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CRKT Hissatsu Folder carry knife


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Picked this thing up on woot.com for $40. Feels awesome, really solid. I needed a new utility/carry knife for work, I open a lot of boxes and things at work. My question is do you all think this is too big and scary to pass off as a work knife especially at a college campus with the knife/gun signs posted everywhere? I didn't think it was that big. The phone is a iPhone 6s+, so it's the big one for reference.





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Ive carried a Buck 303 for years now at multiple businesses and no one has ever batted an eye. The more tactical and bigger a knife is, the more chance that crazy old Betty is going to be offended.
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Work carry and daily carry 2 different CRKT knives. My Work Carry is the M16 01ks Spear point.



Daily carry is the CRKT Hootenanny.




Both are great knives however the M16 is a much better work blade. It'll take a beating and not skip a beat. The Hootenanny is much sharper and holds an edge but the blade is way to thin to use for work. I broke the previous tip cutting into some plastic and angled it too much. The M16 is a thicker blade and meant to daily use.


Like stated it's all about how you use it and present when carrying.

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1) Great knife for a great price. I carry Kershaws daily due to price and the fact that I've misplaced quite a few different knives in the past, including a nice, pricey, benchmade. :no:


2) Your blade length is 3.875". I currently carry a Kershaw Funxion at 3" and use to carry a blur for years at 3.4". I've literally never had anyone ask about either and I carry them clipped on my pocket in plain sight. I've also used both extensively and in front of anyone without fear of repercussion.


Don't act like a fool and nobody will see a fool. A knife is a tool. If someone sees it and is threatened, tough. Ohio is fairly lenient on knife laws. Read here.

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You will be fine. I carry a slightly smaller gerber at work in the office and no issues. I've even opened crap with it in front of my team and no one said anything. If you don't threaten anyone with it and use it as a tool no one cares.
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