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So, wow: Brexit is a thing.


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Indeed. I'm surprised with the "stay" vote polling at 55% last week.


Some polling places reported as high a 95% chance of stay. I'm going to say the Bradley Effect came into full force here. TL DR people supporting the leave were being attacked as xenophones/racist/etc so heavily that they wouldn't put their real opinion out there at all, even to phone polls. Skews the shit out of the results.


This same thing will happen with Trump.

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This is not a good thing.


David Cameron resigned and the GBP dropped the most it's ever had in 30 years.


No shit it'll drop immediately, but in the long run, the GBP will be higher than it was before. The UK (and Germany and France, for that matter) is getting SCREWED by carrying the weight of shitty economies in the EU.


EDIT: This whole "ur racist/bigot/xenophobe" crap is seriously getting old. Do people not know the definitions of these words? There's plenty of reasons for Brits to vote to leave the UK that have nothing to do with Muslims.

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Basically no one knows what will happen in the long term. The consensus among economists is that it will be bad in the short and medium term, and GB must have a very strong plan on how to move forward or this whole thing is going to be a major disaster
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TL;DR people supporting the leave were being attacked as xenophones/racist/etc so heavily that they wouldn't put their real opinion out there at all, even to phone polls. Skews the shit out of the results.


This same thing will happen with Trump.


I was also making a similar correlation, not that I am a fan of Trump as a presidential candidate:

1) People strongly dislike the status quo.

2) It is not "popular" to be against it - or have never been a fan in the first place.

3) Don't Ask/Don't Tell: if someone does poll you...lie about your stance.


On that note, I tell all my lib friends I'm voting for Hillary.

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The NWO just got a thumb in the eye. It'll be fine in a couple of years after the dust settles.

This. I am no economic genius, but I'm just not a fan of these unions. Can't we stick with relationships like the UN and make the most of it while remaining independent nations?

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This. I am no economic genius, but I'm just not a fan of these unions. Can't we stick with relationships like the UN and make the most of it while remaining independent nations?


We live in the greatest union of them all

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I have been really busy lately, so I'm not sure on the details of this or what it means because I haven't had time to really read up on it, so... could someone break this down for me? What has sparked this? Why is it happening? What does this mean for them and their future?
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We live in the greatest union of them all

I agree wholeheartedly.

I see where you're coming from, but don't you think it's a bit different? With Europe you're talking about nations that have been around for many hundreds of years, not a 200 yr old melting pot that was built (arguably taken, lol) by immigrants from those countries.

It's not hard to understand why citizens of a strong nation wouldn't want the burden of failing nations. Hell, we struggle with it in our own country lol.

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I wonder what Scotland's thinking right now; most of what I saw was that the Scots, Welsh, etc did NOT want to leave because much of their quality of life is due to their inclusion in the EU, as they feel that Westminster doesn't care about them. Scotland had their opportunity at independence and chose to waive that opportunity, now that Brexit succeeded, are they kicking themselves?


And while there are certainly elements of racism/bigotry in the "leave" camp, I do not believe that view of immigrants is the main motivating factor. We in the U.S. are fortunate to have 2 oceans and 2 border nations, a relatively easy border to secure. The EU is on the doorstep of terrorist-supporting nations and it is far too easy for a terrorist to enter the EU through a poor, non secured border country and simply waltz to the UK with no checkpoints or visas. There are simply too many other nations that the UK must "trust" to keep their own country secure, so I can absolutely see the validity of the argument.


I don't think the EU will crumble, nor do I believe the UK is permanently out of it, but the world is facing a terrorism crisis right now and it needs to be addressed. Boris Johnson becoming PM, however, would be a pretty awful first step.


EDIT: :lolguy: at LJ's comment, it hadn't appeared before I wrote my first paragraph.

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And while there are certainly elements of racism/bigotry in the "leave" camp, I do not believe that view of immigrants is the main motivating factor. We in the U.S. are fortunate to have 2 oceans and 2 border nations, a relatively easy border to secure. The EU is on the doorstep of terrorist-supporting nations and it is far too easy for a terrorist to enter the EU through a poor, non secured border country and simply waltz to the UK with no checkpoints or visas. There are simply too many other nations that the UK must "trust" to keep their own country secure, so I can absolutely see the validity of the argument.



I spent 10 days in the UK in 2006, and so many people we talked to hated the Polish. Our first day there a group of older British men sat down with us at lunch, and I mentioned I had a hard time understanding the waiter, one commented "Oh he's a fucking Pol" and they all laughed. If if you listen close on interviews, they constantly talk about the Polish.

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I have been really busy lately, so I'm not sure on the details of this or what it means because I haven't had time to really read up on it, so... could someone break this down for me? What has sparked this? Why is it happening? What does this mean for them and their future?


THis please....I have no clue what this is about....but it seemed to sneak right up on those of us not in the know.

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The EU is on the doorstep of terrorist-supporting nations and it is far too easy for a terrorist to enter the EU through a poor, non secured border country and simply waltz to the UK with no checkpoints or visas.


That's definitely not how it works though. The UK is even more fortunate than the US because it's an island. When you travel from the UK to Europe, you still go through a passport/EU Id check, just like you would in any other country. I just went through this in October and they are strict getting into France from England, even more strict getting back into England.

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