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Instagram Influencer - interesting read into boosting social media presence


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I struggle with understanding and adopting the ever-changing social-media landscape. Respecting Bloomberg as a news source, I appreciate the detail the author went into to change his own Instagram presence.


Fascinating insight (for me) into bots and how this whole business around social media feeds off of itself.

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I hung out with a girl once at her place and we were just laying there watching a movie and I noticed she was paying way too much attention to her phone, so I simply asked, What are you looking at? She replied, I'm just trying to get some followers on instagram. I replied, why? She said, my fitness coach said that I need to get my name out there for sponsors, so I go on Instagram fitness pages and go through their followers and follow them and I have this app that tells me if they followed me back and if they did, I continue to follow them and if they didn't then it automatically unfollows them.


Note: She also posted about 50 hashtags #fitlife #girlswholift #swole and a bunch of other bullshit. Needless to say that was the last time I talked to that girl. I can't stand how people can be so obsessed with themselves and NEED to feel like their liked. Social Media has created a monster that has changed our society.

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waiting for bob to step in here


side bar - I do not consider myself an influencer. Mainly because all my followers are 13 year old girls wanting to stay up to day on twenty one pilots.


I do know how gain followers if I really wanted/needed that validation, but I think I'm on the other end of the sliding scale of my generation. I get enough gratification with the money I make and the huge dong I stuff in my joggers every morning.

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Brandon, cool starry bra...and I couldn't agree more with your comments.


Here's the thing that I can't reconcile in my head: it's 70% fake (at minimum - think of bots and people who are like Brandon's girl story above), yet people make more than 75% of their life and self-esteem revolve around it. Scary stuff...


I get that at it's best, social media sites are a great way to low-cost promote a business, and scale up marketing as that business grows...but it's too bad that people are so caught up in the mix without the ability to ever get to a point where it matters (like micro-influencer, as the article points out).


Full disclosure - I play the game as well, albeit I'm on FB/IG less than 30-40 min a day, and unless it's my own post, I'm not following much outside of my own social sphere.

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At the very essence of social media "likes" or "follows" is the desire for a person to feel liked or appreciated instantly. Many of the people out there that do the "follow for follow" bullshit are only interested in growing their own ego into thinking that millions of people "like" their content.

The VERY VERY VERY few people who actually make a living of social media (yes, it is possible) are sponsered out the ass to create the content that they do. Many of them don't even publish or edit their content, they have other people do that for them.


Here is my favorite video which looks into what "buying" likes is like in the real world. It's not just Facebook that does this. Other websites like Twitter, INstagram, and so on are guilty of this same practice. You can pay money to get Sri Lanka folks to like your page and never participate or show your tits a little and get guys to fap to you... your call :)

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I was talking to a girl I couple of weeks ago that is all into instagram/fb. I friended her because I figure I needed to in order to bang her out. It worked and we banged for a few weeks, but I lost interest very quickly mainly b/c of the social media. She is into fitness and does some online sports commentating. ALWAYS posting stupid shit on IG. She is really into the 22 push-up challenge and constantly puts up videos. When I stopped talking to her, she would post relationship shit on her FB, like "if he really liked you, he'd make time for you" bullshit. Solidified my disinterest. Most of her followers/commenters seemed to be thirsty black dudes.


I have IG mainly to creep on people.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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