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Ben Shapiro


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Now you're putting words in my mouth


Indeed, apologies, but I feel that in a lot of cases people who support bathroom bills really haven't thought enforcement through.


So women are showering in boot camp with transgenders that have dicks? Would you call the female that doesn't want to shower with said person a bigot?



I don't know the exact shower situation for transgender women who haven't had sex reassignment surgery. I don't much care, I'm sure they work it out somehow. When I was getting corralled through the showers in BMT I didn't have a lot of time to look at crotches.


Are we arguing just to argue here? I don't think our views on this topic are all that different other than the fact you think everyone NEEDS to accept it where I believe it's an individuals CHOICE to accept it as "normal."


I don't know what you mean by "accept" it. I just think transgender people should be allowed to use the bathroom that they want, and I'm glad that they can serve openly in the military now. I don't think anyone should be allowed to discriminate against other people who are transgender. If you agree with all of that, great, we agree. If you can agree with that while still somehow not "accepting" their gender, fine, they suffer no consequences from that.

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I don't think anybody here is saying anyone "needs" to accept it, just advocating that everyone should ignore the issue and stop complaining that your feelings are hurt when you don't and people call you names for it.


Is this directed at the Right, Left, or both? Because it truly could be used for either side. lol

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Is this directed at the Right, Left, or both? Because it truly could be used for either side. lol


sorry, there was a typo...I meant to say stop advocating to ignore the problem. This is mainly directed at conservatives who seem to be the ones drafting legislation and crying that the big bad liberals are calling them bigots when they call a he a she or vice versa. I suppose it could also apply to extremists on both sides.


We evolve as a society through discussion. Sensible discussion which works toward a solution. If your position is fuck you we aren't discussing it and by the way we are going to pass all these new laws about it then...do you really get to cry fowl when the people affected by that decision say you are discriminating against them? To bring this back to the original topic Mr. Shapiro's opinion is "fuck you this is not up for discussion as a social construct and you can't call us bigots because we feel that way." Sorry junior can't have both.

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We evolve as a society through discussion. Sensible discussion which works toward a solution. If your position is fuck you we aren't discussing it and by the way we are going to pass all these new laws about it then...do you really get to cry fowl when the people affected by that decision say you are discriminating against them?


Kinda like if a clown like Bernie Sanders becomes President and creates even more power for himself to implement his own policies while all the liberals cheer and parade victory, then 4 years later a clown like Trump becomes President and uses same power as clown socialist and all of the liberals cry and complain about the power of the President and the policies he's creating.


Back on topic. Point is, both sides cry and it works both ways. We're seriously arguing about a fucking bathroom. Solution: anyone can use any bathroom they want. Genderless bathrooms with closed and secured stalls. How's that?

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Back on topic. Point is, both sides cry and it works both ways. We're seriously arguing about a fucking bathroom. Solution: anyone can use any bathroom they want. Genderless bathrooms with closed and secured stalls. How's that?


That's better idea than the bathroom bills that have been proposed and passed like SB1.

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There seems to be a lot of confusing intersex with tranny's. Intersex means you were actually born with the physiological makeup of both sexes. Tranny's don't share that. Bruce Jenner is not intersex. He is mentally ill. There is a difference. I *believe* stats show that about 1% of the human population is born intersex.
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There seems to be a lot of confusing intersex with tranny's. Intersex means you were actually born with the physiological makeup of both sexes. Tranny's don't share that. Bruce Jenner is not intersex. He is mentally ill. There is a difference. I *believe* stats show that about 1% of the human population is born intersex.


A transvestite is a cross-dresser; that is, say, a man who thinks he's a man who likes dressing like a woman.


Transgender is someone who's birth-assigned gender does not match their gender identity.


Tranny is considered offensive in the transgender community. Keep using that word if you want, just know that it's their version of "faggot."


Intersex means having physical markers of both genders. I don't know if Caitlyn Jenner is intersex. From the wiki:


In biological terms, sex may be determined by a number of factors present at birth, including:


- the number and type of sex chromosomes;

- the type of gonads—ovaries or testicles;

- the sex hormones;

- the internal reproductive anatomy (such as the uterus in females); and the external genitalia.

- People whose characteristics are not either all typically male or all typically female at birth are intersex.


Some intersex traits are not always visible at birth; some babies may be born with ambiguous genitals, while others may have ambiguous internal organs (testes and ovaries). Others will not become aware that they are intersex unless they receive genetic testing, because it does not manifest in their phenotype.


I don't know if she's had any genetic testing done, and if so I don't know the results, so I'm not going to say that she's definitely not intersex.


Gender dysphoria is indeed a mental illness per DSM V, yes. Which is why it's strange that so many people think it's a choice....


(eta: You are indeed correct that not everyone with GD is intersex, at least based on current definitions. Still, the blatant existence of intersex people completely debunks the "there are only two genders, black and white, no one in between" argument)

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Gender dysphoria is indeed a mental illness per DSM V, yes. Which is why it's strange that so many people think it's a choice....


