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One of ours down...


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He has had a rough go of it the last six months or so, before the bike accident, he had a pretty bad car accident too. His def a strong guy and Jess is an even stronger gal. They complimenteach other very well. Definetly two of a kind.

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UPDATE Sat May 9th 12:40 pm

The doctor says he doesn't have a lot of fluid in his lung so they will let that get absorbed by his body. So no need to put the tube in. The other lung still has fluid in and in leaking still they are pumping the fluid out again instead of letting it come out. They lowered his morphine drip from 5 to 3 and his is alot less mobile because we keep telling him not to. The chest tube is staying in for a few more days so is the ventilator.

He is responeding and he was rubing my finger. I had him smile! i told him i have his ring on because his fingers are all fat because of the fluids they have going in. hes looks good and is doing good.

UPDATE Sun. May 10th 5:50 pm

They are slowing the meds down more now and he is becoming more agitated. They need to do this to help get him off the ventilator. Compared to yesterday i would say hes feeling very uncomfortable he looks very uncomfortable. They dropped his morphine drip to 2. They dont plan on doing much today, they were going to do another CT scan but decided to let him rest and settle down instead.

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one more.....

UPDATE Sun. May 10th 11:28 pm

On top of everything else Cory now is fighting pheumonia. Which, from what the nurse says, is common with the ventilators and is why they try to get the patients off of them as soon as they can. They have broken his fever of 103 already. Its down to 102 101 now and his heart rate is decreasing. Also from 140s to 130s.

Also, they are trying to water seal his right lung again tonight and if it takes than they can remove his chest tube tomorrow morning.

He was so agitated today that they put him back on versa, the sedative, he wouldnt calm down for them today.

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UPDATE Tuesday May 12th 11:40 am

He is being treated for pneumonia. His lungs are getting clearer. His injured lung still has an air leak so they wont be taking out the chest tube today. His brace is ready and waiting for him. They might replace the tube down his throat, not very comfortable, with a tube in his throat, more comfortable. They are worried about his passage way getting narrow and damage to his vocal chords if he stays on the ventilator longer. But they didnt say they would do this today or tomorrow its just a possibility that may come around. He is able to breathe on his own but they arent deep enough breathes for him, because it hurts him to breathe they think and his lung injuries. He still under sedation. He is still moving everything (alittle to much actually!!) and following commands.

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UPDATE Thursday 5:29 pm

Well we got the results from the chest exam and its not good. The tube isnt draining the way its suppose to. There is alot of fluid build up, maybe scar tissue and clots. They are going to schedule him for a procedure in the morning to get in there and see whats going on and get the "stuff" thats in there out. If they cant get it all out with the 3 little incisions they will have to open up his chest though his broken ribs on the rightside and go in with their hands to get it all out. This is how they described it to us. This is important to do right away so it may happen tomorrow or sat,sun, mon. or tuesday.(WTF) After the procedure is finished they will keep him in the icu for about 5 more days with more tubes in under sedation. He has a fever of 102 right now and they said they would still preform the surgery even if he has the fever??

The surgery was done this morning....Sometime around 9AM....No word yet.

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UPDATE Sat 11:00 am

The surgery went well.They only had to go in with the camera and laser and they cleared the scar tissue up pretty well. He now has two tubes instead of one. They removed to old tube .They tried to wean him off sedation last night, it is not happening. He is back on the versed and morphine drips. They tried to take him off the drips yesterday but he wouldnt relax and stay still. They had him on pressure support today for an hour and he did really well. They are going to do that again today maybe later on in the afternoon. Its very possible that he will be off the ventilator within the next 24 hours but we will see. I hope so

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Sunday 10:15 pm

Cory now has had a tracheotomy done. It went good. Hes taking 34 breaths on his own now. His fever is lower and his heart rate is in the normal range. blood preasure is great. He is still moving all his fingers and toes. the bruises are almost all gone now."

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UPDATE Monday 18 8:10 pm (posted by his wife, Jess) -

"Cory is doing much better. He now has a trach collar that allows him to breathe all on his own, with out the ventilator. They removed one of the two tubes. His fever is gone. They might remove the other tube tomorrow and get him into his body brace. He is still the the NICU but should be moved soon."

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