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Ughhhh...come on people.


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Exactly my point! Everyone of these people knows BEFORE they take anything that it affects them and typically messes them up (how much they never know). If you 100% KNOW going into it there is even a small chance something like this or worse could happen....why would you even want to take it or the chance? Becoming an addict is your own result that you created....you...and no one else.



People knows what heroin does, but few know all the different pill form opiates their Drs can prescribe. It doesn't help when the dr doesn't explain fully what the drug is or will do other than relieve pain. There has been a rise in heroin use that corresponds to the rise in opiates to treat pain, Do you not understand that by the time these people get to heroin they have already been battling a drug addiction that most likely started when their dr prescribed them pain treatment medication? If you are going to street drugs to replace pain meds, you are already in the throes of an addiction and not thinking clearly.



You are still in control of your own actions. I wouldn't want my family, friends, etc to only know me as a guy that died as a result of drugs, alcohol, etc...there is no excuse.

I can pretty much gaurantee you that a lot of the people battling this said the same thing. One of the things that makes this extra sad is a lot of people who need real treatment for pain have gone down this path not knowing that it would go from Drs office to an OD in a car. If you think this is a small percentage it's actually the lions share since grown in heroin sales corresponds to growth in opiate sales from previous years.



So we're clear, I'm talking about people doing this crap only to get high with kids in the back of the car or anywhere else. I'm not talking about Joe that has knee surgery and is taking Oxycontin or something else for pain.


Then you are talking about a very small part of the overall population. Prior to the rise of opiates heroin was not very popular and steady in its population. This is where joe that has knee surgery will likely end up if he can't resolve his pain and get off meds quickly

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People knows what heroin does, but few know all the different pill form opiates their Drs can prescribe. It doesn't help when the dr doesn't explain fully what the drug is or will do other than relieve pain. There has been a rise in heroin use that corresponds to the rise in opiates to treat pain, Do you not understand that by the time these people get to heroin they have already been battling a drug addiction that most likely started when their dr prescribed them pain treatment medication? If you are going to street drugs to replace pain meds, you are already in the throes of an addiction and not thinking clearly.


I can pretty much gaurantee you that a lot of the people battling this said the same thing. One of the things that makes this extra sad is a lot of people who need real treatment for pain have gone down this path not knowing that it would go from Drs office to an OD in a car. If you think this is a small percentage it's actually the lions share since grown in heroin sales corresponds to growth in opiate sales from previous years.


Then you are talking about a very small part of the overall population. Prior to the rise of opiates heroin was not very popular and steady in its population. This is where joe that has knee surgery will likely end up if he can't resolve his pain and get off meds quickly


...and we are full circle. At then end of the day it's still a CHOICE and no excuse is going to change that. No one is forcing the shit down your throat...

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People knows what heroin does, but few know all the different pill form opiates their Drs can prescribe. It doesn't help when the dr doesn't explain fully what the drug is or will do other than relieve pain. There has been a rise in heroin use that corresponds to the rise in opiates to treat pain, Do you not understand that by the time these people get to heroin they have already been battling a drug addiction that most likely started when their dr prescribed them pain treatment medication? If you are going to street drugs to replace pain meds, you are already in the throes of an addiction and not thinking clearly.




I can pretty much gaurantee you that a lot of the people battling this said the same thing. One of the things that makes this extra sad is a lot of people who need real treatment for pain have gone down this path not knowing that it would go from Drs office to an OD in a car. If you think this is a small percentage it's actually the lions share since grown in heroin sales corresponds to growth in opiate sales from previous years.





Then you are talking about a very small part of the overall population. Prior to the rise of opiates heroin was not very popular and steady in its population. This is where joe that has knee surgery will likely end up if he can't resolve his pain and get off meds quickly


Fucking lawyers. Leave it to a lawyer to basically throw personal accountability in the trash for humanity. "Don't worry, it's not your fault you spilled steaming hot coffee all over your face, you're entitled to damages". Imagine a system where lawyers got de-barred for losing cases. Would definitely decrease bullshit lawsuits and get the ambulance chasers back to waiting tables and working at McDonald's.

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I'm not sure if you or the rest of the public understand this, but physicians and the rest of those in the medical field aren't out to get you.


I'll never understand the hate that gets thrown their way. They sacrifice years and years of their lives for training so that they can help people. And their thanks? Bitching.