It's not that strange...


If you are deeply religious in any of the three major religions (Judaism, Christianity, or Islam) there are only two genders for humans. period. Also those religions didn't acknowledge for thousands of years that mental illness was something that existed (choosing to blame demonic possession, divine will or something else supernatural). Even now those religions maintain a stance that men who like women and women who like men are the only "natural order" of things and anything else is someone's choice to defy god. Unfortunately that camp has it's flag firmly planted in republican conservative politics.


Outside of that, there are people who just want a "simple" answer and will ignore the complexity of the issue or any research in the matter. Often they make a "moral" determination that trans is still somehow "wrong" and in order to keep is simple will pull all manner of false logic and false equivalency to justify their stance. I feel like a lot of this position comes from people who just haven't had a lot of exposure to this particular community in their lives so it is easy to discuss it in the abstract instead of thinking of people as people.


Shapiro is a bit of both if you listen to him. If you follow his logic what he is really saying is that those who suffer from gender dysphoria should not be recognized as the gender they think they are, that it is a lesser thing and should be treated as such, and by the way anybody who isn't genetically a man who thinks he is a man must have it. He's basically saying we should not accommodate the mentally ill - a position consistent with his practice of orthodox Judaism and consistent with his other moralistic positions on the matter.


The other thing to consider here is that if you start to bring in the mental illness aspect of it, well then you are starting to have the conversation as to whether the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) should exclude it or not. Presently the ADA excludes transsexualism as a disability but the EEOC has said that transsexual discrimination in the workplace is an actionable offense. Currently there is a lawsuit that has been going on since 2015 (Blatt V. Cabelas) to determine whether the ADA exclusion is proper. So should be interesting.


Like i said - complex issue that can't be solved by saying "the solution is simple: if you have a penis you are a man". If you still choose to take that position - don't be surprised that there are going to be people that you offend and who will react poorly, because you are perceived as treating them poorly and will call you names like "bigot".

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A transvestite is a cross-dresser; that is, say, a man who thinks he's a man who likes dressing like a woman.


Transgender is someone who's birth-assigned gender does not match their gender identity.


Tranny is considered offensive in the transgender community. Keep using that word if you want, just know that it's their version of "faggot."


Intersex means having physical markers of both genders. I don't know if Caitlyn Jenner is intersex. From the wiki:




I don't know if she's had any genetic testing done, and if so I don't know the results, so I'm not going to say that she's definitely not intersex.


Gender dysphoria is indeed a mental illness per DSM V, yes. Which is why it's strange that so many people think it's a choice....


(eta: You are indeed correct that not everyone with GD is intersex, at least based on current definitions. Still, the blatant existence of intersex people completely debunks the "there are only two genders, black and white, no one in between" argument)



I'll keep using "Tranny."


The only DSM I recognize is the ones out of the early to late 90's.


BTW, anyone see where that tranny entered a woman's weight lifting competition and absolutely annihilated the contenders? Man, (whoops, probably offended someone with that), that was awesome.

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Ohhh no...


What other words are trigger/offensive words for you?


Does it matter? I told you tranny is offensive to the transgender community, you've declared that you're going to continue to use it. I'll think less of you for that. Should I not? I'm not saying don't use the word, it's your right to keep using it, and it's my right to judge your character for doing so. Let's leave it at that.

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Tranny is considered offensive in the transgender community. Keep using that word if you want, just know that it's their version of "faggot."


BTW, Milo says "faggot." So obviously not all faggots are offended by the term "faggot."


Though...that isn't really a word I use often. I usually shorten it to "fag." Or use different terms like "gay" or "lez." Faggot takes too long to say.

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Does it matter? I told you tranny is offensive to the transgender community, you've declared that you're going to continue to use it. I'll think less of you for that. Should I not? I'm not saying don't use the word, it's your right to keep using it, and it's my right to judge your character for doing so. Let's leave it at that.


I am offended by your offense. So you should stop being offended. I mean, it's like totally your right and all, but i'll be forced to think less of you for offending me via your offense.


I think we are making real progress here.

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Actually, a few weeks ago I cut myself while doing a fuel pump. Sliced right between the knuckle. It looked gross. When i'd bend my fingers, it would open up and look like a bloody vagina, (you know those things women used to have and apparently a lot of men should have had.) It healed up surprisingly fast though. I was actually astounded how quickly it healed with some antiseptic and super glue.


I appreciate your concern though. I certainly don't want to cut myself again, so I have been more careful.

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BTW, Milo says "faggot." So obviously not all faggots are offended by the term "faggot."


Though...that isn't really a word I use often. I usually shorten it to "fag." Or use different terms like "gay" or "lez." Faggot takes too long to say.


If you standard of whether something is acceptable is whether Milo Yiannopoulos does it, maybe you should rethink some of your life choices. :dumb:

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