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UPDATE Thursday 21, 11:24pm

Cory is doing much better. He stood up today and was moved to a chair and he sat in the chair for about 2 hours. He is breathing much better but he still has alot of build up in his lungs. That is whats holding him back. He is still in the ICU. He seems happy. He smiles alot and laughed at me and the nurses. I heard him call me pretty today!! And he said Jess. He is using his lips, tongue and teeth to try and make words. they lowered his morphin to 5ml/hr. Almost there guys.

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[Jess] is not sure what happened and he doesnt remember. He is doing alot better. He has to wear a body and neck brace for 3 more months and do physically therapy. Not sure if he will need anymore procedures at this time. He is in the step down unit from the ICU.

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Wednesday, August 26, 2009 at 9:15pm | Edit Note | Delete

just thought id let ya'll know that im doing better itll still be a few months till i supposed to be back to normal. if you havent figured it out yet we are selling the bikes and gear, this is more for financial reasons than what happened to me. me and jess are going in a new direction in our lives and it does not leave room for the sport either. i also have redevoted my life to christ and have found great comfort in him. i know that many that have near death/death and brought back experiences tend to do the same, but i was a christain before i wrecked and was poorly acting and behaving like i should have. and i feel that was one of the causes that things went so badly for me .

im not just saying the accident but there are other things that happened both before and after that were a direct result of my actions. since i have turned back toward god i have found my life increaseingly getting better my marriage has improved, my healing has sped up, im a happier better person. and it seems that alot of the financail problems have righted themselves. im not trying to start some debate whether or not what im saying is right, more just giving you something to think about. as for the healing im out of my braces, walking on my own and can do most things i did before. im still in physical therapy and still have a bit of discomfort and pain but its not as bad as it was. considering i died on the table may 5th and was brought back and spent a month in a coma to be here today is a blessing. im sure that in time ill make it back to being able to be almost 100%, but ill never go back to being me. and i hope that the new me is alot better than the one that died.

ps and by the way, if you didnt know i was in a motorcycle wreck that killed me and the short list of my injuries is two broken vertabra in my neck, six in my back, all but two of my ribs, my left collar bone and right shoulder blade, my sternum, collapsed both lungs and got two different types of Pneumonia. and in four months im just about normal

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ok i went to the p/t today and the therapist said i got a couple more weeks then im done. i've gained back most of my range of motion, still down a bit in the right shoulder which i should gain back in the following weeks. i am no longer taking pain meds. and i go tot the doctor next monday, she should prescribe physical therapy for my neck. after that its just a matter of time to finish bone healing and strength training to get me back to normal or as close to it as im ever gonna get. and im up to 130lbs thats up 10 lbs from when i got out of the hospital and up five from two weeks ago. hopefully this trend takes me to 150lbs and stays around there. i need to get out more and walk, if any one wants to walk with me and keep each other company give me a call 5025702735, jess has the truck so im stuck in g-town. anyway thanks for all your prayers, kind thoughts and well wishing between GOD, jess, my family and you all im making an excellent come back.

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ok, i dont remember from the time i left the gas station till i woke up in the hospital about 3 weeks later. i was wearing full gear, a xpeed fullface helmet, a alpinestars rc-1 race suit, alpinestars gp pro gloves and sidi vertigo corsa boots. best we can figure is that there was something in the road that caused me to go straight after the first part of an s curve. the was no other vehicles involved that was another accident that happened at the same time. and my accident happened on rt22 just outside owenton ky. i was atleast 3mins ahead of the group so by the time the wreck was over and the dust stettled was about the same time the group went by were i was wreckked. they went to the next intersection and when i wasnt there they turned around and came back and a guy along the rode flagged them down and told them what happened. i was already lifeflighted to UK.

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I hate to hear that you wrecked. I know God works in crazy ways, I'm just glad He is still at the top of your list. I'm glad things are going good for you as well with the PT and everything else. Sad to hear your leavin the sport, but I can understand. I pray the rest of the PT goes great. Brother in Christ...

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Glad to hear you are recovering. Stay strong in PT and in your walk with God.Back in college, a friend of mine was riding his motorcycle was killed by a drunk driver. At that point, I know I failed my test of faith. I turned away from God and did not like who i had become during those 5 years after his accident. I wised up, and got my life back on track. People joke that things just seem to work out for me. I know that there is a greater power in control of life. Thanks for listening,


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