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Ughhhh...come on people.


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I don't know why the MSM is screaming about this being an epidemic? These people are voluntarily introducing a chemical into their bodies.


As much as a serious addiction where the side effects from withdrawal are serious illness and death can be considered "voluntary". Yes you can actually die from opioid withdrawal.


It is estimated that as of 2012 2.1 million people are suffering substance use disorders related to prescription opioid pain relievers. Think about it, 2.1 million people went to the Dr with an injury, usually physical, were prescribed an opioid, and became addicted. A good number of them transition to Heroin and are susceptible to OD from this new more potent drug. You still want to call that "voluntary"?


Something I'll never understand,....I've never even wanted to try even the basic crap.

This isn't like Pot, or coke, or other recreational drugs, Heroin isn't popular as a recreational drug anymore - it's more about being a cheap substitute for something else. It puts two tenants of our society right at odds. On the one hand you have a known and long history with this country and opium being dangerous - and most people if they are healthy know to stay away from this stuff. But you are also supposed to trust what you Dr prescribes for you when you become ill. Well what do you do when what your Dr is prescribing for you is this horrible thing you aren't supposed to take and you are in a lot of physical pain and need some pain management medication? Do you not take it and suffer? or do you roll the dice and hope you manage it to not get addicted?

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This isn't like Pot, or coke, or other recreational drugs, Heroin isn't popular as a recreational drug anymore - it's more about being a cheap substitute for something else. It puts two tenants of our society right at odds. On the one hand you have a known and long history with this country and opium being dangerous - and most people if they are healthy know to stay away from this stuff. But you are also supposed to trust what you Dr prescribes for you when you become ill. Well what do you do when what your Dr is prescribing for you is this horrible thing you aren't supposed to take and you are in a lot of physical pain and need some pain management medication? Do you not take it and suffer? or do you roll the dice and hope you manage it to not get addicted?


You are still in control of your body, actions and life. You can tell when something's not right, I don't need a Dr to tell me that....

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As much as a serious addiction where the side effects from withdrawal are serious illness and death can be considered "voluntary". Yes you can actually die from opioid withdrawal.


It is estimated that as of 2012 2.1 million people are suffering substance use disorders related to prescription opioid pain relievers. Think about it, 2.1 million people went to the Dr with an injury, usually physical, were prescribed an opioid, and became addicted. A good number of them transition to Heroin and are susceptible to OD from this new more potent drug. You still want to call that "voluntary"?


Have any links to this study?


The people I know for sure are on Heroin or whatever (one being my sister) started on RX painkillers that were sold on the streets and moved on to something harder. Her boyfriend (who is in jail now, but that is irrelevant) and her quite literally sought out Suboxone (which is one of the many drugs that can help with Opioid withdrawals) via Facebook, begging friends to buy it no matter the cost. Why? He was on probation for having possession of Heroin and paraphernalia years ago. I know he is on probation so I am pretty sure he has to piss for the probation officer, when he was trying to "get right" he went through awful withdrawals to piss clean, then he stops going to the probation officer a month later (hmmm, wonder why) and goes back to jail, gets out and does it all over again.



Part of the issue in my eyes is the discrimination of the inner city poor in the judicial system. They get popped for a minor possession charge initially, it sticks because they either can't afford an attorney, or can and get a two bit hackjob who couldn't give a shit less since he got his retainer fee. Public defense only offers so much defense.


I could get further into it but no use. I've ranted enough.

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It is estimated that as of 2012 2.1 million people are suffering substance use disorders related to prescription opioid pain relievers. Think about it, 2.1 million people went to the Dr with an injury, usually physical, were prescribed an opioid, and became addicted. A good number of them transition to Heroin and are susceptible to OD from this new more potent drug. You still want to call that "voluntary"?


I was on opiods for 3 months after foot surgery. I wouldn't go so far as to say I got addicted but I did experience a week or two of rather irritating withdrawal symptoms. I delt with it like Man. Besides, I really don't care for them Opiods, im more the Cocaine type :gabe:


At any rate what im getting is IMO the vast Majority of those who switch to Heroin from Painkillers switch because they miss the "High". It's not that they can't deal with the pain, it's not that they can't deal with the withdrawals, it's that they can't deal with not getting absolutely blitzed every day all day.


"I switched to Heroin because I got hooked on painkillers". No, you switched to Heroin because you got hooked on getting High.

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I was on opiods for 3 months after foot surgery. I wouldn't go so far as to say I got addicted but I did experience a week or two of rather irritating withdrawal symptoms. I delt with it like Man. Besides, I really don't care for them Opiods, im more the Cocaine type :gabe:


At any rate what im getting is IMO the vast Majority of those who switch to Heroin from Painkillers switch because they miss the "High". It's not that they can't deal with the pain, it's not that they can't deal with the withdrawals, it's that they can't deal with not getting absolutely blitzed every day all day.


"I switched to Heroin because I got hooked on painkillers". No, you switched to Heroin because you got hooked on getting High.


Nailed it.

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Part of the issue in my eyes is the discrimination of the inner city poor in the judicial system. They get popped for a minor possession charge initially, it sticks because they either can't afford an attorney, or can and get a two bit hackjob who couldn't give a shit less since he got his retainer fee. Public defense only offers so much defense.


