I allow my kids out of my sight at the zoo. It is the parents fault that she didn't keep a better eye on her kid. Not to mention this bitch watches kids for a living. How would you feel if she watched your kids? "Eh, shit happens.. here is johnny"...
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Ok, I get kids do the damnedest things.... The difference here is there are witnesses who observed this child making a deal out of wanting to climb in with the gorillas. You have a 4yr old child in public - and let's even put aside the chances of kidnapping, molesting, the damn tiger cage, etc - one that is explicit about putting his life in danger and as a parent(s), you fail to keep an eye on your child long enough to escape your sight, find a way into the enclosure, (one that I find hard to believe is all that easy to get into considering this has never happened in almost 40yrs), and let the kid fall 12ft to a gorilla's death. This isn't an instance of your kids getting the milk because your shit took a little long or you were in the living room waiting for a reply because you know damn well that guy wasn't fouled.

Now, are we really supposed to watch the child be possibly mauled and killed? Realistically, no. However, should the parents be held fully accountable not only for the death of the gorilla but for the lapse in judgement concerning their child? Yes.


For the record, I am a parent.

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I get it....But this is ust another notch in the belt of bullshit that people in society are jumping on....Every week its something new....ITs just getting old and I for one am tired of seeing nothing but people bitch and complain about everything yet NEVER offer anything constructive or positive....If you have nothing to add thats helpful, I think you should not be allowed to speak about such things.....This would silence a good majority of people if it could actually be done....which we know it cant, just making a point.
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Ok, I get kids do the damnedest things.... The difference here is there are witnesses who observed this child making a deal out of wanting to climb in with the gorillas. You have a 4yr old child in public - and let's even put aside the chances of kidnapping, molesting, the damn tiger cage, etc - one that is explicit about putting his life in danger and as a parent(s), you fail to keep an eye on your child long enough to escape your sight, find a way into the enclosure, (one that I find hard to believe is all that easy to get into considering this has never happened in almost 40yrs), and let the kid fall 12ft to a gorilla's death. This isn't an instance of your kids getting the milk because your shit took a little long or you were in the living room waiting for a reply because you know damn well that guy wasn't fouled.

Now, are we really supposed to watch the child be possibly mauled and killed? Realistically, no. However, should the parents be held fully accountable not only for the death of the gorilla but for the lapse in judgement concerning their child? Yes.


For the record, I am a parent.

And to add....We weren't there...How do we know what happened or exactly how long little johnny took to master ninja his happy 4 year old ass into the gorrilla pit.....I'm just saying it seems most are passing judgement without really knowing what happened. And if your rebuttal is "the news, the witness, or xxx SAID".....Stop there....Its still not enough for you to draw a conclusive reason that's fair about the situation at this point, nor will it likely ever be. Video may be about the ONLY thing that would give the insight we need to see if the parent was negligent, or if johnny was just a puzzle master super sleuth with a knack for getting his ass into places he shouldn't be.

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What I find is all you people blaming the parent.....Kids do shit all the time....ALL kids....Not some but ALL.....at some point will do something they shouldnt have that a parent wont see..................... but sneaky ad no matter how well a parent watches them, there will always be things parents miss no matter if they are the best parent in the world....and this is a PURE FACT.


It's not about playing the blame-game. At the end of the day, the parent is the one responsible for the child. Not the zoo or the guy standing next to him but the parent.


The bandwagon you're seeing is the fact that society today lacks holding people accountable. The parent in this case has an obligation or to accept responsibility or to "account" for the actions of the child in their care. After all, they are the parent.


Blame is about who is going to pay the price for the problem caused. Very few are asking her to pay the price literally $$ but there is an argument to be had there. Not one I support but some would argue that. Instead, I'd argue she should be charged with child endangerment. Until we hold people "accountable" they will not learn from the mistakes that occurred. I do think it's fair to say we all should expect those that fuck up in life at the very least learn from those mistakes and change their behavior. Letting her off with nothing more than saying kids will be kids does nothing to help her learn and thus better protect that child from her future fuck ups.


Kids will be kids but adults who are legally responsible for them need to be held accountable for what occurs in situations like this. That's the role they play in the matter as a parent and guardian.

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As you said...they are the parent....THey are accountable....THEY dont need SOCIETY's uninformed input on how to deal with THEIR child. If the zoo wants something from the parent...thats between the zoo and the parent...NO ONE ELSE....PERIOD....and there in lies the problem.
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As you said...they are the parent....THey are accountable....THEY dont need SOCIETY's uninformed input on how to deal with THEIR child.


Well our society today has very direct rules regarding how parents are to deal with their children. Neither her or you have to agree with them but the rules are in play. You as a parent are responsible and will be held accountable if your child doesn't attend school and just the same if they fall into a Gorilla cage.


If the zoo wants something from the parent...thats between the zoo and the parent...NO ONE ELSE....PERIOD....and there in lies the problem.
Agree on the first point, not on the second. Again, parents have a role to play and they will be held accountable for the actions of their dependents and those they are legally responsible for. There is no "kids will be kids" clause in life. To be accountable means to be responsible for and answerable for an activity or in this case the actions of a child. Quite simply parents need to "parent"
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