Those evil doctors aren't what caused the pain killer epidemic. Pussy's who think they deserve to be pain-free after being cut on (not realistic in the least) are what caused it. And the kicker? The .gov hands these fucking morons a survey after they leave asking about their satisfaction and pain control. These surveys are tied to the physican/hospital's medicare/medicaid reimbursement. If they don't score PERFECT on it, their reimbursement takes a hit. You select that you're about 9/10 satisfied with your pain control afterwards - Too bad. The physician failed. So can you blame him for being liberal with the pain scripts?


Again, thank your .gov. Medicare/Medicaid are failing and they use these surveys as a way to cut back on paying physicians and hospitals. They can essentially not pay and then place the blame on those doing the actual work.


The whole system is fucked up.

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Same could be said for Dr's...just sayin.


What do you think happens when dr's get sued by people? They end up getting fired and can't find work. many med malpractice lawsuits are garbage. For every case this guy quotes where a dr left a sponge in someone during surgery, ther are ten cases where the patient suffered a complication because they didn't follow postoperative instructions, were so massively obese that complication rates are much higher, or just simply had an accepted complication and are unhappy about it. Even when shit goes perfectly in this field, you can still have a bad outcome.


Just sayin

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  • 4 weeks later...


I tried to put my man pants on tight and watch, I can't even....... As soon as he busts into tears, I had to close it, the feels hit WAY TOO HARD.


I don't understand addiction, I don't. The remote thought of my kids having to live through a scenario like this is EXACTLY what keeps me from doing shit like this. That love, that feeling of them having to go through this will not allow me to do something like that to them.

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I can't handle it with kids. Adults, in most scenarios, bring bad ish on themselves one way or another. Kid's are innocent, and I HATE seeing them suffer. Like that video of that 5yr old Syrian kid covered in dust and blood that got pulled from the rumble. I couldn't handle it. I look at these kids and it makes me think of our two little ones, and I can't even imagine these kids having to suffer like the kids in these videos because of my selfish decisions. Fk, I hate seeing kids suffer.
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I don't understand addiction, I don't. The remote thought of my kids having to live through a scenario like this is EXACTLY what keeps me from doing shit like this. That love, that feeling of them having to go through this will not allow me to do something like that to them.






Any chance of this happening scares the shit out of me wanting to EVER try any form of the stuff. The fact that you see what this crap does to peoples lives and people still want to do it blows my mind...


It may as well be Russian roulette with a semi-auto..

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've had 17 surgeries to date. I've never had to take anything for more than 4-6 weeks post op. That was for the acl's and biceps tendon rupture. I ended up getting run off of the road in late July 2015. I had multiple herniated disks that were causing problems. I had my 1st back surgery last November and the pain never went away. I ended up at a pain management doctor and was on percocet for months before I finally had to get off of them. My pain has yet to be resolved and I have a back fusion surgery scheduled. I have been in this battle with lower back pain and radiating nerve pain for 15 months now. It has damn near ruined my life.

My point is that in all the surgeries and post op scripts, I never had a single issue with taking pain meds until I hurt my back. I was fortunate in that I caught on to what was starting to happen and was able to get past it, but it wasn't as easy as just walking away from it. I never went past prescriptions, but I can see why some people do. It's a lot easier to go down that path than everyone seems to understand.

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Because this thread needed a little levity. Not much, but a little:



I will absolutely agree that the whole medical side of this needs some major changes. As to why pharmaceutical companies are allowed to have commercials on TV, or advertise to the general populous is absolutely beyond me.


My dad was on oxy after back surgery like 10yrs ago or so. He got off and didn't get into heroin or anything like that, but he said it was hard, and that he doesn't sleep right to this day after that stuff.


Pot needles cracked me up though...

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  • 3 weeks later...

I missed this thread somehow. Of course, I see Kerry on here blaming everyone else for their own issues.


I was hit by a fucking truck going 35mph that ran a red light while I was crossing the street to go to class. I broke my femur, tibia, tore my meniscus, MCL and LCL along with bad scrapes all over the right side of my body. I was on pain killers for the week I had to stay in trauma and for approx. 1 week after I got out of the hospital. I slowly got myself off. It doesn't take much common sense to know staying on that shit very long will turn into an addiction. When I hear of people taking oxycodone or percocets for 1-2 months after they get their wisdom teeth out, I literally laugh. You have to take responsibility for your own actions and stop blaming everyone else for your problems or you'll never get better.

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