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SpeedVideo Needs A Paid Chat Mod


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Yes, you read that right we need a paid chat moderator for our broadcasts. Before I put the cattle call out on social media for this, I thought I would try here first.


You must be: Responsible, mature, professional, and able to take direction. It will require you to be online during the entire broadcast, and available to receive direction from the event producer.


I have not been told the pay yet, that will be explained I'm sure after we get a few more details figured out.


We are looking at personal contacts first, but if you're a known troll on here don't bother because I won't risk my reputation for you. Sorry if that sounds harsh, but I've already been burnt recently by trying to help someone out, it's just business.


So, who wants to get paid to be a responsible adult, watch racing, and kick hooligans out of a chat room?

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