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Where the F*** were the parents?? (CAUTION GEETO and TIM quote battle inside)


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I am just happy that a dead gorilla and an irresponsible mom took the bathroom gender issue off the table!


Bingo, just like people forgot about the lion that the Dentist shot right?


Just all part of the media game, *hey look over here*


All of these people thumping their e-chests and I have not seen the following:


Any credible, nationally broadcast, and confirmed information about what exactly happened leading up to the kid going in the cage. No security footage, not witnesses, just OUTRAGE!!!


Think about that for a second.


Now, how about we boil the endgame of this situation down its bones:


1. Zoo tried everything to get animal to leave kid in a non-violent way, following protocol.

2. Animal did not do as what they thought it was trained to do, as animals do.


So, that leads us to where the media has led us, the video and its outcome. Now that leads to two situations:


1. Zoo's hand is forced, they have to put the animal down to save the kid, as usual the social media justice warriors light their torches and OUTRAGE like its 2016.




2. Zoo tries to keep saving the kid, animal decides to be an animal and tears the kid apart on video. OUTRAGE for "not doing anything", lawsuits, maybe charges.


Jack Hanna did a great interview with NBC4 about what could have happened, I suggest looking that video up.

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