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lead based paint professional


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awesome, thanks for the info. Orig was a FHA and now I'm refinancing and the appraiser noted peeling paint on the garage and stated since it was probably constructed before 1970, it could be lead based paint and now they're stating I need a "lead based paint professional" to determine if that is the case. I indicated that the garage was painted in 2014 (provided receipt) and probably a few times before that judging by the layers of paint and questioned how could an appraiser just make a visual inspection without the use of any kit and make that determination which I now have prove otherwise. The garage looks better now than when I bought the home and I had no issues then with the appraisal. LOL Seems to be total BS!
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If you're switching to conventional I would ask the bank to waive the condition. The appraiser did exactly what he is supposed to do, note any possible safety concerns for the bank according to FHA guidelines (so the bank can then sell the loan to FHA). He's not the expert on lead paint so it will always be differed to a licensed/qualified individual.
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