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Dislocated Jaw


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AJ you probably didn't dislocate your jaw. Your jaw is a ball and socket joint and a dislocation would be extremely painful and traumatic. Your teeth wouldn't line up, you'd be drooling all the time, and you'd be doubled over in pain. Even a partial dislocation causes extreme headaches. My roommate in New Orleans was a boxer and I used to suck his dick sometimes. He gave me a dick to the jaw once that caused a partial dislocation and it was an ambulance ride to the hospital and soft food for two weeks. I was lucky it wasn't fractured., and difficult to explain to my girlfriend at the time.


If you possibly had a dick in your mouth, like me, You probably sprained the muscle that attaches to your jaw. Trauma to the tempromandibular joint can cause a popping or clicking and make it hard to open your mouth. Grinding your teeth at night ,clenching or inserting a penis orally, can sometimes cause a problem.



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