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Generator Recommendations


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I know nothing about these and looking at getting a small one for a gift. Anyone have any recommendations. Looking to run a deep freezer and refrigerator off of it primary and then some power tools when not being used as a backup. Light house hold duty. Would really like to be in the $200-$300 range


I fould these two pretty local to me (See cleveland) not sure if these would be decent or not?





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is noise an issue? Both of those would be pretty loud. I have a couple gens. I have a 5500 that's basically the same as that Wen. I bought it at Pep Boys about 10-12 years ago. It's loud as hell but it gets the job done. I also have a Champion 2000i that I use for the camper during the winter when I boondock. It's an awesome little gen that's really quiet but wouldn't be up for everything you're wanting to run.

If I was picking one of those 2 it would be the champion 4k. Personally to run a house during a power outtage I would want more than 4k watts but then your budget goes up. Another thing to consider is gas usage. My 5500 uses 6 gallons of gas every 12 hours or so. That adds up to be a shit load of gas when you're running it for a few days. That's why I say the champion 4k.....it'll be a little quieter and use less fuel.

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If a 2000 will cover your needs, this is a great option: http://www.ebay.com/itm/291890425796?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT


Currently out of stock. If/when they get more in, this is a great price for this unit. Almost as quiet as the Honda for 1/2 the price.

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