Take it from an OG; when it comes to Coke/Heroin/Pills it doesn't matter where you live or what lawyer you hire; Law Enforcement is going to come down as hard as they can every last time. No such thing as "minor possession" for drugs that aren't Green; every last offense is a Felony.

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Can't blame the docs for prescribing the narcs. Blame your govt for making their reimbursement based on patient satisfaction surveys.


Nah. Blame the feds for cracking down on the docs and the "pain clinics" in Florida.


Timeline of the last 6ish years:


Oxy supply dwindles, heroin booms. Heroin supply dwindles, cut it and add some fent or whatever. Overdose galore.

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I'm no conspiracy theorist, but...perhaps the supplier is creating his own demand?


"We've been getting lots of reports that they're using two or three doses to get people to come back," says Ingram. He's trying to distribute a more concentrated version of naloxone.

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Fucking sad.....poor kid....


Ohio police share shocking photos of adults who OD'd with 4-year-old in back seat http://www.10tv.com/article/ohio-police-share-shocking-photos-adults-who-odd-4-year-old-back-seat



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You are still in control of your body, actions and life. You can tell when something's not right, I don't need a Dr to tell me that....


This stuff affects people neurologically. Did you think it just made you sleepy and mess with your fine motor skills? it affects the sum total of their thinking including self awareness and decision making. Maybe they can tell somethings "not right" but maybe the chemicals are also making them feel like it is more comforting than real life or maybe it shuts off the alarm for you to act when something isn't right. The point of these drugs is so that you are not in total control of your body - that's how it treats pain.



Geeto over here acting like if you take a aspirin for a headache you will start injecting tar into yourself...


Do people have a issue with pain meds yes, is there a way to get your body off of them yes and self medication of heroin isn't it


Not acting like that at all, but people really underestimate the physical and psychological effect these things have on people, including physicians. You rely on your Dr. for his opinion (not fact, but experienced based opinion) and many of them are playing fast and loose with pain meds that foster this situation. People substituting heroin for other opioids aren't looking to make it stop - they have a chemical dependency and this is the cheapest option to keep the pain at bay.


Have any links to this study?




At any rate what im getting is IMO the vast Majority of those who switch to Heroin from Painkillers switch because they miss the "High". It's not that they can't deal with the pain, it's not that they can't deal with the withdrawals, it's that they can't deal with not getting absolutely blitzed every day all day.


"I switched to Heroin because I got hooked on painkillers". No, you switched to Heroin because you got hooked on getting High.


Are there plenty who are hooked on getting high? sure. But there are others who are seeking relief from pain, and sometimes it is a more long term pain. Plus like any chemical it affects people in different measures. You were able to beat the withdrawal symptoms, but others might not, esp if they have been on it for longer treating chronic pain. Point is, it's a loosing proposition because you have a medicine to treat pain that inflicts more pain (withdrawal symptoms) when you stop taking it. Heroin is just a cheaper substitute to keep the pain at bay and the cycle continuing.


There is a whole other side of this which we are not discussing and that is the adequacy of treatment facilities, most of which are underfunded, understaffed, and suffering low rehabilitation rates because of it. Not every facility is Betty Ford, and honestly in these cases it isn't like money makes that much of a difference because if we learn anything from Heath Ledger and Philip Seymore Hoffman it's that the rich suffer from these problems same as the poor, they just have better access to quality drugs when they relapse.


This is a pretty sad situation in America with a lot of contributing factors from something as large as our entire criminal justice system to something as small as support structures in our own families. But if we expect change, having a lack of compassion about these people is not the answer. We don't improve as a society if we just make it every man for themselves. Volunteer where you can, donate where you can. Stop looking at these people as degenerate lowlifes and start seeing that they could easily be you if circumstances were different. This couple that passed out in their car with the 4 year old? They don't look any different than the people I see at CC&C on a good day. It's counterproductive to sit and pass judgement, it's much more meaningful to be sympathetic. Change begins with how we look at the problem.

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You're just wasting your breath. Don't you know everyone is physiologically identical and is affected the exact same way as every superhero who climbs onto this forum?


I know, but my heart is extra bleed-y today. Must be that time of the month.

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This stuff affects people neurologically. Did you think it just made you sleepy and mess with your fine motor skills? it affects the sum total of their thinking including self awareness and decision making. Maybe they can tell somethings "not right" but maybe the chemicals are also making them feel like it is more comforting than real life or maybe it shuts off the alarm for you to act when something isn't right. The point of these drugs is so that you are not in total control of your body - that's how it treats pain.




Exactly my point! Everyone of these people knows BEFORE they take anything that it affects them and typically messes them up (how much they never know). If you 100% KNOW going into it there is even a small chance something like this or worse could happen....why would you even want to take it or the chance? Becoming an addict is your own result that you created....you...and no one else.


You are still in control of your own actions. I wouldn't want my family, friends, etc to only know me as a guy that died as a result of drugs, alcohol, etc...there is no excuse.



So we're clear, I'm talking about people doing this crap only to get high with kids in the back of the car or anywhere else. I'm not talking about Joe that has knee surgery and is taking Oxycontin or something else for pain.

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