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from the little bit I have read they still make you pair it to your phone so you can't say take it on a run and leave the phone if you wanted to have Pandora or Bluetooth to your headphones correct?


Pandora yes, need a phone, the watch has SSD space to stash songs, use Bluetooth headphones, sans phone.

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Anyone saying or beleiving iPhones have less bugs, vulnerabilities, hardware issues or general app crashing fuckups is either stupid, lieing, or both.


Probably both.


America gets dumber by the year



Edited by Mowgli
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Seeing as I have owned every phone under the sun and can contest to not having near as many issues with my iphones I hardly can accept your claim of all of us being "fuck-ups or stupid". I would say anyone that feels the need to attack someone based off phones and claim America to be dumber to be the ignorant fool. But you go girl!
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Personal Anecdotal Escalation, ACTIVATE: Been working in IT for >30 years, and also have owned "every phone under this sun"... and on top of that, I've worked on, developed for, and ran companies that build functionality for every phone under every star in the local cluster, and... I'm right.




PS - Anecdotal evidence plus a dollar will buy you a cup of coffee. The term was "app crashing fuckups" as in Apple has just as many of these as anyone. And the stats show it. But don't tell the vegan hipster millennial tech blogosphere that. Data hurts em in the triggerfeels and makes you a bad.

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Personal Anecdotal Escalation, ACTIVATE: Been working in IT for >30 years, and also have owned "every phone under this sun"... and on top of that, I've worked on, developed for, and ran companies that build functionality for every phone under every star in the local cluster, and... I'm right.




PS - Anecdotal evidence plus a dollar will buy you a cup of coffee. The term was "app crashing fuckups" as in Apple has just as many of these as anyone. And the stats show it. But don't tell the vegan hipster millennial tech blogosphere that. Data hurts em in the triggerfeels and makes you a bad.



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PS - Anecdotal evidence plus a dollar will buy you a cup of coffee. The term was "app crashing fuckups" as in Apple has just as many of these as anyone. And the stats show it. But don't tell the vegan hipster millennial tech blogosphere that. Data hurts em in the triggerfeels and makes you a bad.


Unless you can show facts to back this up, that's nothing more than conjecture.

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I agree with Dover, I had a S3 for about a month and returned it and went back to an apple. S3 would never automatically connect to anything blue tooth, backups were shit, navigation was poor, battery life non existent even after I rooted and ran a low power OS on it and it working with anything mac is a joke.
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I agree with Dover, I had a S3 for about a month and returned it and went back to an apple. S3 would never automatically connect to anything blue tooth, backups were shit, navigation was poor, battery life non existent even after I rooted and ran a low power OS on it and it working with anything mac is a joke.


I'm not as heavy of a user as many here but all I know is my iPhone just works. My coworker has been through several android phones and he's switching to an iPhone next upgrade cycle because his androids crasesbor need rebooted constantly. I'd say we are similar in usage with me probably using it more as a smartphone than he does. He always asks me about mine and how often it crashes or needs rebooted.

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Yeah yeah blah blah and for every one you can throw up gone Android to apple I can throw up two gone the other way.


I've owned both too. Apple's no better.


Only thing they're better at is hype. And getting suckers to buy everything they sell hook line and sinker.

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Yeah yeah blah blah and for every one you can throw up gone Android to apple I can throw up two gone the other way.


I've owned both too. Apple's no better.


Only thing they're better at is hype. And getting suckers to buy everything they sell hook line and sinker.


Typical android reply. I don't care much either way in this fight, but every time this comes up, every hardcore android user screams and cries like a two year old that's taking their ball and going home.


I just gave an example, you are more than welcome to do the same instead of ranting like a lunatic.

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Typical android reply. I don't care much either way in this fight, but every time this comes up, every hardcore android user screams and cries like a two year old that's taking their ball and going home.


I just gave an example, you are more than welcome to do the same instead of ranting like a lunatic.


You clearly don't understand the lack of value anecdotal arguing. But we can throw names back and forth at each other til one tires and quits.


And pot kettle black - there are no communities more ravingly lunatic than the apple fanboi community. None. Blind faith based on hipcool vapor with a healthy smarm of holier than thou mixed in.


Been on both sides of this isle. They both have flaws. Apple community more fun to poke at because you can guarantee the entertainment value of some fan like you biting.


Like you did. Point out how they're behind and or playing their customers for suckers and dollars and you whine and attack right on cue like a preteen emo.

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You clearly don't understand the lack of value anecdotal arguing. But we can throw names back and forth at each other til one tires and quits.


And pot kettle black - there are no communities more ravingly lunatic than the apple fanboi community. None. Blind faith based on hipcool vapor with a healthy smarm of holier than thou mixed in.


Been on both sides of this isle. They both have flaws. Apple community more fun to poke at because you can guarantee the entertainment value of some fan like you biting.


Like you did. Point out how they're behind and or playing their customers for suckers and dollars and you whine and attack right on cue like a preteen emo.



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This is as stupid a domestic Vs imports. Pick what works for you, and be happy with it. Bashing someone for not driving the same car as you, or having the same phone as you in this case, is some teenage bullying shit.


What's next, Snap on tools are shit, and everyone should only be using Pittsburg tools from Harbor Freight?

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This is as stupid a domestic Vs imports. Pick what works for you, and be happy with it. Bashing someone for not driving the same car as you, or having the same phone as you in this case, is some teenage bullying shit.


What's next, Snap on tools are shit, and everyone should only be using Pittsburg tools from Harbor Freight?


i gotta buy hf tools to pay for my iPhone. :lolguy:

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Talked to ATT today about better plan options and their not having a contract anymore. I'm kind of in a no win for my situation. They did tell me that until September 30, you can trade in your good condition i6 for the 32G i7, even if you only have a 16G i6. Of course, I have a minor crack in the screen. Screen replacement is $90-$130, depending on where you go. I went to the Henderson Road location, FYI, if you need to reference that deal. Edited by Mojoe
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I did the trade-in deal today. Turned out the screen protector I have is what was cracked, so no $100 to fix it, same with wife's phone. You have to pay the tax on the phone. So, for two 32Gig phones, it was $97. They will charge you like you financed the phone for the first three months'ish. They give themselves that much time to receive your phone back, and for them to inspect it. They cover shipping. Then, your bill will be credited what they charged you. Can't see how this ends up bad. Upgraded from 16 to 32 gig, and the new platform, and the out of pocket for two phones was less than $100. Should have new phones next week, but I can see that getting delayed. You can only do this trade-in online or in store, not over the phone with customer service.
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